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Joy Bungalow Escape Walkthrough

Joy Bungalow Escape

TheEscapeGames - Joy bungalow Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by The Escape Games. In this escape game, you have to find the escape key. In the bungalow inside, has some hints that can give many twists. Use the hints all to get final key to escape from there and become the escaper. Use mouse to drag and drop the hints. Finally escape from there. Good luck and have fun!

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some interesting puzzle here, good .nice game..

Just starting.

getting in...

The clock is a bit fiddly!

clock in the hand? different colors.... wat we hav to do

Need 3 bottles for shape/colour pattern.

For 1-5 color code, count fingers from the bottom - thumb is last

Clock on the balcony is what I meant.
I think the hand colours are a clue.

shape code on tv is from flowers (3 small plants)

John the colours go in machine to left of door.

lol, are we supposed to find keys and hang them up?

Looks like it!

Surprised that the heart is so obvious.

Anyone spotted a keyhole other than the door?

There's a sign where all the colors are wrong - it's for the dark cb in corner of 2nd room - ignore the colors of text, go by the names

someone solved the bugger!

Batteries go in little gadget by the door.
Now it won't stop flashing!

ya... i m out.... some thing different here to play this....

Yay! Got the last dial in the footstool.

You DO hang up some of the keys!

that flashing light is a clue for 3 digit color code,,, Austen

Got that mate.
Just missing 1 bottle now.
Got green & blue.

key hole in second room, above 4 colours and a bit left, very dark on left side.
Can't find the 3rd bottle. anyone remember where they were?

Must come from key ends.
Trying now.

Anyone find hint for 5 symbols in first scene?

Sure does.

Evans hang up two keys and look at the ends.

Austen.. 4 different keys symbol r there,,,
we have to set in that order in a 4 digit code..
u ll get the another bottle there....

Already out John Peter but thanks anyway.

yes! symbols from key ends. out now.

Best game of the day so far although it wasn't difficult to be better than Dragonball!

thanks! did you see the 4# code for that disaster?

i am missing a key!

Can somebody help me with the code for the tv in second room???

Need help with the three color code. I've tried every combo of red yellow and blue. The flashing bulb is impossible for me to tell where one starts or ends.

Scylla, the tv code is from the three potted plants. One on balcony, one in far left corner, and one on the ledge above tv right side of first room. All three in first room.

The other TV on top of the second room with the color lines....

Where is the last key? (number 3)
And what did the "buttons" marked 15, 30, 45 and 60 do?

For the TV high up in the second room, just click the button above each column according to the number of lines in the column below. That is, click the first button four times, and so on.

Biblia, those marked buttons are where you put the pink round things. Notice that each one is marked with a section of a ring round the edge that corresponds to a number of minutes on a clock face. For instance, one of them will have a quarter of a circle marked on it - that would be for the space marked 15.

Interesting game.

Thanks Clodagh, but still I don´t get it.
I put the pink circles up there but notheing happened.
Still can´t find the last key...

I was expecting something to open up once the pink circles was placed. Strange...
Could it be that not all four was placed at the same time?

       Anonymous  10/15/14, 7:42 AM  

I wish I knew what to do with the blue cupboard in the first room (with 2 arrows).

       Anonymous  10/15/14, 7:43 AM  

Oops, suddenly the arrows worked...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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