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The Alice Riddles 3 Walkthrough

The Alice Riddles 3

Riddlex - The Alice Riddles: Volume 3 is another free online riddle game created by Creo of Riddlex. This is a puzzle game themed on the Alice books by Lewis Carroll. Your goal is to complete all 20 puzzles. The clues are all in the puzzle pages, there are no clues in the source, or hidden away. Everything you need is in front of you on the puzzle pages. Lewis Carroll may provide hints. Make a browser bookmark before you leave the game so that you can return to the puzzle you were working on. Good luck and have fun!

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Finally got 10, do you have any eggs?

Nini, that is a visual description of a letter

No eggs yet. :-(

ugh.. Donas ok..I have to add that letter just to take it off later on?!
and this "fourth of third and fifth " is ambiguous (but none work) and "2nd of it's home".. O?

Take fourth of third and fifth literally?

smartasawhippet if I have to take G C and T out, then I have to get them somewhere b4.. and by taking that sentence literally as u said would mean I would end up with R and T, not G and I (or E)

You're on the right track. Don't worry about taking anything out yet. Just focus on the letters until you get to the flat fish.

still have the rest of 'jack' on level 5 if anyone is still lingering :D

U mean R and T?

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smartasawhippet, try naming what you see, and then some math

yes, Nini, then the bridge letter

Nini, I'm not sure what letter you have to start with, but if you have the right one, you should be able to name it's home

yeah the 1st letter got me. but I guess I have the right one.. (a direction?)

not a direction, think of the alphabet

nini, and all...i am still struggling with lowly level 5...had to run some errands...not sure what i am missing ... tips?

LOL but that doesn't make sense..! I googled but is such a random place!

Jessicac, have you named all the creatures? the 2nd and 6th can be tricky

jessiac, take the images and do an reverse image search to find the correct names of the things u are missing

Nini, I'm really not sure where you are on the level, I found 2 eggs, do you have those yet?

Thanks! Have "jack"...not sure on hookah/ or just caterpillar :D

Have been singing 'White Rabbit' all afternoon:D

Donas, I picked 2nd letter of alphabet, 2nd of HOME, R ,T and H
and then flashfish w/o I
Is that correct?

just caterpillar works

lol.. maybe instead of O and I? (letter right after H?/)

Nini, the 2nd letter of alpha will also name an insect, now name it's home and take 2nd

lol typos everywhere.. my brain is melting.....

Despite how it starts, five does require Granny.

Naming what i see in 10 and doing math is confusing me more! Probably overthinking again!

Yeah, I had that moment too Nini.

hm.. I just can't see it.. I probably have the right letters now but the grass crop town isn't making sense..
I give up.. I'll come back tomorrow.

Nini, that confused me too, the grass, crop, town is one thing, not three things. Night.

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Rethink 7 Jessicac

See Nini's hint at 2:21

Jessicac, please delete your list after you get it, you are very close, for the 2nd one, use the last

OMG! Sometimes I want to slap myself!!!

AARGH! Was looking forward to Level 7... have gotten 2 'right' answers...can't move on...geez...think i should find another game!

I'm struggling with level 8. No clues apart from who it obviously is and I can't Imagine where to go with it. Is there a reason why his picture is more more faded than on level 7?

jessicac, does it remind you of a song?

Enzed - it's on the other side...

Donas, can i get another hint on 10? I must be brain-dead.

it does...thought i tried that aargh!! Reminds me of another " 'Round in Circles" .. haha


TY whippet

smartasawhippet, if you got the eggs, then google should help connect those things to the theme

Still no eggs. Like I said, brain dead. I'll come back to it tomorrow.

did you try naming the card?

I thought I did that two hours ago. Apparently not...good grief..

9 is obviously not for me tonight! Thanks to all for the help and patience!

Love the responses you get to wrong answers on level 9.
The full word gets one and so does the place that word describes for the Rev.
Wish I could work out the second part, removing Grass Crop & Town

got it now! Onto 10

enzed, I tried for a long time to find three things to remove, you only need one, that fits each of those things

10 reveals 2 eggs, (plus a third wrong one with a nice H2G2)reference).
I can see an obvious connection of points but nothing else is googling or ringing any bells

enzed, what the card egg says is very important

I'm sure it but I've tried length of reign, number, order of heirs etc. Nothing is clicking for me

maybe try to combine it with your math answer

and keep it simple

I thought I'd done that- I get biblical references (all wrong), drinking games (equally wrong) and the odd chess reference

look specifically in the book

again- I'm going round the same circles- I keep trying various "J" names and nothing else in there seems to leap out as an answer:(

you need a word and a number, you have both

Anyone get 11? I think I need to draw something using the pictures but not sure what.

And, behold, there came a man of God.... am I in the right area?

no, you need to find the part in alice in wonderland, google what the card egg says with your number

right track Puffin

Donas727 - I got an egg but I don't see all items listed in the pictures. Have 2 similar shapes but can't figure out the third (I assume 3).

I've been skirting around that one for ages, entering the actual quote etc- onto 11 now and thanks for your patience donas

Puffin, I got two eggs from the shapes, and made a leap of faith. Can I haelp point you to the right picture?

Yay!! enzed!

lvl9, totally collapse, no idea at all. Pls help.


SOOOooo Stuck on 9.
Figured out the first half, and I *think* I figured out the "grass crop town" thing, but I am at a total loss on the rest.


for level 9 there are two eggs, the first part of the riddle gives one, that egg tells you how to find the second, apply the rest of the riddle to the second egg

Zoran, do you know the starting letter? think alphabet

donas727, my starting letters is "O''. Correct??

Eggs? You mean words? (I noticed some mention of eggs RE lvl 10)

sorry, starting letter "E"

Zoran - Think more literally regarding the alphabet.

Zoran, the starting letter is the 2nd of the alphabet

Noelle, some words will give additional information (egg)

These answers aren't even creative, really. I'm sorry, but this game is one of the worst I've played in any genre.

I got "bort" !!??!!

Zoran, say your first letter, then name it's home, o is wrong

beehivert?? I don't understand.

yes, you have the right home, now just the 2nd letter


Have to go, good luck all

Zoran, thats right, no find the rest of the word

I can't lvl 8!!! tried flipping everything, nothing works!

SM - Zoran, that's still not quite right.

Reut think about 60's music

Donas - FINALLY (3 eggs and some sleep later) got 10. Thanks!

smarta - sorry yes you are right, 2nd letter is wrong

SM - any hints on 11 - I have two shapes and two eggs that seem to fit logically, but I'm still missing something.

you should have a big shape and 2 small shapes which are the same

if you google the terms you have for the eggs you should find it -
dont forget where Alice's home is :D

I'm starting to really hate that "duh" moment...

Thanks SM - on to 12.


Zoran - and now you need one more letter and then go on to the fish!

OK, I got first word, but fish make me confused.

lol smart - Creo is british :) the levels show it

zoran - google flatfishes - they have names -

I did it all ready, I found a lot of names.

Zoran - you know what "without eye" could also mean - just say it !

another hint - it is not an anagram


OK!! I'm back and still on 9!
Got myself 2 words that make sense togheter. just need to work with "crop grass town" hint

Zoran eye = a letter

nini, welcome back. I am still on lvl9

eye = I

Nini - if you got the first half solved - then the 2nd should be easy

hmm any help? I don't know how to aply the 2 words nor the "grass.." hint

nini: WHO do we talk about in this riddle - who gives hints:)

lol Swiss..I googled her already.. just couldn't figure out what to take off

not a her lol

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson? Now I am lost.

Ok.. ok... found his ***** ***** but .. grr.. what do I take off?!?!?!

nini - there is a small word which can be applied to a crop, a grass and a town, - you will have heard of it - then take this off

hmm I've been reading the name over and over but.. can't find a word within it

it is not a word within the word, you have to take letters out and anagram - the crop and the grass should be easier to find - crop can also be made into hard liquor !

great! another "test ur vocabulary" lvl ........

SM, maybe g...n

aaaaaaaaaaand lvl 10.. TY anagram solver!

and ty Swiss of course :D

what do you mean Zoran, for the fish? it is one of the common ones, minus the "I" which together with the first part gives you a word (so disregard all flatfish without an "i" in them lol)

Zoran, if u have "birt" u need 1 more letter (the bridge letter), then the 2nd word is a type of flastfish (it's name w/o "eye") then google those 2 words with the name of the person find the place.
Then u need to anagram and take off the grass xD

So on 12 I have some numbers...

Good job Nini!

smart - have you got an egg?

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zoran - no solutions, can you delete this comment please

on 10, got the correct reference and a distance. Half way , so half that distace? Or someone related to the "distance"?

thank you :) Zoran

Don't overthink it Nini!

Nini : some simple math and some google with what you see

Haha @smarta! I was indeed overthinking lvl 11 now!

Now I have the egg. Will ponder.

lvl9 is out of my mind

zoran - I shall give you the explanation and the solution and then delete - so watch out ok?

tell me when you are ready !


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I have 4 things on 13. But I can't seem to put them together to get an answer.

TY SwissMiss

Lin (Hi :D ) apply them to the picture

I have to go - good luck - I shall check in tomorrow to help - so leave questions!

With you Lin. Can't quite see it yet.

Thanks Swiss.

Stuck on lvl10. lvl9 was exhausting (for me)

Hmm. I 'm wandering around on level 16 but I can't complete the first path without jumping. I really don't know where I'm headed here LOL. Can someone shove me in the right direction?

It only took me hours and hours but I finally got lvl 5!

no, maybe i need to be native english speaker?
level 8, i knoe it is about the flip side, but can't get that right!
am i missing something?

I have read the comments, and I still don't get lvl 6.

I know, I'm late to the party. I get that qxz are missing. Noelle said something about one relating to a card, what card comes before that in wonderland terms. Someone said refer back to lvl 5.

I'm just not getting it.

NotYou - one of the letters you have relate to a card. which one?
and what is the card come before that? use character from the book - the word is different then the one you usally use.

Thank you Reut! I got it with help from your hint!

Now to go be totally confused by another level!

Reut, flip side is a clue. remember what your answer to level 7 was?

hey, what do you know...got 7 right off!

Reut - think about how single song music was recorded and listened to in the 60s. You didn't just get one song, there was another...

Any hint for lvl10?

Oh cool, thanks for the hints for lvl8.

Going back to read hints for 9

So for 13, I'm getting the directions, and I get only using the relevant letters and ignoring the others, but the right and left don't make sense. Am I on the right track?

Zoran, start by looking for eggs, name what you see, and try some simple math. then connect the eggs to the theme story

whippet, if you are picking the right letters, you should get 4 words, no eggs with them, but then use them for more letters

I have two eggs, K and D. Am I right?

Zoran, I don't know what D you have, try some numbers, then google might help

yes! tnx everybody! on to 9!

I have the first and second words to lvl 9. Who is the 'person' I am supposed to add to this?

The author? I get a town name but I don't think it's right.

Simple math can be, + - * /. No one number has no sense.

HA! And I just got 9. I was on the right track!

I'm with you Zoran. Don't get the number I need for 10, or if I have the right number I can't get how it relates to the book.

Ohhh, OK. The answer with the egg enzed said was wrong IS needed in the answer.

for 10, try your number for an egg, then google what the card egg says with the number, answer is a word and a number

On lvl 10, multiple numbers will give you eggs, but only one number makes sense in context of the theme of the riddle when you google it with the card egg. Hopefully that made sense.

I'm overthinking myself into a corner, literally, on 13.

We have to 'draw' something on lvl 11? Using what words...all of them? where is a beak, a kettle...etc?

whippet, you have the 4 words, they point to 5 things, it will look odd, but anagram and try it :)

Notyou, sounds like you have the right idea, you will get eggs with the right words

I give up. Out of idea.

Hi! stuck in lvl6 I do not understand which letters I have to cover with the above creatures... Any help? Thanks

can't get the letters i need to take off in level 9, i have the right place (i think) but don't know what is the crop, grass, town letters.. help!!

Zoran, one egg says "king's rule" the right nunber with that should lead to something the king did, 1 word and 1 number for answer

Zoran - lvl 10 just about did me in too. Hang in there. How many eggs have you seen. Lets start with that.

Reut, the right place will give an egg. just 3 letters need for the next part, think of a type of bread

smart,I so 3 eggs

thx donas! the bread hint was what i needed... onto 10!

Right Zoran. So if we're talking the same eggs, the one that you want references "everything". Google the second word of the card egg, with that number, and "Alice in Wonderland". With me?

Found answer with 11 words

Yes, I also grappled with that. Try your google subject, rather than the answer.

Can anyone help me? lvl6

Hi pichi :) Use your list from level 5 to remove letters from the group of letters on 6, then anagram what you have left

Pichi - I bf'd lvl 6 with help from Noelle's comment at 3:14 yesterday. I'm sorry I'm not more help on that one.

I tried several times to write this answer but nothing happen till now. Strange,strange and frustrating.

I am reading the hints for lvl 9 and I have the first part ending with flatfish clue. The second part (crops, grass and town) is killng me and I don't understand the clue....any hints on "who" is the name?

Donas727 I know that, but I do not understand in what way are removed

Pichi, on level 6, you have a group of letters, mark off one letter for each letter of the names in the list, you should have 13 letters left over

Tangled, he is the author

This riddle is without any sense. So, people, Hasta la Vista. See you next time (I hope).

thanks, I was on the right track for author....this one is driving me mad! I want the answer but I want to figure it out....I'm slowly going bonkers......slowly.....

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 11:19 AM  

Made it up to 9. Got the flatfish part of the clue (and an egg), applied that to the writer of all this silliness (got another clue)...but the grass bit's still boggling me.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 11:21 AM  

Err, another egg, my mistake.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 11:24 AM  

Never mind, got it! On to 10!

(Oh, and it looks like we're just about at the 400-post mark, so be ready for page 3 of comments, everyone!)

xaq, you need a 3 letter word that fits all 3 of those things, think of a bread

close to 400 comments, so new comments on the next page

ok...I couldn't stay away...two questions: what is this "egg" you all are mentioning? and ..can I get another hint for Lvl 9, the grass, crop and town one....I have the 1st part, and the name.

Tangled, and "egg" is given when you try a word and it gives you additional information, but doesn't solve the level, there are 2 on level 9, one with the word from the first part of the riddle and one with the correct place

So Tangled - you need to find a one word answer that is all three - grass, crop, and town. And subtract it from the location. See Donas hint from 11:24.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 11:47 AM  

Tangled: Short form of "easter egg," or a hidden surprise/clue in a riddle game. In this game's case, it's when the little message above where you put an answer in says something other than "I'm sorry, that's incorrect."

As for the G/C/T thing, I found that out by googling "grass crops" and trying to find the name of one whose letters were in what I had at that point.

Anyway, still stuck on 10. Got the egg for the card and the numbers, but I don't know what to do with them...

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