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The Alice Riddles 3 Walkthrough

The Alice Riddles 3

Riddlex - The Alice Riddles: Volume 3 is another free online riddle game created by Creo of Riddlex. This is a puzzle game themed on the Alice books by Lewis Carroll. Your goal is to complete all 20 puzzles. The clues are all in the puzzle pages, there are no clues in the source, or hidden away. Everything you need is in front of you on the puzzle pages. Lewis Carroll may provide hints. Make a browser bookmark before you leave the game so that you can return to the puzzle you were working on. Good luck and have fun!

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Donas, are you through to 20?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 11:54 AM  

...Oh. Okay, got it. Was overthinking it.

On to 11.

xaq - my hint from 10:29 should help you.

Aha!!!! OMG I just love after 500 hints I FINALLY get it.....wow! Thank you Donas and Smarta for the hint and the explanation of 'egg!'

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 12:07 PM  

Okay, I've sorted out all the items from the run-on word on level 11, and I've got a theory for how to solve it...I'm guessing each picture on the left corresponds to a letter? (First picture in first row = A, 2nd picture in first row = B, etc.)

Not finished yet, working on level 18

Thank for help in 6! now in 7

Xaq - think more in terms of drawing. This riddle is really easy to overthink. Keep it simple.

Easier said than done.

I think I've reached my IQ level at 13 - I just can't get words, although I think I get the theory I should be following. Glad I could help some of you on the way.

I'm back- still on 11 so XAQ I'm with you. I have identified two eggs (1st & 3rd, C.. & D..) but I don't know what the second one draws out. I haven't managed to drill in with just the two though

for 11, I only got the first and third too, then thought about the 2 together in a very British way, and guessed

you need two words, and one of them is an egg ;)

you're right- very British;)

for 13, you need five letters, starts with the most unusual one you find

I cant figure our lel4 some1 please help me

Hope, long and short points to a certain code, use the short form of the twins names in the text to make that code, 4 letters

im sorry but i still dont get it

the egg was fairly straightforward to find on 12 but where to next??? hmmmm

enzed, use that egg word and find something new to apply it to

lvl 9: could use more hints on the flat fish portion of the puzzle (pleeeeeeeeeease)

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 1:34 PM  

back for a bit...
lagging far behind - my answer for L7 didn't give me L8...?

just to understand L6 completely, plz give me name of 2nd (deer) card at L5

its a baby deer, otherwish known as ....

anyone still here?


YAY! AO is here! Help me with 9!! :D

I am here .. patiently waiting at lvl 9 for the obvious to hit me

This riddle game is making me feel super less than brilliant! :D

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 1:40 PM  

L9 now (so it was L8, but not labeled...?)

We may have broken it! :D

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 1:44 PM  

ah, thx Unknown

LOL, jessica,
would be nowhere here without all those hints...

Ok, I'm back to make my brain hurt more on lvl 11.


Am I supposed to find the words that are pictured? Are there 4?

AO, I'd have to agree .. hints have been great, as usual ..

NotYou...my saviour! I have 'birt' on level 9...slept on it...nada...spoil for me one more time??

lvl 12- I think I've applied both my egg word and the concept it suggested to just about everything on the page- word, vowel, consonant, period interval- I'm frustrated!

sorry enzed! this is making me want to ram my head against several walls :D

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saw it!

i need to send NotYou a gift basket!! :D

I went down that path...was trying to use 'hay'...

plaice .. the flatfish .. i get it now .. ty

hurry to 11 because I am stuck again! :)

NotYou- have you made any progress yet with 11 or do you need a hint?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 1:54 PM  

saw answer for L9 (thx), but would like to understand how to get there...

I think I can explain 9 but I'd get into trouble. ;)

I need hint for 11 please, enzed!

NY- find the items mentioned and join them up, in order, on the big picture. There are three shapes to find and recognise, I only managed 2/3 but guessed after a clue from Donas on this page.
A bit like astrological star signs pictures I suppose

so, on #10 am i looking for the rule #42 or #21?

lvl 9:

second: use alphabet
second of its home: the answer will leave you buzzing with excitement
fourth of "third" and "fifth": literally
flatfish with no "eye": i wrote the fish name at 1:151pm (ty NotYou)

does that help?

Jess- the former one

I'm stuck on 13. I have the four words but I'm not getting the correct 5 letters.

any clues for 12 Puffin? I have the egg but nothing after that

omg! i am SO overthinking...was googling the rule ... smacks head!

oh yikes. I need one of those tablets you can draw on...

Where is there a fish?

enzed, do you have the numbers? Use them with the words listed to get another number which will give you an egg.

google is your friend here

"alice in wonderland" fish

enzed, use the egg with the poem. That word is your answer.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 2:15 PM  

thx Unknown,
it helps a bit... (reading back the other hints...)

For #11, I tried dodo beak stops cake... :D may need a short break!

oh, i see that fish now! thanks.

Now to figure out what seal and blue eye mean? seal is sealing wax maybe...but that's in same place as fish.

I've tried that but nothing has come of it- I'm feeling very stupid here!

Got 13, don't forget the directions after you get the 4 words. The answer was not a word I was familiar with.

Now onto 14 and I don't have a clue.

enzed, you've got the word that gave you the egg. Now use it with the words in the poem on the left. I'm 'counting' on you to help me on 14.

that just gives me something like eebwhe, depending on where I start

I'm never going to get 11. I just don't 'see' the letters I'm supposed to be forming.

And some of the words aren't giving me anything in google.

Is it a word I've ever even heard of?

enzed -don't count letters

you're not forming letters- you're forming "pictures" of objects
3 objects, separated by a stop

No wonder I wasn't getting anywhere! TY

NotYou - for 11 each word (or sometimes set of 2 words) points to a specific location in a picture. Make a connect the dots picture (I actually had to print out the image to do it). You should have 3 shapes. One large one is a C---- and the 2 small ones are the same shape and are a D------. Use those two names of shapes and think of something British, maybe in a museum.

Oh my...then I really need to know where 'blue eye' 'ace' and 'seal' are. Is the seal the wax? ARGH

have you clicked the image to make it bigger?

Yes, seal is the wax

I made the pic big and zoomed in...don't have a printer. Thanks for the hint, trying again.

omg I LOVE you people. That hint took me there, finally!

I figured out the egg word for 12 thanks to enzed and puffin. Now working on applying it to poem.

ok, got 12 thanks you two!

geez! think i need to quit...i read all the clues...and still clueless on #11

Me too stuck in lvl 11 I dont have a printer

jessicac: what helped me was that they are shapes, and two of the shapes are alike...therefore one of the words should be plural. If you can figure out just one of the shorter shapes...i did that, then messed with google and there it was. Can't remember or reproduce my google though.

It's a 'shape' and those two 'shapes' designate another word.

That word and one word in front of it is the answer.

For 11 I don't want to give too much away but for one shape you will need to find and draw a line between:
duchess nose

anyone working on 13, or have solved it?

I think maybe i start at a letter and go in directions like the story says? I'm wondering what the 4 words are that will help.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 3:26 PM  

finally got L11 (with wild guessing, too LOL)
one shape is a headdress for rulers

Thanks to Donas, but I'm totally lost on lvl 13. I can't get one word, much less four. I get the directions, and I see that I'm following music, but I'm coming up empty after all day of looking. I think I've reached riddle max.

NotYou - for 13 follow the directions. You will get a bunch of letters for each step. Rearrange those letters to form 4 words (one for each step). Then look at the picture and use the words to get new letters (5). Rearrange the 5 letters for the answer.

I can not get level 11
How many letters are? I know as drawing cards?

I am stuck on 11. Got first image. the second looks like a "y?" is that correct?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 3:37 PM  
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I tried to anagram every second letter starting with the last one of healthy and fit lobster and got Bill Dearth. Who the heck is that? LOL

y'all rooked me back in...i went down a museum path...haha! finally the 'crown' made my AHA moment! Thanks and curses! Now on 12 :D

Anagram the letters surrounding the picture. Start with the letters on the bottom, that's the first word...

I am stuck on 11. I have the first image. (goes on head). Not sure on the second image. (looks like a letter of the alphabet) Third image could be something men wear at their necks? HELP

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 3:44 PM  

I see some numbers in the words...

Enjoy - there is one large shape and 2 smaller shapes. The large shape starts with a C, the 2 smaller shapes are identical and start with a D.

Done! Just hint for jessicac, thanks!

Thank you Puffin. I redid and got the shape!

I think I have the words...at least three of them I think seem reasonable.

Not relating it to the pictures though.

PS NotYou - Bill Dearth made me laugh.

For 13, There is something in the picture for each of the 4 words. Look where they point and use those letters.

puffin: I know, right? LOL

OK, I think I'm starting to see that the word clues might point to something. I am not getting the 4th word though. and the things I'm pointing to so far don't make much of a word.

Oh, I think I got the 4th word...but, which one? Letters still not making a word.

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Don't forget to use the directions again when gathering your 5 letters. Look where they point.

EnJoy if you've got two of the three shapes you're almost there. Remember one shape is repeated, leading you to a plural word that is another name for the two shapes (if that makes any sense.)

Enjoy it's Hatter Polkadots (one thing). For Ace, there is a small playing card in one pic.

coming up with czmaa, or something. or izmaa...

I just made a drink. I'm either going to get really lucid or way dumber, real soon.

Thanks, got the second shape. Had to really blow up the image to see the pineapple and polka dots

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:09 PM  

I'm with you now (L13)...

Oh good, AlphaO. I can help up to the picture point.

NotYou - I will join you in that drink! The z, m, a and a are correct. Look down for your first letter. Then anagram and find a word that might fit - even if you never heard of it.

my anagram solver thinks I'm psychotic.

Ugh...can't seem to figure out what it's pointing to.

I think 11 took me over 2 hours! Finally got it! Thanks everyone for the great hints

Think latin dance but with a different spelling.

Currently stuck on 16. My brain hurts.

oh, brilliant, puffin...thanks! :)

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:23 PM  

ok, have the body parts... & now?

AlphaOmega - look at the picture, find the body parts in the picture, see what they are pointing to. Get 5 letters and anagram. One body part is plural so you will get 2 letters.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:31 PM  

ah, thx, I see - at least in theory LOL - some direction are not very clear imho

Use the directions again and it is more clear. Body part found from the down letters will point down to the letter for the answer etc.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:34 PM  

got it in the meantime - thx anyway :-)

i'm still here, just had a phone call.

Did you get it yet Alpha? Puffin's hints really helped!

Stuck in 14 no image, is right?

Oh wow...just got lvl 14 pretty much right off the bat. Where are you at, Puffin?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:38 PM  

Had to run some errands, back at level 11.

Got 1 egg so far, but there's 2 items in the collage I can't locate: "Stop" and "Seal."

The clue is the key to the clue for 13 , pichi

I am stuck on 16.

Level 13: First movement is to point your lobster downwards?? downwards from where?

I think my brain is fried - don't even know where to start

xaq - stop just means to stop and start another shape. Seal is the red wax on the envelope.

i also just nailed 15. Either they're way easier right here or the drink helps. I'll go with 'easier.'

Any hints needed for 14 or 15

Enjoy - look at the letters surrounding the picture.

enjoy, it means to apply that clue to the downward letters i.e. the bottom row of letters.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:43 PM  

getting late here... no idea for 14, don't get hint above...

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:44 PM  

lobster downwards points to bottom letter line, read it left to right, take every 2nd letter, anagram for body part

That's correct AlphaOmega, no idea for 14, not an inkling, without a hint.

NotYou I do not understand what you say. I refer to the 14

AlphaO: there is no clue. It is without a clue. It is...

thank you for the hints on 13 - will try

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:46 PM  

LOL, got it, thx Puffin

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:47 PM  

& NotYou

pichi: same hint I gave to Alpha O above. Sorry I didn't see your post.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:51 PM  

L15 was a quickie for me LOL

NotYou - do you have 16 yet?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:51 PM  

OH! Thanks Puffin!

Okay, got the 1st and 3rd shapes and their eggs...apparently I can't tell where the pineapple is either, though, because the 2nd shape's eluding me.

Sorry I do not understand: there is no clue. It is without a clue. It is...? (I am not native English)

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:52 PM  

pineapple at table with Alice

puffin, working on 16...was doing fine with the first set of clues

now stuck starting with treble 1. Did you get that far too?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 4:56 PM  

Yeah, my mistake...I meant to say it's the dots I'm having trouble finding. Looked up pineapple in the Alice wiki and found that one. Sorry 'bout that.

(On a side note, is there any way to get this thing to quit asking me to verify I'm not a robot? If I were I think I'd have solved this puzzle by now! D: )

Yes, I have no idea what color Treble 1 is. Even if I did I'm not sure what to do with the color/number thing.

xaq, it's hatter polkadots (not polkadots separate).

I wondered if treble 1 just meant the adjoining '1' then I don't get 'turkey' but Gainsborough's lad is blue, another yellow car, red cap, green mineral ...then what? And of course I have no idea what the correct path will lead to...a word or a number or a shape...???

xaq...it's not asking me if I'm a robot...when is it doing that to you?

Is Mr. Bean's car yellow or green? Also what about Dress? Red? Blue?

For Turkey I was thinking maybe the flag of the country?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:05 PM  

using google images, more green bean cars...

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:06 PM  

mrs peacock?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:08 PM  

Yeah, I figured that much, it's just the location of the polkadots that are eluding me. I imagine I may be wrong about the ace as well, because the only thing my current drawing is even remotely resembling is a mouse cursor. :/

google images gave me yellow bean car

mysteron's foe is stumping me

don't know dress (blue for alice's?)

if treble 1 is 1 then that doesn't work for turkey's flag so I must be wrong

mrs peacock wore blue maybe?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:09 PM  

ace right of kettle

xaq - you should have 3 shapes. One large one and 2 smaller ones that are identical. the smaller ones have 4 equal sides. The polkadots are on the hatter's tie. The ace is a small playing card up top.

Well, maybe 1 and 1 but it hasn't repeated the same cell before.

Waiting on one of you smart guys on 16. :) I'm bamboozled!

(But having a boatload of fun!)

Mysterons foe might be red (captain scarlet), Mrs. Peacock maybe blue, I think mr. bean's car is green (although pictures looked yellow).

I thought cap'n scarlet was one of the mysteron's but I can't find any colored foes. (wait, that didn't sound right...)

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:16 PM  

mr beans car: luminous lime green LOL

I think you're right on Bean's car. Citron green, sez The Great Googly Moogly.

I can not get the 14, help please

My beetle is 'mello yello' and some people see it as a weird green...:)

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:20 PM  

so you are more or LESS without clue...

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:21 PM  

Okay, so I was looking at the wrong picture for the pineapple...I thought it was referencing the "Drink Me" potion (which, going by the wiki, had a pineapple flavor). Got all 3 shapes now...were 2 and 3 supposed to be the same shape?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:21 PM  

indeed xaq

oh boy, with Mr Bean's car being green there are now 2 choices on some. I"m getting lost.

Mr Carroll's hint says "you won't believe where it was" and I actually typed in the box "where was it?" BZZZZZZ...sorry, wrong answer. hahaha

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:24 PM  

OH GEEZ. *facepalms* How did I not think of that sooner...okay, got 11. Thanks guys, on to 12.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:28 PM  

Pichi, google the name of a 1995 starring Alicia Silverstone.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:30 PM  

Opps, I meant 1995 movie.

Ohhh! c0fe thanks! hahaha and thanks AlphaOmega too

What the what? Can't get the clue (or lack thereof) for 14.

prufrock, if you lack guile, you're guileless. If you lack wit, you're witless. If you lack end, you're endless...so if you lack a clue...

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:37 PM  

LOL getting SOS smoke signs of burnt-out grey cells here

On 16, even if I get all the colors correct, what am I doing? Am I making shapes, adding numbers, using numbers to count letters? I have no idea. I may have to take a break.

Puffin, me too. I'm having a blast but I'm getting a bit of the AlphaO smoked brain syndrome here.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:39 PM  

is someone further than L16?

I wonder if the number of comments is a record?

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:41 PM  

not by a long shot - saw a riddle with over 3000 comments...!!!

AlphaO, I think some smartie got to at least 18.

I wish there was a save function, when I do come back I need to re-enter all my answers. And then sift for more clues.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:42 PM  


       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:43 PM  

I have my browser programmed to open with latest session tabs, so I have the last riddle site...

Woah! Wow! Well that's insane! Thanks Alpha. Too funny.

How do I do that, Alpha? I'm using Chrome.

Let's hope we can complete this with under 3000 comments! I'm off to get something to eat and rest my brain for a bit.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:48 PM  

idk in chrome (using ff) but maybe you'll find sth in tools, settings, general, start (or similar)

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:50 PM  

so, where is that smart cookie who solved L16, when we need him/her? ;-)

Ahh, thanks, I think I found it. Going to go rest my poor addled brain and play something simple.

I've had fun. Thanks for the help!

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:51 PM  

(read back: Donas727 it was...)

Yes, that was the smart person! All hail Donas! :)

Nighty night!

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:52 PM  

time for me to go, too - see you - leave big hints ;-)

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 5:54 PM  

& attention: close to 600 comments, so look at next page from 601

thank you, NY!

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 6:19 PM  

Found the numbers and the first egg on 12. No idea what to do with it, though...

For 16 remember that you are looking for a "location". What do you need to find a location?

woo hoo 600

now 601 (sorry)

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