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The Alice Riddles 3 Walkthrough

The Alice Riddles 3

Riddlex - The Alice Riddles: Volume 3 is another free online riddle game created by Creo of Riddlex. This is a puzzle game themed on the Alice books by Lewis Carroll. Your goal is to complete all 20 puzzles. The clues are all in the puzzle pages, there are no clues in the source, or hidden away. Everything you need is in front of you on the puzzle pages. Lewis Carroll may provide hints. Make a browser bookmark before you leave the game so that you can return to the puzzle you were working on. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  11/8/14, 6:29 PM  

Ah, got it now, thanks to a clue Puffin left earlier. On to lucky number 13!

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 6:48 PM  

Okay, I got the four words you're supposed to find in lvl 13, but...now what? They don't seem to be the answer, either as 4 separate words or as 1 run-on word.

Hi xaq, use those words on the picture to pick some more letters.

Is L15 an anagram? If so, how many words?

Annie- if that was the map one then yes, just one word

Thanks enzed, I was using too many letters. On to L16

that's good- you can help me on L16 then:)

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 7:46 PM  

I think I've got the 5 letters I need (zmaia?) but they don't anagram into a word.

i is wrong

L16. What is Treble 1?

My guess is treble 1 on a dartboard which makes it green

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 7:56 PM  

Okay, got 13 finally...gonna have to look the answer up, though, because that's something I'd challenge in a game of Scrabble.

Anyway, on to 14! Thanks!

I have a path through for each which makes sense. They both finish with 00 which is interesting but not helpful yet

enzed, it looks like you have the directions now. :)

...but I don't see where it takes me

Did you try a map?

enzed - don't forget to use the dot. It's important. And remember location, location, location.

fabulous- that one made me smile

TY Puffin & LinR

Still stuck on 16. GPS?

Yes, Annie like GPS.

How far have you got Puffin?

I'm stuck on 17

any progress with it? my first discovery is this which ties in with the two obvious differences

but there are more subtle differences I see such as the eye colour

No progress, nothing really jumps out at me yet except the 4 differences.

the fourth being the sea colour?

I must be doing something wrong, my numbers won't work in any converter I can find.

Annie- did you see Puffin's comment about the dot?

enzed , yes the C colour is one of the 5.

So maybe words that sound like letters for 16?

so we have sea eye ale (CIL)
very close to a girl's name. Plus the 80

what have I missed?

I mean for 17, not 16

Saw the dots before Puffin commented; thought I had it all figured out. Guess not.

enzed - look at the text at the bottom.

maybe but also ALE plus I & C gives us the name

not the answer though.

Is there another difference I haven't seen?

annie- google coordinates and the number which has the dot- that should be enough

found an EGG

enzed - got an egg! Sound out LXXX (80) and you will get 2 more letters (for a total of 8 letters). Anagram and put that in for the egg. Now to figure out the answer.

And another egg.

yay- onto 18 and Humpty Dumpty

I have two numbers (one is 10 digits, the other is 9) they both have a decimal.

just the 10 digit one & the word coordinates- if your numbers are correct all should spring out before your very eyes

Annie - that's correct. You should be able to google them and come up with a place. Or even just google one of them. If you don't get the place, maybe your numbers are not correct?

Hey Puffin- I presume you're onto 18 too now

Sadly no enzed - don't know how to apply the second egg to the recent theme. Any hints?

That did the trick! Thanks Puffin and enzed. I hate being stuck.

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 9:09 PM  

Just made it to 18 myself (thanks for the hints and help on the last few, guys!) It says there's 3 connections in that word puzzle...I'm guessing it's the 3 lines of words going across?

ask Annie- its probably very fresh in her mind

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 9:12 PM  

Puffin: It's related to the answer to the previous puzzle. According to the game you're on level 17, but according to the answer you gave for level 16, where are you?

xaq- where does it say three connections?

Got it. Thanks enzed!

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 9:18 PM  

enzed - Little portrait in the upper right. If you click it, it gives you a hint.

have there been clues like that on the other pages?

LOL enzed. There have been those clues on every page. But most are so obscure they don't really help much (at least not for me).

Kudos to you for getting this far without using the extra clues!

and I've only just found out near the end!

OK so 18- any progress? I have one possible group of 4 words but not certain yet

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 9:45 PM  

I think I've gotten part of one group myself (involving the upper-left word), but I haven't found a 4th word for it, and I can't think of anything to go with the word in the upper-right.

I've now got another group of 4 which could go together- all very tenuous though. Anyone else making progress?

so far I haven't grouped Jellyfish, bias signal or pup- does this tally with your theory?

If you google the first word (upper left) and look at the different types, there's one that works with at least 2 of the other words but that's all I have.

I have a worrying feeling about this one. The main use of the word Pup in my mind, is Seal Pup. Then I think back to the earlier round with the drawing of the crown & diamonds and there was a seal- a completely different type of seal but since we have been referring back to earlier rounds in the last couple of questions, do we need to go back and tie things up? I hope I am wrong

Also, I was kind thinking uncle (sam), (oval) office, (west) wing and edict might go together but that seems to be stretching it.

which species of jellyfish caught your eye- I can't make any work well with other words

Ben Gunn was a character from Treasure Island. Add to this Big Ben and(more obscurely) Benedict and Uncle Ben maybe this gets us somewhere (or not)

You can also add an R to make
Office into Officer
Day into Dray
Wing into Wring and
boom into Broom

looks like Jellyfish, Gunn, Big, Boom and Pup are all one-word movie titles

Cannonball jellyfish? Could go with big, boom?

A blank expression on my face here I'm afraid

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 10:27 PM  

I've been linking jellyfish, office, and boom with "box" (Box Jellyfish, box office, boom box), but nothing else seems to connect with it. I think you've got it with Ben, enzed.

could you add Box(ing) day? perhaps

not boxing day- Signal box

Or Signal Box?

or big box

or box-wing

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 10:41 PM  

Enzed and Puffin have it. -day, -bias, -wing, and pup (not sure which side) go together as well. Put the 3 together and you've got the answer...which I had a eureka moment over thanks to being a bit of an anime geek.

On to 19!

how do they go together- you can't leave us here guessing!

Got it. Thanks for the finishing touch xaq!

enzed - you've got the first 2 parts of the answer, box and ben. The last part is two letters that will work in front of day, bias and wing (not sure how it works with pup).

thanks xaq

I've got the letters but not the answer

doh- too easy

in level 11, i have all three shapes but it won't accept my s***. why?

reut- you need a very English answer relating to these

Do you have the right shapes Reut? One large one and 2 identical smaller ones? The answer is 2 words that relate to the names of those shapes. Think something in a British museum.

first thoughts for 19 is not many start with vowels so I don't think its a simple identify & anagram or similar

Are the bird's eyes and the Cheshire cat's smile visible for a reason?

are we all equally stumped here?

I think I'm going to sleep on it. Good luck!

       Anonymous  11/8/14, 11:57 PM  

I haven't made any headway on it at all since getting here. Glad I could at least help a few of you get up here with me so I'm not feeling bamboozled alone, though.

agreed- I think we all contributed. Bit of a shame that we've stalled but its been good so far

If you need to find something in a large WT like this one, click CTRL + F.
In the small display on the screen you can fill in a word, or level that you're looking for. You can jump through the hints with it.
Might help you to find the hint/answer you need.

enzed - where have you stalled - I am back, trying to help

lvl 16: i looked up the colors, i got what i think are two strings of numbers, and 3 different map locations, none of which are correct, or even eggs.

any other hints?

unknown: you need to allocate a color to each of the items, you have two lots - do the grid, follow the colors for each group, always starting on white

if you give me the colors, I can tell you which are wrong (if any)

set 1: bgy . ybgygbg
set 2: bg. byrgyrb

abbreviated, obviously

Welcome back SM
stalled on 19 I'm afraid

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:04 AM  

also at L16, fighting with the colours LOL

unknown: set 1, 2nd wrong, the 4th google - you should find that
set 2 1st is wrong (think board) second is wrong (think flag), 3rd is a bit tricky (the lad) is Blue

enzed - read Lewis hint carefully, what is he talking about and then identify those creatures - they should look familiar?

at least im not alone at lvl 16

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:08 AM  

so mr. beans car y afterall...?

yes Alpha

lol 16 was even tougher at the beginning, I struggled a lot with those colors, so Creo replaced some :)


ty for the help. set 1: 2 - wiki says the car is g .. set 1: 4 - hes y, which i what i had

set 2: i changed those when i realized the treble was mentioned earlier .. still not getting it, but im hopeful

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:14 AM  

mrs peacock b?

i always thought mrs P was b

https://www.facebook.com/MrBeanmobile - it is yellow :)

mrs. Peacock is blue


"Austin Citron Green" - which apparently is a yellow.


it is not his CAR, but the one called BEANMOBILE - there is a difference :)

Mr B car's starting to remind me of Jim Carrey in Liar Liar:

"It's blue. It's blue! The -------- pen is blue!"

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:26 AM  

well, not so obvious (found several other infos about car being luminous lime GREEN)...

OK now what to do with the (hopefully) correct numbers - don't get hints above with location, dot important...

alpha - give me the colors again for both sets

look at the words carefully and you'll find a dot separating two of the words (or phrases) - there's a dot for each set

the DOT's are important!

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:32 AM  

set-1: B-Y-Y-Y-B-G-Y-G-B-G
set-2: G-R-B-Y-R-G-Y-R-B

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:33 AM  

ah, saw the dots now - very tricky - thx :-)

i think i need a better map program

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:35 AM  

if coords - how/where to search?

alpha correct - now collect numbers

unknowns - just google what you have -

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:38 AM  

yeah, on to L17!

*pounding head on the desk*

that's not what the gps said .. .that's not what the gps said ...

on to lvl 17 with a headache

(ty for the help, swiss)

hahaha - dont bang your head too much - there is still 18 to come :)

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:50 AM  

reading hints above for L17 repeatedly, but still baffled...
(seems my brain is not for riddles LOL - trying to say out loud for letters...?)

alpha : find the differences - cryptic - they form a word

lvl 17: it told me to apply my word to the current theme, so i typed "punishment" - why isnt that working? why? WHY?!?!

*bangs head on desk again*

mmh - we should have a pm here - cannot give too much away,
you found ALL the differences? (5) form a word (listen, dont look)
contains 7 letters

hahaha unknown - your head must be green and blue by now :D

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 2:03 AM  

trying hard to listen LOL - how do I know the letter order?

alpha - it is an anagram - I am off for a while - but I will check it later - 18 is difficult - especially for non-english-speakers - but I shall try to be around to help :)

PS my blogger profile has an e-mail - if you really dont get further at all !

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 2:09 AM  

thx, SwissMiss :-)

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 2:14 AM  

any progress, Unknown?

or anyone else here to help with L17?

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       Anonymous  11/9/14, 2:29 AM  

TVM, Unknown,
had that already, but wasn't sure...

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 2:35 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

it was only repeating what the other clues said .. i deleted it anyhow .. by the way, i accidentally referred to ale twice .. it should only be used once, as the 3 letter word that it is

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 2:45 AM  

2nd egg now...

yep, I realized that, Unknown,
are you already at L18?

actually staring at lvl 19

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 2:56 AM  

wow - only with the hints above?
can't still work out with them, what to do with 2nd egg at L17...

have to go - good luck, AO - lvl 18 should be easy (enzed and puffin have all the clues above)

as for lvl 19 (for those of you staring at it), i wonder if the title "19. Creatures" means that there are some missing and we have to add them in? just a thought ...

which was the second egg? the C******? think back to last puzzle (as they mentioned above) - where were we? A....S...., ??

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 3:05 AM  

LOL, even got a 3rd egg at L17 telling me to think smaller...

another thought on lvl 19: maybe a drawing puzzle, not unlike the earlier cards .. perhaps we have to connect them in the order she visits them to make a shape?

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 3:09 AM  

ah, the other town!
yeah - L18 (feeling smart here LOL)

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 3:10 AM  

LOL, still here, Unknown? ;-)

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yes .. was waiting for you to finish 18 .. now i can go

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 3:13 AM  

so nice, thx, see you :-)

just looking in briefly: for 19: identify the creatures - they should be familiar to you by now, then read Lewis's hint very carefully!

Great riddle but stuck on 20. Can I get a hint please?

Hi dutchie, any hints for 19? Swiss Miss' hints haven't helped yet

There are two books, look which animals appears in what book and then count.

dutchi - first read the right side of the page - that gives you a hint what it is all about - then read Lewis' hint - that is the second step

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 6:43 AM  

have some animals that idk in which book they belong...
(more than 2 in TTLG?)

alpha you are on the right track - google lesser characters - there is a page (not wiki) who tells you all about them

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 6:48 AM  

I have the wikia one, but e.g. for the crustacean, both books are mentionned...

the wiki is not good enough - let me see if I find it again

http://www.alice-in-wonderland.net/school/char1.html here you have them listed acc. books

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 6:59 AM  

well, that makes alice riddle life so much easier LOL - thx SwissMiss

Ive got the books (I think). Something came from it but so far not the answer

count enzed :)

It was counting that gave me interesting initials but not the solution

basic riddling ? translate

Hello again!

I'm still stuck at 16. I have the colors but the coords aren't getting me anywhere. Going back to check my numbers again.

The book was not in arkansas. What am I doing wrong?

enzed, it sounds as if you do have the solution.

Stuck on 20. Is visiting the past the right track? And if it is, do I have to look at all previous levels?

This comment has been removed by the author.

It's not in the east china sea either.

Hey, buddies from yesterday, please help me with the coordinates.

The decimal point is important. Just google one or other coordinates with coordinates as a search term. Something should spring out

NotYou, did you start again from the "start" for second path? No tile is used twice.

Ok, now it works even though I'm sure I entered that before. Grrrr:)

Thanks enzed. I was looking at specific coord finders, and google maps, and getting nowhere. Just doing what you said in google got me there. thanks again!

e presto, I Had the colors/numbers right I just overdid it on the coord search! :)

Now to go back and read hints for 17. I see differences...

And the brilliant hint-leaving led me to answer 17. On to 18.

I'm not understanding the groupings on 18.

NotYou, start by finding a name for a common jellyfish, then connect that name to 3 other things, to make a group of 4. the groups are explained really well above

hmmm, is it two three letter words and one two letter word?

yes, NotYou

Granny helped me, I had never heard of it before

I'm just not getting it.

if you go to a movie, they have a ??? office

Stuck on level 17. I have letters ALEICPAT but can't get an 8 letter anagram out of them.

Yeah, so it's that word.

And the clock in London.

And a common two (too to) letter word?

How to get a tasty treat from that?

Judlike, No E

jud...there is an anagram from those letters, when I entered the 8 letter anagram it told me one letter too many. I chopped off the last letter for a more 'english' like word. That led me where I needed to go. Use an anagram solver.

NotYou, http://anagram-solver.net/ gave it to me

I thought I knew what to do for 20 but its not working out- so near.....

Thanks all. I may have to leave this now - brain addled. I'll come back later to l18

thanks donas, that is the site I"m using...

wait I just tried the one answer that site gave me and it IS working. I know I tried it before because it came up pre-filled. Oh well.

Thanks for your patience and your help! :)

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 11:04 AM  

Alright, time to get back at this!

Using the clues on 19 you guys gave so far, I finally got an egg off a 2-letter guess (counting + letter-to-number conversion) ...apparently I had the answer backwards. On to 20 at last! Thanks a bunch!

(Oh, and "Close to next page of comments" alert.)

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 11:09 AM  

I think I can explain the extraneous letter some people are getting with 17: "ALE" is pronounced a bit like its first two letters, and the clues are more aimed at pronunciation than anything.

Hmmm, got 19 from two letters...lol. Thanks for the counting/letter hint! I was sure I was going to take forever on that one.

Thanks everyone for the clues to 19. Now onto 20.

I got an egg using a word from the hatter and making it plural. Now to figure out what to do with that.

Puffin, you getting any ideas for 20?

NotYou, how did you think to enter that word as a plural?

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 11:33 AM  

lvl 19 - How to enter the initials? With space or without? Small or capitals? Nothing works for me.

I don't know...I just thought that there were more than one of them available. Does that lead somewhere else?

Mako - you should have 2 initials, no space. I did lower case but I don't know if that matters. If you have the right letters it will be obvious what order.

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