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SadisT Riddle Walkthrough

SadisT Riddle

Small-Tool - SadisT Riddle: Prequel to 50 Shades is another free online puzzle riddle game created by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. There are 20 levels to beat to get you warmed up for the main riddle which follows very soon. Stretch those brain cells, ask your friends for help to defeat the SadisT. Then come back again for the real deal! Good luck and have fun!

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Yup enzed.

Pay attention to the text 'ROTten'

lol s-t... i've gone from 0 to 25 and nothing makes sense

Brain block - just can't get 14 thanks all for trying to help me


Colours names do have a certain amount of letters and don't forget (to use) the title!

Level 11?
3 dimensions
1 x 1 x 1 = 1
12 edges
6 surfaces

I guess I flunk grade school math. :-(

You have the answer Peggy

Hi Peggy - Sometimes letters and numbers go very well together...

19 was just nasty!

Correct Peggy.
And don't forget about 'basic' riddling. LIke A=1

LOL enzed care to help??

PEGGY - you are a genius! Got 11!

Thanks everyone.
I thought we were done with the alphabet. Duh!

Zoe, I was going to ask YOU for help!

ST's clue at 7.13 was a good one

Peggy - something must have clicked in that grade school!

well obviously I tried to pick letters and then decoding but it isn't working

No anagram Nini,
H + 6 would be 14/N

Nini - how do you climb a ladder- start at the bottom rung (the violet one, then apply ST's hint to the first letter of the title.
I told you it was nasty, in more ways than one as you will see

and I noticed too that the number of letters make a "sequence", dunno if it helps or not..

heh... really?? maths? u said those lvls were over haha
well... ok. ty

and what a misleading hint that "rotten " one!!!!
god! lvl 20

2-third degree, 1-third degree, 4-second degree, 4-second degree, 5-second degree???

oh sneaky hint on 20 :P
just need to know where to start from

oops..I mean power - got it!

Zoe - Yep 2x2x2 equals ??? And remember what small-tool said about the very close relationship between numbers and letters... Granny helps at the end

Zoe, yes.
Nini The title gives a hint

is the sneaky hint you mean the one that is news to me? I can't find where to start yet either

Like Lin said, the title 1,2 says were to start.

yay - thanks Janet!

oh.. I lost myself in the 1st time xD
now I got somth

Janet - what was your "glimmer" on 13???

I'm just getting lost in 20!

Name of fish is the important clue - then look for other "pieces" and find the one that isn't there

Enzed - at least you got that far. I never got 14 so I'm just hanging around to see if I can help anyone else out

yeah... the result wasn't very helpful

janet- Glass and ring are the same colour - noth have one more thing in common, the letter G

I'm stuck on 10, don't see anything obvious but it looks like everyone is getting it quickly......gotta go but hopefully someone will still be here when I get back...I know the most of the names, (hopefully)...

There are 9 letters for the answer to level 14.

Oh...I get it...chess pieces..what's missing....clever!

A previous clue said 19 pairs - I was looking for (and found) 19 letters in common that were gibberish. Will try again - thanks for narrowing it down

lvl 14...dinner for two but there are three glasses???

For 20, start at row 1 column 2, from there follow the news directions by 2 steps and 1 step etc, first step SW.

heh.. 2 and 1 of course! didn't think of spliting like that TY

anf gratz! i'm done~~
ty for all the help guys
loved the riddle ^_^

Yay!!! Well done Nini :)
Glad you liked it.

Finally - thank you Peggy for the 9 - I was looking for 19!

does 10 have to do with same backwards?

Tangled, a famous "Isaac", last name begins with "N".
Find famous last names for the others.
Use the first letters of all last names for the answer.

The few hints I've found for level 17 aren't helping.
I'm not sure how to proceed.
Any help?

ohhhhh.....I did that with first names and then thought maybe the title meant it was a palindromes....way off base.

Peggy. The pictures are in pairs. They have something in common with each other ...........plus one.

Top left pair is Crate and tear.
One (to use) letter not in common.

got it thanks Peggy.....

Thank you LinR and s-t. Got it!

For level 18, do I need to know much about Chess?

The only mention I can find about the level is that NiniXD reached and passed it.

First letters of the text give a hint.

Lol, and in a more far-fetched way, the title gives the same hint.

Puzzling over this one too - two chess pieces have double letters but then what

But then there's three letters the same in nagging and ridiculing - doesn't seem that would be a coincidence (hee hee which also has 3 letters)

Oh great! I got your hint, but I've never been good at figuring that stuff out.
Google is my friend... again.

Btw, this is a great site for levels like 18


Three cheers to Peggy for helping out so much without giving answers away!!!

I have to go now, but it's been fun! Nice one S-T and Jon! I'll be back...I am determined to get to the end of this! ;-D

Thank you, Zoe. What a nice thing to say.

S-t, I'm not sure how to even enter the info into the translator.
Do the white chess pieces count for anything, or just the black?
And then do I have to change numbers to letters again?

Peggy, what should we translate on level 18?

Thought I was going to be "happy" there were no more Maths?

It´s not about White or Black.
It´s about a piece on the board or not. 0 or 1

Is black checkmate, or mate?

Hi Arrie - I'm with you - not sure what to even translate. Everything I put in gets a ginormous string of 0's and 1's. That doesn't seem right.

arrie, I'm not sure.
I thought the black pieces would be the "ones" and the rest "zeros".
Did I mention I don't get this? :-)

Lvl 18. There's a chesspiece missing?

Yes, there is the black b missing and the white b, r and k missing

Lol, a missing chess piece is not important. That´s what happens in chess matches, pieces are taken sometimes.
The important part is± there are fields with pieces on them and fields without pieces.

And 3 black p and 4 white p

Oh yes, of course lol, in the battle pieces get lost, dumb. lol, really dumb my my. It's .. eh .. early here.

Reading across the top row? 1000110?

Okay, so if we encode the board with 0's and 1's based on what is or isn't there, how do we use that link? Tried putting something in the binary box and hitting decode and that didn't do anything. Tried putting it in the text box and that was even worse

For example the first row.
Nothing on a field is 0 and a piece is 1.
So you get
And on that site I gave that would give you an F

Thank you s-t. I wasn't putting the 0 at the beginning.

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Yes, it works!!! Thank you....

Yes, that worked. Great link.
Missing parts on the ladder now.

Well, it's past midnight here after working all day. Much as I'd love to finish tonight I just wouldn't do the last levels justice. Thanks for all the help and a great riddle game - will finish tomorrow!!

OK. I think level 19 may be my breaking point.
Previous comments make little more sense than the clues on the level's page.

"H + 6 would be 14/N"
What does that mean?

Here´s another link, made by a great riddler, Luthorien


And on that site this link


That's what the hint rotten was about. It's rot.

Use that for level 19

Colours names do have a certain amount of letters and don't forget (to use) the title! (7.13 pm) by s-t

Thanks for the link, s-t. Now what do I enter into it?
Colour names? Numbers of letters?

I think my brain is giving up on me.

I hate not finishing, but I'm gonna have to go too.

arrie NL, I guess it's in your hands. Good luck!

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Violet, when climbing up the rainbow, would be the first one and is a 6 letter word.
The first letter of the title is an H or the 8th letter of the alphabet.
So 8+6 is 14 and that would be an N in the alphabet.

Holy cow! I'm definitely going to have to save that for later. Waaaay too much thinking involved for right now.

Thanks for the fun, s-t.
Great game!

Peggy noooooo, Janet ...??

Okay, I first have to look at the names of the colors.
What I get is not a word.
One moment.

aaand level 20. My english is okay, but for letters like that I do need a anagram solver. And no, no idea what this word means, so a translation site is needed too, lol.

But first level 20.

Level 9 - it's what you think it is, but don't capitalize it.

For 20, start at row 1 column 2, from there follow the news directions by 2 steps and 1 step etc, first step SW. (dutchie)

Following this hint I only get 1 eh klinker. That's not working.

klinker = vowel

You start on the H and the 2 from the text tells you to use the first two words of the text and that's indeed S and W together, so that's SouthWest. And going SouhtWest from that H you land on the O.
Next one (from there) is one step East. Keep doing that method and you will get it. No anagram.

Anyway, that's me for tonight. Way and way too late.
Thanks all for playing :)

I was having the same problem as you until I realized the hint to use 2 steps, then 1 step, etc was referring to the words at the bottom. Use 2 words = SW, then one word, then 2 words, etc.

Ah Thank you both for helping me out here. I will finish this now.

lvl15, stuck.

got it lvl15

finish. Thanks ST

       Anonymous  11/15/14, 1:18 AM  

I'm terribly stuck at lvl 13 - the hints don't help me.

Some one now needs the post the answers, I am to stupid to get past level 12, I cant advance and am always to late for a live game

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Handy, First letter of lvl 12. B c.....means B = 2, small c = 3, so if you read it as numbers it would say, 2 cubed, which equals 8. Eighth letter of alphabet is H.

Mako, If you read the recipe, pls take note of the fish, where it came from as an example. Within those names you will see two royal ppl. There is a board game which uses those two royal pieces. Read the rest of the recipe and you will see other pieces from that game. However, there is one missing...that will be your answer.

13 is about a board game for two players (the title of the recipe is in black and white, that should tell you which board game) try to find the names of the pieces used in that game, one is missing.

Lol Clio, you beat me :)

Your explanation is clearer and more concise,dutchie btw, I wondered why the title was in black &white. Thanks hahhahhah

Returned after some much needed brain cooling and finally finished.
Thanks for making and posting this outSTanding maSTerpiece
Especially liked the outro and now can't wait for the terminal neural overload of 50 shades.

       Anonymous  11/15/14, 3:00 AM  

Thank you Clio and Dutchie, now it looks so simple :) I was thinking too much of fish..

was going great on this lovely riddle until I hit level 15 and stuck can anyone give me a nudge please

ger, its all backwards, so start from the back of the alphabet, i.e...26 would be A.

15- numbers to ? then use z=1

Clio and Mtatt thanks a lot

       Anonymous  11/15/14, 5:24 AM  

Finally managed, thank you Small-tool, it was a great fun! Can't wait for 50 more
( ^∇^)

I suck at these...can't even get past the FIRST one XD (probably because I'm a beginner)

Gina, The hint is FIRST. Look at first letters of the words.

Morning - came back with a fresh brain and finally finished. Many thanks to Small-Tool and Jon for a wonderful riddle game.

Thanks also to everyone who helped me - appreciate you all.

oooh :D Silly me... thanks :D

back and still stuck on 11...read peggy's clue from 7:17 but not getting it...more please

Morning Tangled! You get a number from solving each line. Take that number and relate it to a letter (A=1). It should spell a word that is the answer....

Tangled, do the math then convert numbers to letters A=1 B=2 etc.
Four letter answer.

math? :(

Peggy gave already the answers: 3 dimensions, 1 x 1 x 1 = 1, 12 edges. 6 surfaces.
Now convert the answers to letters.

got it...thanks...onto 12....ohhhh....and more math..

amazing ...12 was so easy!!!! that just makes me jump for joy!!

Lol, gogogo Tangled :)

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thanks small-tool the riddle was great and looking forward to the next one

dinner for two....have to go back and re-read the clues....hmmmm...i wonder what it could be

Tangled...as a start i would say...if i saw a yellow glass and a yellow ring...i would think they had a G in common. Or, if i saw a red flower and a red vase, i might suspect they had an E in common. Continue that way.

Great hint Clio so I got 9 letters but they aren't making sense....I must have a letter wrong somewhere. starting over

pairing up, pulling what's in common, 9 letter and the answers I am getting are weird...

First letter is r, last is g.

oh gosh....it was there all along in granny's list....i just didn't look down far enough....duh...darn!!

I have to leave for a baby shower.......if only I could bring my laptop and not be noticed.......

       Anonymous  11/15/14, 10:43 AM  

& congrats for me, too!
could finally finish thanks to the good hints from earlier players

thx @small-tool for this cool game :-)

Finished - thanks for all the great hints. Fun time Small-Tool thanks

oh noo....I just got back and jumped on this and everybody finished already??? I got to 16 and saw previous hints.....not getting it....what do i use to call someone for help? my answers don't work

Thanks small-tool enjoyed the game .Thanks for all the helpful hints without them I would never be able to finish. Looking forward to the main event, but knowing small-tools games I am going to need all the help I can get .

Tangled look at your phone

16 done aaand onto 17!

17 done and 18 not!

OMG!! 18 done! either these hints are bleeping awesome or I am truly getting the hang of it!! 19 up next

On to 20!!!

That's why I love eg24 because they give good hints and don't just pm each other all the time

they really do......but they keep it cryptic enough that you can feel good about solving them (unless you flat out need the answer!)....like now....I know what I have to do on 20 but I am getting a bit confused on it..I have the news but now landing on the letters with numbers do i follow?

**which numbers**

I DID IT!!!! I was confused and then......I wasn't!!! Thanks S-T!! I just love these much too much!!!!

Yayyy Tangled. Congrats.

Greetings L&G - LTNS (a very long one...)!

But only a ST riddle can lure me out of my shell...

Unsurprisingly, another great game - many thanks ST!
♥ ♥ ♥
Also thank you jon,
for assembling - you made a good job of it!
Not to forget all the previous players, who left helpful hints - cheers!
(now on to the big one - for lack of time, it will keep me busy for the next months LOL)

premiere, thank you so much for all the hints and WT''s you gave in the past. You have set a great example (for me anyway). Good to see your name pop up.

Wonderful to see you (albeit briefly) Premiere. You are much missed and I hope to see your mad mona and all the other quirky avatars again soon. Take care. I look forward to seeing you in the not-too-distant future.

1 star for broken game, put in answer and get 404 error

Just finished. Behold the lord high executoner, lol, what a grandiose and funny end :) Thanks for the riddle S-T :) On to 50 Shades of Small now :)

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Keeper, I've just run through these (I played it before), so if you need any help, just ask. But I guess you will manage very well yourself.

Thanks minkie, I'm now stuck at 18 (I think I also played before and stopped at the same place!), will try to sort it out by myself :)

Missing my riddle fix, so just played through this. It was fun :) Simpler times without any crazy egg paths! Haha :D :P

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