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Brain Train with Professor Labcoat 1 Walkthrough

Brain Train with Professor Labcoat 1

Abroy - Brain Train with Professor Labcoat 1 is a new free online point and click type room escape game from Abroy. Professor Labcoat is an educational game series dedicated to train and challenge your brain. In each game you'll find a collection of brain teasers, puzzles and memory games. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  1/9/15, 5:07 AM  

jumping in..

uhh this is nicee

huh how to enter answer?

Leroy after u have all the answer, click the drawer below TV

Aaah TY hadnt clicked that far yet

       Anonymous  1/9/15, 5:20 AM  


Questions are not that difficult, but Q2 is tricky (do the maths).

Oops, that's already the end of the game, was hoping for more.

hmmm I'm not sure what I got wrong

Nvm xD Out

       Anonymous  1/9/15, 5:32 AM  

problem is I don't know which puzzle is wrong

I had a problem with Q2, but then I realized all numbers were between 1 and 5..

Probably 1, 2 or 7, all the others should be very obvious and those three were a bit tricky.

Like I posted before Nini, Q2 was about maths (and not about a missing number).

Yup.. after I noticed Q2 couldn't be what I thought at 1st, there was only 1 option left :P

what questions !
I can do nothing in the room.

8 questions on the notes on the walls. Answer them all (on paper, not in the game) and use those answers on the code box below the tv on the right.

I can see the notes, but can do nothing with them

Like I said, answer them "not in the game". Write the answer number down in real life. All you can do in the game is use all your answer numbers on the code panel on the right.

I cant do nothing with the notes and it also applies to reading them

sorry not my cup of tea

There are too many permutations of wrongs to correct to make this fun.

I can't figure out where my mistake is. Going to have to leave it....

Anyone confident of their Q4 answer?

Ah--it was 3 that I messed up. I missed that the 2 was missing from the left row of numbers.

there's a video walkthrough to help figure out where you went wrong

... but yeah, it reminds of those strange quizzes all your friends seem to be doing on Facebook (I'm a grammar genius! for example) that in the end tell you how many you got right, but don't say which ones were 'wrong'. I suppose in those cases, you can't then question their 'rightness' :-p

there is a video walk-through for people who are looking for hints...its at the bottom of the game as you are playing it...click on the icon that looks like a folder..that should bring you to a walk-through option.

well take a look to the video walkthrough, and tell by the name of which logic answer to q3 is 2!! Others were correct at least :)

Yet another crap game from the "smart people"

       Anonymous  1/9/15, 1:05 PM  

answer number



answer to q3 should be 3 and not 2!

For question 3 - they're sneaky. 6(*7) = 42, 5(*6) = 30, 4(*5) = 20, 3(*4) = 12 But now it's sneaky - they left off the 2. 2(*3) = 6 and the final part is 1(*2) = ?. So that's why the answer is 2 not 3.

thx janet!

no matter what link i click, i get #5 of this series.

no matter what link i click, i get #5 of this series.

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       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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