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Brain Train with Professor Labcoat 3 Walkthrough

Brain Train with Professor Labcoat 3

Abroy - Brain Train with Professor Labcoat 3 is a new free online point and click type room escape game from Abroy. Professor Labcoat is an educational game series dedicated to train and challenge your brain. In each game you'll find a collection of brain teasers, puzzles and memory games. Good luck and have fun!

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That's good one. Some of the quizzes are easy and straightforward, some are a bit trickier - but none too hard.

#4 took me a couple of minutes to figure out.

No 2 had me for a bit- there are too many ways to find rules here and the answer ends up being a bit arbitrary

fun all the same

Indeed quite easy. #2 took me a while :P

No 2 stumped me too... good one though!

I guessed at #7. Even though I was correct, I still don't see the pattern.

Fun game. Not too difficult.

Peggy- maybe you should come at it from a different angle

Yeah, Peggy - imagine you're standing in front of the cars ;)

*Facepalm* Ha ha

Thanks enzed and bio. I can be such a dingbat sometimes.
It makes PERFECT sense now.

This one was easier than the last but question #8 does not follow correct math procedure - parentheses should be done first.

I think Puffin that you'll find it actually was ok- its just a bit ugly the way it's written- the parentheses had to be done first for it to work

I'm not sure if I did #2 correctly, if you divide 9/3 (opposite number) you get 3, the second number. 1/1 is 1, the second number, so the answer would be 4 - 4/2 = 2 (the second number).

Sarah, I figured it with multiplication, but got the same answer.

1 squared = 1
3 squared = 9
2 squared = ?

I have to admit that #7 wasn't new to me, and I had no chance when I first met it ages ago ;)

       Anonymous  1/24/15, 8:35 AM  

end code



7 took me a few minutes, good game.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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