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Park Del Amo Apartment Escape Walkthrough

Park Del Amo Apartment Escape

EightGames - Park Del Amo Apartment Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. A man is staying in the Park Del Amo apartment. Suddenly he finds that the door is locked inside. When he tries to contact the service room, he finds that the telephone line is out of order. To come out it is left with some clues to solve the puzzle. Interact with the objects and help the man to escape from the apartment. Good luck and have fun!

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First scene: click carefully on book case (to avoid changing scene) for clue paper and book.

lots of numbers hidden all over the place

I gave up on this - the red dot grid is really tough. Tip - you can go right from the bedroom. Good Luck guys

I'm gonna have to give up too. So far have 5 emoticons (placed), 2 colour puzzles solved, several drawers opened and pencils/books found, 4 glasses found, 4 pieces of puzzle paper (combine to make whole paper) for red dot grid - but can't solve, toothpaste and measuring jug (used), several sets of 4-digit numbers but only 2 of them used/worked, mug (fill with water in bathroom), brown book which opens but none of pencils will write in it. No clue for alphabet puzzle over bed or arrow puzzle on bed.

been at least 10 mins since Ive found anything giving up

Zuleika there is a faint path on he assembled paper clue which starts top right.
Follow the path round the dots but don't hit any dot twice (ie jump over when your path crosses where you have already been).

The arrows on the bed is the clue for the flower pots in first room

And the flower pot in second room is the clue for the color drawer in first room (the drawer farthest left)

There are a lot of sneaky hidden drawers

shape papers on the letter board, 4 letter drawer open, still need one more glass, 1 4 digit code still needed behind the bed, and letter drawer next to bed to go, stuck with 5 balls and a mug of water, what to do next?

I am assuming the shapes have something to do with the 4 digit drawer but nothing is working, anyone still here?

       Anonymous  2/16/15, 8:24 AM  

still dont get the color code on the left from the flowers


Radar, for the color code from flowers, go top to bottom

       Anonymous  2/16/15, 8:35 AM  

What did you do with pencils

       Anonymous  2/16/15, 8:38 AM  

and paste that will not go on toothbrush

pencils are used in the books, match the color pencil/book, paste goes in measuring cup for 2 digit code.

       Anonymous  2/16/15, 8:54 AM  

tks. rds665 I am not there yet. No wonder they did nothing

yvw redrover, let me know if you need any further help. hopefully you can help me get past this point i have been stuck for over half hour now...lol

Stuck with four balls, brown book, cup of water and four other cups.

Siobhán Long's sister, same here. rds665, what shapes...?

siobhan did you already place your emoticons? if so you should have gotten the key for the scissors to use in the brown book

       Anonymous  2/16/15, 9:18 AM  

tks forgot that I had not used tuxedo colors. Made a big difference.

BTW, missing one emoticon. Help? :)

How are we supposed to rearrange the emoticons....the eyes having something to do with it I guess but I'm not getting it?

after placing the emoticons and making sure their eyes are facing their paths, you should get the key and 5th ball, use the scissors in the brown book to cut out 4 pages, then one at a time fold the papers and cut them that will give you the four shapes to pin on the letter board, the letters themselves go alphabetically in the first room and that is now where i am stuck.

Sounds good to me. Apart from the fact that I am still missing out on one emoticon, one colour code, and two letter codes. Can't find a thing today! *is cross with herself*

Ratschn 96 it wasn't the colour drawer in the middle room was it (hint was a pile of books in first room, bottom shelf)

not all drawers were locked/coded ratschn, it could be in one of those that you missed.

Thanks for trying rds665 but one of my emoticons has eyes looking NW and none of the lines go that way......

Melody54, it was, actually. Thank you!!

Oh...got the emoticons! Yay....last one looks back at the first.

Melody, see Sisli's comment on 2/16/15, 8:26 AM. (I had to swap the two emoticons looking E to get that thing working.)

check sisli post at 8:26 open it in a new window it might help

That by far was one of the hardest escapes ever!

And OUT... my goodness, that was difficult :) rds665, you will want to fill the five glasses with water and try to drop something into each.

i cant find the fifth glass, am stuck with the 4 digit drawer behind the bed, and the 5 letter drawer, have 5 balls but only 4 glasses

I will replay this game, can't remember where to find the fifth glass.

and out too. Thanks everyone.

My 5th glass came from the 4 letter drawer. The clues for the drawer behind the bed and the 5 letter word come later.

Five glasses:-
- living room, next to table leg
- bedroom, in front of bed
- bathroom, next to sink (bottom right)
- bathroom, rightmost cabinet, top drawer
- living room, right cabinet below emoticon puzzle, after solving the letter puzzle

i found it, base of the sink and out

       Anonymous  2/16/15, 10:05 AM  

tks forgot that I had not used tuxedo colors. Made a big difference.

Probably holds the record for the highest amount of four-number codes required.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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