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The Games of Escape Walkthrough

The Games of Escape

Esklavos - The Games of Escape is another point and click adventure escape game developed by Esklavos. An old house. A strange man giving instructions on TV. And every time you wake up something has changed. Get out as soon as possible of this macabre game. Good luck and have fun!

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The Games of Escape Walkthrough 

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Coool Im in..

click on TV to know, what you should do.
it is straight forward...

damn LOL need to peel the nuts...

remember after each task go to bed

flashlight gives you nut cracker from under the bed.

       Anonymous  3/14/15, 7:06 AM  

gamesite doesn't open..Don't know why do these things always happen here

I can never do those puzzles that connect the symbols. Is there some sort of trick to it?

Such nice graphics. Very enjoyable.

Alice, for me it works to put the one with the most hits (in this case water=4) in the middle, and the ones with only 1 hit at the side. Then I start connecting.

All I find is a apple, walnuts and used the flash light?

Do I have to play a chess game?

I placed all the chess pieces on the board, but they stayed in my inventory, too. I can move the pieces around on the board. I.e., if I highlight the king, I can move the king around on the board, etc. But nothing happens

OH Good grief there is a down button! Face palm!!! LOL

Listen to the TV and put the chess pieces on the board in the right spots - no playing involved

TV guy tells you king A7 etc...

So, in this game:

water : sun, moon, leaf, eye
sun ..... lightning
moon ... triangle
leaf ..... eye and curly shape

Janet - what happens though? For me nothing happens when I place the chess pieces...

I got a key that dropped from the board onto the floor

thank you arrie NL

Stuck with flashlight and missing third totem head ............. looking everywhere ..............

Oh, I moved the rook to the wrong place when I was fooling around.,.,got the black key....and out...

Great game!!

The guy on the TV calls the "knight" a "horse" and he calls the "rook" a "tower"

The flashlight stays in the inventory after you use it under the bed...

thank you Zoe, but cant find third totem head??? And cant see any chess board which I presume I get after placing third head?

Zoe, the pieces disappear after you positioned them correctly on the board.
The key should drop from the ceiling.

The chessgame is the third assignment.
do you have the totem from the drawer?

Arrie The drawer with the key? Yes, got that one

Sue - one by coffee table, one by doing sand puzzle , last by using red key on bedroom drawer

* sand clock puzzle

Totem heads.
1 in plain sight, 1 in drawer below tv with the red key.
That key is on the paper which holds the pattern for the paper on the kitchenfloor. gives the 3rd head.

Thank you Janet. I am missing the one by the coffee table but cant see it anywhere, and cant find a hot spot. Think I may have to restart?

Too short! Great game.

Should have been by bottom right leg if I remember correctly

lol, I would almost think you've got that last head already ...

lol Arrie, I keep checking my inventory over and over, driving me bonkers :)

And when you opened the drawer, you had to click again to add that head to your inventory

Have replayed and now have my three totem heads, on to the chess board. Thanks all.

Yay Sue!!

And out - finally, guess I'll never know where my third head went lol

hahahaa, I found it here on the kitchentable .. sorry.

Ahhhhhh...beautiful game! I really didn't want that one to end. Thanks, Esklavos! Fun and easy. For new players: keys fall from the sky after you complete tasks and you always have to click on a draw or barrel after it opens. Sometimes more than once, and dialogue is usually a clue.

It was fun
\Back to normal
Thanx Esklavos

Really nice! I like these.

Excellent game!!!! Loved this. Thank you so very much, Esklavos!

       Anonymous  3/14/15, 9:46 AM  

Hmm, all going well but now I can't find the queen.

       Anonymous  3/14/15, 9:46 AM  

Oh, it was sitting on top of the vase...

A very quick game for Esklavos.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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