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Ena Forest Island Escape Walkthrough

Ena Forest Island Escape

EnaGames - Ena Forest Island Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume that you are in the forest island and you need to escape from that island before it becomes dark. So try as much as you can to sail the sea and reach the shore. For this you need to show your utmost determination in discovering the objects. Good luck and have fun!

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Thank you ENA! Going in!

Opened the sliders but nothing inside? Rope in inventory, not collecting much stuff yet

got 3 rocks and a rope, got slider puzzle open. stuck

Ok just crashed and burned! Will come back later...

And now a leaf that opens in another window

Is your game lagging odder92?

No, no problems here

Using chrome

There's a cute little fox in one scene...I'm trying to reload the game again...will see if it lags again. Normally no problems with ENA

me too Chrome

did you do the sliders and notice nothing inside?

we have to make a path with the rocks

Ya slider puzzle was empty. Totally stuck now

Me too...can't get anything else have no idea where to use the rope

We need more help!

I'm thinking that all the animals in scene two are for the numbers on the tree...or the spots on the mushrooms?

Tree in first scene shows red, red, purple, purple. Tried all combos with mushrooms on tree in second scene. Nothing

       Anonymous  4/21/15, 10:51 AM  
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Grab the leaf from the tree...by the birds. Still Stuck!

I don't think I've been this stumped with an ENA game.

Got it, cant do anything with it

how many rocks do you have odder, I have three and don't see anymore and I cannot find where to make the path

3 also

I keep trying to beat the crock up with the rocks...but know I need a path, somewhere

i've used all kinds of combinations for the number clue on the tree...the birds the eyes of the newts the frogs, nothing and then the mushrooms have dots..done that forward and backwards

so i resorted to the walkthrough.. the slider puzzle is supposed to have a knife in it... no wonder we can't get anywhere

OMG!! Thank you Kerzman

Well that would help, lol

Well not going to waste anymore time here then. ENA!!

i normally don't look at the walkthroughs unless i am stuck even with the hints from all of you all.. i got mad and looked, lol

Just checked the walkthrough. There should have been a knife inside the slider puzzle. Can't play without it.

C'mon ENA Fix the Bugs before you release your games please!

Hey odder92 we tried! Have a great day!

Ya, will try again later to see if they fix it

you 2 Sharon

you 2 Sharon

Ya, will try again later to see if they fix it

There is supposed to be a knife behind slider puzzle but there isn't. must be a glitch in the game.

Ok It's back up!!

Going back in....Use knife that you finally get on the grasses

I saw that there was a problem so didn't play.
Thanks Sharon for the heads up.

Hi!!!! Austen! Anytime my friend!

Actually glad you are here...I started this earlier and now still stuck in the same spot, three rocks a leaf and a rope. If you get past any of that let me know. please

Use the knife again on the parachute

ok making some progress, use parachute on the bugs in first scene

You were right Sharon.
That fox is really cute but not too sure what to do with it yet.

after you use the parachute take it back again, also do you have any clue where to use the grasses?

I thought around the fox and still cannot find that dang path to put the rocks in

give the grasses to the hippo to chase the crock away

caught fish with parachute and gave it to the herons

Sharon, you need to feed the grass to the hippo.

I'm still finding this game quite buggy. Parachute reappeared on the ground after it was gone for a while. Can zoom in now on the fox when I couldn't 2 minutes ago......

Stuck with knife, leaf with wood shavings, acorn and parachute.

thanks Mrs spille!

You are way ahead of me still.
Trying to catch up.

I think so too AIVro...in scene three where the fox it

now I click on the parachute it opens up in it's own window...what am I supposed to put in it now?

How on Earth did I miss the rope in that tree?
What an Eejit!

also get the leaf in that tree for what i'm not sure yet

horns from the puzzle on cliff in far lest scene

Out, but continued to be buggy.

You use the parachute several times......

You know the more I keep playing this the worse I feel about it because maybe AIVro is right...too buggy

Ok AiVro, thanks! I commend you on getting out! Geez

I'm going to replay to see if some of the bugs have been cleaned up......

Sorry ENA but this one was just too buggy for me.
I don't often give up but even with the helping hands from others I just couldn't figure it.

Still love your games but this one was not for me.

Most of the more disruptive bugs seem to have been cleaned up. The circle clue that the bird pecks into the tree still doesn't have colors though.....but you can still finish.....

That one was not very good.

I played it when most of the bugs were fixed. Like AIVro says: after feeding ant to bird the wheel doesn't show a clue. Nice game and Ena always has a vid WT in case of emergency ;)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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