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Golden Palace Escape Walkthrough

Golden Palace Escape

Games4King - G4K Golden Palace Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Someone has been trapped in a golden palace. So you will need to collect the necessary objects to make him escape from golden palace. If you have the right attitude then you will get those out. Use better skills to solve the puzzles. Are you ready? We’ll see it! Good luck and have fun!

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Hey there, I always read comments to help me out, thought I should contribute for a change...........

I've placed four goblets in the wall.....what to do with them now???

can't find a fourth goblet...where does the screw driver go?

oh on the cabinet!

The goblets tell you the sequence for grids in scene 3, but only the first grid is locking in for me...hmmm have checked and rechecked, not sure what I'm doing wrong.

can't find the cabinet; what to do with the piece of paper, and can't figure out puzzle on door.

finally got the door grid puzzle worked out, must have not clicked on one of the squares correctly

For the three dials puzzle with the red pointers, start with the third one and align that. It will stay there - then do the second then the first. That's what worked for me anyway.

I cant find the fourth goblet

Nice game, really nice.
Unfortunately, can't help you ontherocks, have to go.
If it won't happen today, I'll write a WT tonight.

Great game. the yellow block sequences took a bit of figuring out. Music was not good though; had to turn it off.

There's a secret panel on rhs of door in scene 1.

What to do with the 6 yellow balls thing? The paper is not working for me clue. I have another paper I can't zoom.

1st goblet in scene 7 after rotating red dials.
2nd goblet in scene 11 after putting the 6 coins on the wall
3rd goblet in scene 10 after solving slider
4th goblet in scene 11 after putting 5 apples on the wall

The clue from paper for the grid is wrong. I have to look at the walkthrough. You have to paint (8,7) and (7,8) not (7,7) where the numbers refer to the rows and columns. The other squares are right.

You use the sd on the right cabinet after opening that door.

Magda the yellow balls go on the wall above the cabinets in scene 11

Magda, I thought the grid clue was wrong too, but it's actually correct. You have to click on all the squares that have a line thru them.

The grid:

The 4 grids in scene 3 can be done one at a time, you don't have to do all at once. You have to click on the squares in the same order as they appear when you rotate the goblets. If you get it right the grid will lock in after you click the 4th.

If you get confused, rotate all the goblets so the cup is on the right.

I looked again at the picture and you are right @Dean OCallaghan.
The straight line was that confused me.

A Don’t-know-if-it’s-still-necessary-but-doing-it-anyway-through.

Scene 1.
Take the coin.
Click the panel right side of the gate = key.
Go left.

Scene 3.
Take the coin.
The gate will open after doing the 4 grids.
Go right twice.

Scene 2.
Click the arrow on the clock till it’s 9 = screwdriver.
Write down the number.
The plate on the gate is a large grid.
Go right.

Scene 4.
Go through the gate.

Scene 9.
Take the coin.
Move the plant = paper for A on the wall.
Click the squares as shown = a pot.
Place the pot below the tap.
Go right.

Scene 10.
Take the coin.
Note the position of the triangles.
Put in the number from scene 2 = paper for the large grid.
The 6 black rectangles can be altered.
Go left twice.

Scene 7.
Take the coin.
Set the triangles as shown in scene 10 = 3 knobs.
Place the knobs on the small dots. Click them one by one till their point is on the black dot = a goblet.
Go to scene 2.

Scene 2.
Do the large grid. Be real accurate, it’s easy to go wrong here. It helps to count the squares = the gate opens.
First go to scene 1, use the key, go through the gate.

Scene 5.
Take the coin.
Take the paper.

Go to Scene 2, go through the gate.
Scene 11.
Click the left box = paper for B on the wall in scene 9.
Use sd on the right box = a cog.
Place the circle with coins on the wall = a goblet.

Go to scene 4, through the gate to scene 9.
Use the B-paper = a jar.
Place the cog on the tube, turn it, take the pot with water.

Go to scene 1, through the gate to scene 5.
Water the tree, take 5 apples.

Go to scene 2, through the gate to scene 11.
Place the apples = a goblet.

Go to scene 4, through the gate, to the right.
Scene 10.
About item the jar. Dip in the paper = the clue for the 6 rectangles.
The dot on the paper shows where the rectangles have to have an opening = a goblet.
1: click twice.
2: click once.
3: click three times.
4: not.
5: click once.
6: click twice.

Go to scene 1, through the gate, go left.
Scene 6.
Place the goblets above the grids.
Click every goblet 6x and notice what squares are coloured.
Back and to scene 3.

Scene 3.
Click grid 1 and click the squares as shown by the goblet at 1.
Do the same with the other grids = you’re OUT !!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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