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Sea War Escape Walkthrough

Sea War Escape

Games2Jolly - Sea War Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly. The story of this game is to about two boats . Assume that someone has shooting the opposite side . Your task is to stop the shooting by destroying the boat which is placed opposite. Try to collect some hidden objects and use them at appropriate places. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve simple puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Anyone around?

I just finished. Need help?

yeah am stuck, got string, two bones and some weird stick thats needs stuff added

You need to find the cloth. Give me a second to think where it was.

Do you have the sword?

Taylor are you still here, or did I take too long to respond?

You get the sword from the shapes puzzle in the cabin of the boat. (clue from screws puzzle...that clue from magnet used on box in cabin...magnet from using bones in second scene on carcass) Anyway use the sword in sc. 2 on the log hanging in the tree you get the cloth to make a torch to light the cannon.)

Bones go into the heart shaped holes on the rock by dinosaur bones. You first have to adjust the position of the first bone before you can insert the second.

Did anyone else notice the code for the outside wall, which you are supposed to find in the coins, is also printed on the floor just beyond the cardboard box with the screws in it?

I thought that writing on the floor was the code too. But I couldn't manage to read it.

Shouldn't that be 'Jolly Roger Escape'?

The code on the floor was 916.

good game. the only weird bit was the code on the floor. I'm guessing there was a change of game design and it got left there

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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