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Caveman Escape Walkthrough

Caveman Escape

Games4King - G4K Cave Man Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Assume that you are walking across the mountain and you found few caves and pond. And also you found someone being locked inside one of the cave. So explore the mountain and the caves and collect the necessary items to free the guy, locked inside the cave. Good luck and have fun!

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easy out.

This ear-splitting version of Scarborough Fair makes for interesting background music... ;s

Hi all !. number of blue, yellow and pink birds are the number of clicks on the slider of the same colors.

That was fun . Thanks G4K.

Where to use knife?

Have strange grid with black/red dots
Ah! Use it on the names for a 4-letter clue

And it all falls into place ...

Pretty good game, one clue leads to another once you get started,

Stuck. :(
What do the stars say?.. :/ What's that "via" about? What's the 4-digit code?

A one-clue-leads-to-another-through then?

Three colours and numbers of birds, ye, bl, pu. Look the birdies up close into their eyes ... = shovel.

In first scene, take star and orange button.

In second scene, dig for an orange button, and one is hidden in the twigs up high.

In third scene, click birdhouse, move stone on the right for knife.
Click left up above cave opening for down/right/left clue.
Use it in first scene = bottle.
Fill bottle with water in the pond, pour it in the hole on the stone in scene one = 4th button.

Now, here we go.
Place 4 buttons in cave opening 1st scene = tablet,
use red buttons on it show what letters to choose from the names = 3#,
to be used in first scene = key,
to be used on the chest = paper,
to be used on the smilies = package, use knife = key,
to be used on birdhouse = star,
to be placed above pond (zoom in) = left/right clue,
to be used on tree in 1st scene = paper with 4# number,
to be used in scene 2 = key,
to be used in scene 1 on the door = caveman.

Very good game!! Thanks G4K...Always a smile on my face with your games! Anyone else that gets stuck with the stars. go to the tree in Scene 1

D'oh! Totally missed that tree. %)
Thanks, Arrie and Sharon! :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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