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Canadian Cave Stone Escape Walkthrough

Canadian Cave Stone Escape

EightGames - Canadian Cave Stone Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. A tourist as part of Canada trip visited Canadian stone cave and got trapped there. There are puzzles hints and objects left. Find the hints, solve the puzzles and help him to come out of it. Good luck and have fun!

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Good thing I don't have to go into work for a couple of hours.

Wow, only one pop-up ad. I'm impressed.

For green dial puzzle, pieces turn black and are fixed when they are in the correct place.

Hi Lurker joining in.

4 vines first scene clue for color and # puzzle in second.

Yes, I thought the 1s were keyholes and skipped it the first time around. Trying to figure out how to light the torches.

Never mind, stones on the one in inventory.

So you can look at the itty-bitty clue. Really, no zoom?

Oh good, it's copied at the puzzle.

Make bomb, blow up rock, new scene.

And somehow, dropping a spear with the rope escapes. Shortest EightGames ever.

Put worm on Bat ? LOL

I thought we were feeding it. Like feeding butterflies to frogs. Yuck. Circle of Life.

LOL Were to make fire? , have stones.

@bandytrc: in left scene is a torch on the ground

TY Use 2 stones on torch to light it !!

Ok that was the kick start I needed LOL good game.

Dude you get the yellow butterfly before you made the bomb? I think I am missing something.

Yellow butterfly is a speck in mouth of left cave when you are in the starting scene.

Stuck! I have the "torch" filled with gun powder, a thread, two rocks, and a spear with a rope around it. There's a hole in the cave wall where I assume I'm supposed to put the bomb. Can't combine any of my items, and the "torch" isn't ready to use yet. (Clicking it zooms in instead of selecting it.) There has to be an item I'm missing, but what?!?!

cant play the game. every time i start it restarts by itself! six times until now...

It was the stick!
In case anyone else gets stuck in the same place, there was a stick in the middle of the cave floor. Use it to tamp down the gun powder before you add the fuse.
I had to restart to find the stick.

need help with colour code inside left cave. Someone please spoil it???

colors for left cave are color of cameleon (animal left bottom of first scene)..

I can't make this bomb grrrrrr... I put powder into grey "torch", in use stick and thread on it.. I put knife on door cave.. but the torch doesn't stay there and doesn't become a bomb..

ok use hammer on knife after you put it on door

Where's the thread to make the fuse?

Ah, found it after opening colors from lizard

I can't play this game. It will restart automatically. This does not happen before.

Good game. puzzles were a good mix.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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