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Escape From Solomon Island Walkthrough

Escape From Solomon Island

EightGames - Escape From Solomon Island is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. As part of of trips to Papua new guinea a tourist visited the Solomon Islands archipelago trapped inside a cave. There are puzzles, objects and hints left. Find those objects, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to come out of it. Good luck and have fun!

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ok lets try it

i cant find the anagram word...

picked up a jewel, a stick, a green ball and a red ball in the first view

I like EightGames, but this one doesn't keep me interested.
That's okay. Perhaps the next one will.

I got a spear, 3 colored marbles, and a bottle of something? stuck.

I've jus played this will try and remember.
Liquid goes in the red pot

I see a bridge piece in right scene but, can't take it?

go over bridge, pry up rock with spear for 2 knives

pour magic liquid into red pot, flower grows, color code for 4 color puzzle in first view

Mouse carefully, there are some evil hiding places! And that rock was the last place I tried!!!!

three bats are thrown into the fire for a dagger/small sword.
three gems go in the second scene, a tool goes in there as well, found left of the fire. and you can cross the ravine. The daggers are placed at the statues. (At least two of them do).

There is a scroll in a sort of broken log - but you need to do something with the paper before the word works

How to get over the bridge? I cant pick up the piece in right scene?

But, you first have to see the hints of course.
The hint for the bats/fire is across the ravine on a stone.
That's it.

Bandy, zoom in on that spot, it's where you took the magic potion. Then you can take the piece.

I think you have to zoom in first, bandy, not sure - try it

Good grief! I got it you have to click 2x,s on the rock! That is junk!

put colored balls in matching color sliders to get 4 number clue. but I can't find yellow ball yet

pop yellow ball!

@Xaroula. You need to look at the scrolls reflection in the mirror before word will work (not an anagram).

Out - nice little game :)

game froze when I put the tool in the dragon scene.

poor little bats...

where is the green ball?

POP, nevermind.

I zapped the dragon? That seemed mean, he didn't attack me.

And how's everybody doing here? Out?

Green ball is by one of the posts at the bridge in first scene.

where is the green ball anyone?

Green ball in first scene, behind bridge stone

Missing the 4th staff, the 6th sword and one more cyan ball... I assume one item would lead to another to the last, but so far stuck. :(

found the fourth staff second scene behind the where you but the daggers in a clump of grass on left

In case somebody else comes here struggling. :)

Cyan balls: one in the back room behind a bat, the other in the right room on the right (light the dark area with the fire torch).
Staffs: behind a bush in the back room, behind a bush above the left statue in the right room, and two in the middle room - from the cyan balls and from the number code.
Swords: 3 in the back room (2 under a stone, 1 from text) and 3 in the middle room (1 from bats in the fire, 1 from colours, 1 from staffs).

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