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Decrepit Zombie Garage Escape Walkthrough

Decrepit Zombie Garage Escape

FirstEscapeGames - Decrepit Zombie Garage Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by First Escape Games. Assume that you are trapped in a decrepit garage where there are two zombies protecting the garage. You must get the better of the zombies and escape from the garage. Collect whatever things you can find and interact with them to solve the puzzles. Only then you can escape from the garage or else, you will become a prey to the zombies. Good luck and have fun!

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there is a shovel (dark arrow) between grass above bus, use it on building in right scene for colored beetles hint

I am so stuck with 2 nails, crowbar, anchor with rope (rope from color code box in bus), saw handle, locked box (in green water in indoor scene) and some parts of dvd (I think 6 of 8). any ideas???

The drawing of this game is so bad, it's hard to make out what you have, let alone what it is. I have 3 nails, and an anchor (picked it up by randomly clicking?), just check all the zombie hands. Other than the anchor and the 3rd nail, I have all the same things.

sweet4grease, for rope read my first comment and attach it on anchor...

I have found another nail, 3 nails now.

I have that, just don't know where to use it. I'm going to have to come back to this later. I have to get ready for work. GOOD LUCK!

there is a knife in little puddle in first scene below navigation arrow

use knife on tire next to bus for another dvd part

use knife to get hanging chest...

open chest with crowbar to get a second rope..

I give up. I already spent too much time on this lousy game...

Found that damn pixel ih the house. zoom in the middle opening. use shovel in middle of screen

I somehow killed the running zombie in the bus scene. Not sure if I did it wit the anchor or just the mouse. And after that I could use rope/anchor in the hole to get the key.
Key opens suitcase, givews sawblade and then 3 nails and then use it on the tree to get a magnet.

I think I did it with the rope, because my rope is gone now.

Numberplate from car right of the bus gives 4#code

Used magnet on hanging metal pole in the sewer scene to get a stick.

Stick is a pencil and is used as screwdriver inside the car behind the bus (the Volkswagen beetle it is I think). That gives the last cd-part, gives 3 word code, gives lighter and bullet.

And those two items are use to blow up the lock/door in the sewer scene.
Pfew, mother of all pixelhunt games.

got it too. max. 2 stars...

small-tool, thank you for hint how to kill little zombie, so finally I could finish the game.

how often did you use the knife? I need one more cd part and still have it
btw, thank you for leading me through :)

I tried to cut everything... what a painful game

Knife is used twice. In the sewer to cut the rope.
On the big left tyre (on the car) in front of the bus.

oh yeah... thank you... I always tried to zoom in everywhere before using the knife

i would have never finished that without your comments small-tool.
i even tried a 100 time to kill the zombie. using the rope and made it accidentally hhhh

i would have never finished that without your comments small-tool.
i even tried a 100 time to kill the zombie. using the rope and made it accidentally hhhh

       Anonymous  7/23/15, 4:48 AM  

first scene:
- disc piece by the hand
- disc piece behind left

inside thwe bus:
- anchor
- disc piece

right scene:
- nail on hand
- disc piece

inside car
- disc piece

right last
- nail on hand
- disc piece
-wire hung
hung crate

       Anonymous  7/23/15, 5:21 AM  

take a shovel on the bus and use it on wall in right scene for bug hint.( zoom the hint to work) ,get a rope

use knife(in puddle right first scene) on tire of car next to bus without zooming,get a disc part

use knife on hung crate ,get another rope

click on the van right of bus for 4#,get a saw piece

(gross!) use rope on running zombie,then use anchor on hole,drag something disgusting with key

use key on chest in last scene in water for saw handle,and use nails to attach, use saw on black branch on tree right,get magnet

use magnet on hung wire last scen ,get a stick

use stick in car beside bus as sd,get last disc piece

click on the cd, get word clues

use lighter and bullet on exit garage

played this foran hour, hope no one gets stuck that long

Good example of how a game should NOT be.
Dark, vague, unclear, sometimes cursorchange, sometimes not, pixelhunting.

Please DO recommend it to someone you DON'T like.

Sorry to be so strong about it.

I concur...the current trend is hidden object mode made small and camouflaged....very unimpressive way to make something challenging...not my cup of tea.

Game wouldn't have been nearly so bad if they at least made the area you click to find an object/scene or the area you place objects not so specific. You have to click the exact point for anything to work it's too difficult to do anything that way.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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