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Mango Jam Escape Walkthrough

Mango Jam Escape

Maymay - Mango Jam Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Maymay. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Clue on Mango Jam recipe doesn't work on door.

never mind ... you have to look closely at the clue for the colors to become apparent.

The water at the sink is tricky. You have to use certain items on the soap and water and then on other items.

Now I'm stuck with recipe, wooden spoon and the sliced mango in the blender jar.

hi Nis34r,have you found the 3 # code for the door on the 3 door cupboard ?

no I haven't @kevaus

Look at the blender. It gives a multiply & add clue. Use the numbers on the toaster to the right of the blender.

i'm thinking it has something to do with the red X and the green + on the blender base and the nums. on the dial

That will open the 3# cabinet under the stove...

mst3kr,i've tried 5x9+6,but that's not right,what am i missing ?

+7,i meant

Start with the 4, do the multiplications first, then add.

use the numbers on the dial and the X and + on the blender and the numbers on the dial to make an equation.

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3# SPOILER!!!!

(4*6)+(8*10) = 104

how ? (5x9)+7 doesn't work

pop out ... SPOILER ... you get a pan, which leads to the shapes clue, then back to the small cooker clue, then the rest follows.

Doh,slaps head,thanks !!!!!

yw, kevaus. I kept overthinking that puzzle! Took me 10 minutes to figure it out, proving I was either too smart for my own good or just a complete dullard... :D

i would sat here all night and still not have got lol

Lovely game, liked it very much. Thanks MayMay :)

nice game. out without help (wasn't so difficult though)

Nice game,
loved it!

Easier than most MayMay games, but still lots of fun.

Easy (well, "easy" because is logical and doesn't have hidden hotspots) and enjoyable game.

Didn't read comments, but atention to math: multiply first, and then add (follow math rules)

pan gives clue to word puzzle right kitchen closet, before you can use the pan (you need to plug the electricity to heat the pan)

fyi - after you put the mango jam on the bread you have to put it in the toaster (?), okay...

Catching up on games now. Another excellent game from May May!

Top game !! 5 stars.
Simple pictures, but excellent riddles Typical japanese .

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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