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Color Changing Escape Walkthrough

Color Changing Escape

Maymay - Color Changing Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Maymay. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Beautifully elegant. logical, fun and well worth playing

I agree @enzed. I always enjoy these,

I second the opinion of you guys. A very good game.
And does not deserve the (doubtfully honorable) "easy as pie" badge.

Fun. Just when you think you're hopelessly stuck, you figure out the next clue.

is there a trick to turning switch on ?

@kevaus, you have to get a lightbulb and put it in the overhead fixture, then the switch works.

thanks zoz,only have a flower and water bottle left,used sprayer

how to get light bulb ?

ah,got it,count flower petals(you don't have to have them in inv.) !

easy after that !

Thanks @kevaus!

Still don't have a bulb -- only 2 of 3 flowers

BTW there is more than one brown circle when you spray poster.

ok, 2 flowers gives clue for the 5-petal door

put rby dots on test tubes, but they're all the same height
Oh, go away and come back!


Open lower right cabinet and take water.
Go right.
Count the petals on each flower and enter that number on the 3 digit lock.
Take the 3 test tubes.
Go right.
Look at the Science Color sign and note which letters are red.
Press the letters on the cabinet below in their order of appearance on the sign.
Take the spray bottle and fill it with water.
Also in this scene, place the test tubes in the rack and pour in water. Now you have the three letter code to open the glass cabinet on the right (in the scene to the left.)
Take the flower and go right.
Place the flower in the third test tube, and note the partial clue for the drawer puzzle in the first scene.
Take the spray bottle with water and spray the Science Color sign. Note the number of brown, blue, and orange circles.
Go left and enter the solution to the middle glass cabinet.
Take the flower and put it in the middle test tube.
Now you have the complete solution to the 5 circle drawer puzzle in scene one.
Take the packet containing red, blue and yellow tablets and add them to the test tubes.
Go around the room, then check the test tubes. This is the clue for the left glass cabinet containing the final flower.
Take the flower and put it in the left test tube.
Go around the room once and then take the red petal beside the left test tube and put it under the microscope. Click on the eyepiece to see the four letter code for the left cabinet in the second scene.
Take the light bulb and place it in the overhead fixture in the first scene.
Turn on the light switch and zoom on the light to get the clue for the lower cabinet.
Take the screwdriver and use it on the plate on the door.
Zoom on the keypad and turn each letter the correct color (as they appear in the test tubes).
Open the door and escape!

6 brown, 4 blue, 3 orange.
64 x 3 = 192.
From the top, moving clockwise: 6 o'clock (down arrow), 7 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 10 o'clock.
Click each colored bar: red one time, blue three times, yellow two times.
--- O = yellow, x = no color

T red, E blue, S yellow, T red.

And finally something that works with microscope!

Thank you , zoz!
I was just going to post a final clue!

yw @Puzzled. I just wanted to write something more than, "Great game", lol.

great game
thanks for the walkthrough zoz x

nice game
thanks Zoz for WT :)

       Anonymous  9/8/15, 1:38 AM  

Hahaha! Thank you zoz!
walkthrough was fun with playing

Not easy...not hard...but some actual thinking involved...nice game!


Thanks zoz! (Not a sing-through?)


Love Maymay's games. Thank you - always a wonderful treat.

I was completely stumped on this because of a "glitch." I guessed the 4-letter word was PLAN based on the letters that were there. When I did that, it took away the water (because had I done it in order, there would have been no need for it anymore). As a result, I couldn't actually solve any of the other puzzles.

Lovely game

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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