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Dabata Escape 12 Walkthrough

Dabata Escape 12

TomoLaSiDo - Dabata Escape 12 is another Japanese point and click type escape game developed by TomoLaSiDo. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Nice game, very logical this time :)

I am so stuck--where do I start?

Bars have turned to blue and the other side, the fourth button is on the right. What now?

@daisy - rrrlrrr (that's arrows, opposite of directions)

then use the arrow button followed by the square buttons

Aha! Of course - duh moment. Thanks Just1

@Lsquared, start by clicking lower red switch three time, upper once, they should both turn blue

Then maybe both of you can help me find out if I actually finished it or not - got flag to come up, then my game restarted

Oh dear, it's still not working. I pressed the arrow and then the directions (the square buttons) and the directions and THEN the arrow. What have I missed, apart from a brain?

OH! clicking down by the "handle" of the entire thing moves it!

daisy, don't know why, but it works bottom to top - found out by accident

Filled the water up, did what it told me. Now it won't move side to side at all and the water won't go down again. Thanks for your help Just1, I think I will have to try this again another time.

Thanks just1!

replayed to that point, ready to shoot the bullet - what do you mean by handle?

Oh I see, you got to where I was. If you get the little door to come up (rllrll on sq buttons) then you hit the bullet button, and it's game over. But was there something else to do?

Whoever thinks it's logical that the hint for the last puzzle should be read from bottom to top, has an entirely different sense of logic than me...

This game made no damn sense till the inside. Before that it was ONLY click and hope.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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