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GN Old Spanish Treasure Cave Escape Walkthrough

GN Old Spanish Treasure Cave Escape

GamesNovel - GN Old Spanish Treasure Cave Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel. You are boating in the river alone and you are having fun. Suddenly, a heavy rain starts pouring and the river starts flooding. You tried going to paddle to the riverside, but the current flow is so strong. You were washed away and you were unconscious. When you woke up you are in a cave and that cave is called treasure cave. Your boat is gone and you are trapped in that cave. You need to find a way to escape from the treasure cave. There are clues, necessary items and puzzles that need to be solved. Can you manage to escape? Good luck and have fun!

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Simple math not working?

pink flowers are clue for bouncy pink buttons

Hi bandy, it can't be real math - don't know what it is yet

LOL Just 1

Got the Novel hint and colors don't know were to use it ?

DUH just click on the letters! LOL

Pink jug pour in the water.

Stuck with a frog head and color clue?

1 color code is for rainbow pool, 2nd scene to right - I've got blue-purple-cyan-violet flowers, and pink-red-cyan-green numbers


yeah those letters are finicky - you have to click them carefully

Were was pink red cyan green #'s ?

numbers (in left cave) are 999! Ignore those on left - going to try them on the 3# to right

those #s on a door in left-hand cave

735 doesn't work, back to overthinking now...

Would have never thought of that! LOL

I think the paper is clue for 3 digit needed, more paper though?

867 doesn't work either...

I thought the leaves hint was for poles, But no LOL

lol bandy, I would have never thought they'd actually use it that way, but I just started trying everything

Logic out the window on these games! LOL

GL Some one figure it out.

LOL guess what?! Numbers in right-hand cave are 999 too!

Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess you have to learn to think like a moron to beat these games ;)

Useing the same clue 2x's not cool.

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rings on right torch use blue purple flowers

Sorry meant square #'s are for poles.

Hey I must be on the stupid train today - 735 works in new room, why? Who knows

rings on left torch use flowers from frog room, inverted

where is the torch?

LOL just1 !!!!!

Haven't seen any torches yet...bandy, what square numbers?

Both torches need color clues.

Missing 1 frog. Pour liquid from yellow jar on pile of bricks after complete it. Got a number.

The ones above the 735 puzzle (3164)

The paper clue is for the 6 pegs. ( count clicks )

I think the #'s from bricks is for slider but can't get it to work?

try from right to left.

It is for the sliders backwards.

Thanks Roberto.

Need one more gator head ?

No more puzzles left?

DUH! right in front of my face on wall LOL

And out. Thanks for all the help!

Whew! Just caught up and out too. Not sure if I should feel proud of that...

Notice I just said out? LOL

Sorry not a good game. Not enough clues here and the ones in the game don't make sense. I'm amazed you guys got out.

missing: 3 frogs, 1 mask, 3 bricks, 4 croco-gaters, can't figure out the colors on that door, no idea how to use the halloweeny eyes. That's it for me. Not worth my time.

Tbh I found this game amusing. The math, if you take time to look closer, shows its not 7 minus 1+8=. Its 7- (space) 1+8=. Its two clues in the same space.

I had no problems finding clues, but grant you that it took a little time. Its not a game one can speed through. Have to use ones brain. A fun challenge !

Managed this one all on my own and thought most did too so was surprised to see the sighing here. Patience and thinking outside the usual paths is recommended I guess. We do seem to get used to same way of solving these games and when one the demands a bit more brainwork comes along we get impatient.

Thank you to the creater, I enjoyed this game very much.
Cheers :)

       Anonymous  10/4/15, 12:04 AM  

Great game, but very hard to play.
Clicking spots could be better!

and out, comments here helped me a lot, thanks guys.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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