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Yal Cat and Rat Escape Walkthrough

Yal Cat and Rat Escape

YalGames - Yal Cat and Rat Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Yal Games. This place is a house where always, there will be a fight between cat and rat. Find the hidden clues and items by collecting toys, bowl and milk and also collect few other essential items in the house to escape the rat from the cat in the house. Good luck and have fun!

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Thanks Balaji! we are heading on in.....

Thanks for the heads up Balaji.
We are indeed.

I'll finish the other game later, hope this isn't another eyesight test!

Very sneaky hotspot in the counter at the bottom stairs!

Not so sneaky when you realize tab works.

All went smooth but now stuck with milk and nothing to pour it in. Missing the 4# hint for upstairs.

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Thanks for the counter hint. It was what brought me out.

And, btw, if you got the milk, you already have the clue for the four numbers. :-)

Thanks for the 4 digit hint. Was wondering why the paper was still in the inventory.

I may be dumb but the only thing in my inventory is the scroll with the arrows. Tried 0336 according to a clock but that didn't work. Stop - don't tell me that it's 3333 because of the dots!

It is :P

Now that's what I call a POP. How did you get THAT???

OMG I thought for the longest why did we still have the scroll in our inventory!! Out now! Thanks yalgames! Austen...as well!

And now I need the last POP for the place to put the bowl onto.

Meritenith yep that was a really good POP!

Took ages to figure out that 4# code from the dots.
(OK I cheated - Sharon told me!)
Nice game Balaji thank you.

LOL Austen

Followed by the second one. I have placed the bowl to that point a hundred times.

Out now. Abbe, thank you for your life-saving clue and thank you other guys for your charming company.

anybody notice the bong in the upstairs room? haha

good game. Cant believe the # was 3333!

haha rick m, first thing I noticed :P

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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