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Ena Lift The Curse Of Stone Frog Walkthrough

Ena Lift The Curse Of Stone Frog

EnaGames - Ena Lift The Curse Of Stone Frog Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Visualize a situation that a saint had been kidnapped by a giant. During the time of kidnap, the saint left his stick down. Meanwhile a lady frog took it and by playfulness, it cursed the gent frog to turn into stone. But it happened in reverse and the lady frog turn into a stone. Now the gent frog is responsible to lift the curse of the stone frog. It could be achievable only if the stick is used by the saint. For this, the saint needs to be released from the giant. So the gent frog is responsible for his release. For releasing him, you need to collect two swords. This could be achievable only with your support. Any how this game is not going to be over here. The game will be over in the sequel. Good luck and have fun!

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Loading, hope I am not alone.

collected a lot of items to make a torch and light it and I can't find anything else to do.

I am stumped, I have a lit torch and a ring with red stone.

Pop, you can rearrange the coils of the snakes (tail and biggest on bottom) to open cave door.

you can move the snakes... how can I explain that? wind up from small to big ... then the door is open

Hi Jenny, how did you lit the torch? my stick gone after making fire
is there an other one?

oh... LOL... you had better words... ;) english is not my native language, as you see

hi shining... did you wrap the cloth around a stick? that is the one you have to lit after you made fire

put all the rings on the statues fingers (8 of them)
Out now.

Yes Sabine I have the cloth but the stick has gone

There are two sticks.

I'll join the fun!

Stick is wrapped in cloth, soaked in gas and then lit by making fire.
Torch stick is outside in first scene bottom left.

isn't there another stick in the hut? and one outside
wait... I replay... I'm already out

sneaky ring under rocks beside right hand snake.

yes... the one for making a torch is outside... left side of hut

Thank you sabine I found it

Thank you for the final ring Jenny.
To clarify, it was outside of the cave. Sneaky!

What to do with knife? I need one more ring.

Use knife on log in foreground of zoomed in black chest where you put the four tiny symbols from the cobras

Thank you Tiquer!

Thank you Tiquer!

What to do with knife? I need one more ring.

I was bored. 2 stars

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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