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Yal Giant Turtle Escape Walkthrough

Yal Giant Turtle Escape

YalGames - Yal Giant Turtle Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Yal Games. This place is a forest where you have a giant turtle which is lost in the forest. Find the hidden clues and items by collecting birds, tortoises and also collect few other essential items in the forest to escape the giant turtle from the forest. Good luck and have fun!

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in we go!

don't miss the stick in middle of first scene. 4 red flags give clue for number code in zebra scene (numbers 1-4)

feed the chameleon and beat it with stick...

Hi there! Finally a game today (as I boycott EightGames).

slow loading...

place green leaves for last flower

combine colors on beetle with arrows (clue for insect) for window in owl scene...

red beetle for 6 arrows...

I stuck with turtle, 3 birds and hammer. any idea?

Feed lady bugs to iguana

owl scene - I can only change the top right window colour. Must be doing something wrong!

there is a hotspot at zebra leg, but I don't know why...

POP - I was using the wrong shade of yellow!

Robert, my comment above: 4 arrows give order...

Robert, you have to change the colours according to the insect hint (first that top right to yellow, then bottom right to blue, and so on)

same place Hotz

triangles on owl give clue for tusks...

missing one more bird for far right scene

My hint was not only too late but also wrong: bottom left instead of bottom right.

thanks anyway meritneith!!!

And finally I have found a place for my leaves. Doh! I had already four cups of espresso, and still I'm slow.

Has anyone used the hammer until now?

not yet!
struggling with owl wings and puzzle behind still, have a stork - no idea!

Okay, so if you also have that stork, two turtles, and that hammer we're stuck at the same point.

yep, same position

at same place...
any idea for zebra legs? I thought it could give a number clue, but can't get it...

anyone opened the 2 number door?

Hotzenplotz, I thought it could give us a hint for the owl wings but one leg is not clear to count.

I've checked all screens with tab but it didn't help.

no, or the 4 digit number with the chameleon

I tried to bruteforce the 2# door. Nothing. Seems we need a clue first.

I was trying 9 left 9 right on the owl, but it already opened at 9-6 or so.

Oh - I got that owl wing thing! I just fussed around, moved the left wing maybe about 10 to 15 times to see if there's any change, tried the same for the right wing, and suddenly a lemon-looking thing rolled by.

Thanks S-T

give lemon to owl

Too late again. It's a rock, throw it at the purple owl for the fourth bird.

and bone to lion

magnifying glass used on zebra

TY for wings clue!!!

Of course the bone goes to lion. And don't you dare to have that posted before me!

head -> table.

ha ha!

Paper from zebras is doing the maths to get the 2 digit code.
What magnifier ?

magnifier is in scene, where we place turtles

Missing one turtle and only hammer and heron in my inventory.

magnifier is well hidden at the top of the screen where turtles go. But I'm sure someone has already told.

in scene where you put turtles, top of screen

Ah thanks Hotzenplotz, very sneaky at the top.

magnifier gives 4# clue and the last turtle.

hammer is used on gem from snake, count blinkings for 4#code...

Give the egg to the snake, little bit pixelhunting. Use the hammer (finally that!) on the diamond you'll receive.

give egg to snake

After using the 4 digit code from the gem, put the heron on the beach to catch a fish.

That 4# code at the very far right screen? 1324 doesn't work for me, strange.

Still got the gem, but it doesn't work for the other 4 digit code and nobody wants the fish :(

not the very right, the one before, top of brown door

One screen before that Meritneith (on top).

I swear I tried that too but obviously I didn't catch the right pixel so I thought it was just a door. Thanks!

If there was any logics in here the fish would be for the second heron from his friend. But no.

Logic? haha!!!

Well, at least you laughed.

over one hour playing this now! still have the damn fish!

I'm sure everyone here tried to cheat but the help buttons redirects to this site, haha. And no hints on Facebook either.

Since the diamond is still there I think the second 4 digit code has something to do with that (also an * there), but I tried backwards, from top to bottom and counting the sides of the 4 diamond parts, but no go :(

I tried that too. combined with red flags, but NO.
I tried to get a clue for 6 levers from other fishes in water, but...

Last 4 digit number is the sizes of the diamond pieces.

Great find sweet4grease, thanks :)
Hint for levers now.

thanks sweet - finally out!

Big turtle eats fish and then place it to get out.
Thanks for all the help :)

I'm impressed.

Thanks all for your help and company! If you hadn't been around I would have quit - much earlier.

Where to put the leaves? I don't see any place for them, except if they are intendent to go in a place of red flowers, which I am missing one

POP, first scene up, I that is a place where I got one

i had to stop playing. the flashing banner about another game was killing my eyes

Excellent Game!

Stuck with a zebra, a hammer, a stork and need one more turtle

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