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Real World Escape 133 - Cat Walkthrough

Real World Escape 133 - Cat

SniffMouse -  Real World Escape 133: Cat is another point and click room escape game developed by Sniff Mouse. You are trapped in the room with some man who is allergic to cats, but he adopted one that he loves. Your target will be to find 12 sniffmouse icons to unlock the exit and get out of the room. There are several hints and objects that you can interact with to solve different puzzles. Make the man and the cat happy and they will help you to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Lol, that's very ancient: a VHS video tape :)

I just have played that game on sniffmouse.com!
Great game!
Very creative work again!
Thanks Guntars!

Very nice one :)
Colour code is quite tricky (don't use your mouse, but your ...).

don't use your mouse, but your ...brain :)
Thank you s-t and Rüdiger Lupp

Loved it nice touch on the soccer ball thingy

       Anonymous  11/12/15, 5:57 AM  

Stuck.... put pill in glass and placed on cooler.... not a clue now for colours, arrows or shapes......

Chris, clue for arrows is on tv after getting video tape.

Using the umbrella on all 3 hangers will give you the 3 shapes code and that will give you the vhs video for the arrows clue.

Need help. Have pill in glass and glass in water dispenser but where is hint for arrows?

Loved the Soccer ball puzzle, quite different

       Anonymous  11/12/15, 6:03 AM  

POP as always! Hadn't noticed the square clue.... moving on....

Loved the Soccer ball puzzle, quite different

can't find key or hint for grid either.

Can't "use" an umbrella if I don't know where it is? LOL
Can anyone help?

Jenny, top left cb in kitchen will give you hint for the grid.

Thanks Emmes!

With using the 4 digit code, you didn't just get a mouse, but a hint for the 4x4 grid as well.

Out, great game. The soccer ball puzzle was indeed different, liked it. Thx Guntars.

Out, great game. The soccer ball puzzle was indeed different, liked it. Thx Guntars.

Wow. Fantastic game Guntars! Last clue was very clever. Thanks

Thanks for the help. I got interrupted but did make it out.
Lovely game!

my brain is obviously mia....can't figure out the colors

pop! got it!!!

Thanks Guntars! Wonderful game...made us think outside the box! That's for sure. Austen posted a walkthrough on Sniff site.Super funny! Thx AC


You start by grabbing the usual Sniff1 from right in front of you then explore the shelves to the right of where he was lurking.
With glass in hand you set off to your right and after a chat with the guy and the cat you peer under the table and take Sniff2 and paper piece 1 whilst noting the green letter code.
Back to your left you use the letter code to open the slider to gain Sniff3 and a magnifying glass.

After a 180 spin you look under the right end of the table to find paper piece 2.
In the kitchen you place your two paper pieces on the end of the bottom left cupboard and use the resulting code to open the one top left.

Sniff4 is now in the bag and you try your magnifier on the little pattern in the same cupboard.

Realising what the pattern means you head back left and reproduce it on the 4x4 grid coming out Sniff5 and a black key to the good.

Eagerly anticipating some goodies you use your black key in the kitchen and imagine your delight when you find Sniff6 and………..an umbrella?!
After trying to place it absolutely everywhere you decide that it is one of Guntars’ red herrings and hang it up by the door in disgust.
Hold the press!
Sniff 7 and symbols appear when you move the brolly from hook to hook.
Alright back to the kitchen you go and open the top centre cupboard with your new symbol code gaining Sniff 8 and a video cassette for your efforts.

VHS Guntars?
“Ye Olde Smiffemouse”?

Back under the TV you insert the Jurassic era technology and sit back to watch as instructed.
Well the last time you saw that many arrows in a movie John Wayne was the star but you tear yourself away and use your new code on the dispenser in the kitchen.

Ok so you didn’t place the glass.

Attempt II:
Ok so the glass needs something in it.
After a frantic search of the room you find a strange pill behind the TV next to a highly suspicious truncated icosahedron (that’s a soccer ball to Americans and a football to the civilised world!).

Attempt III:
After doping the glass (with an evil chuckle) and finally diluting it you grab Sniff 9 and the potion and set off to fix Mr Sneezy’s allergy.
He rewards you with nothing other than a grudging admission that the cat can stay but Felix is so happy that he coughs up Sniff 10 and the world famous lipstick.
Well after 132 episodes you know to use the lippy on the mirror (is that cat watching the TV?) and after taking the obvious ff you use the magnifying glass to gain Sniff11.
Oh no you don’t!
Use the keyboard on the pentagon?
What’s that all about?
The only pentagon you’ve seen is the one surrounded by letters on the football behind the TV so you head there to use the keyboard which has magically appeared.
Oh no it hasn’t.
After a LOT of head scratching you realise what Guntars meant and use your real keyboard gain the colour code for the last locked cupboard in the kitchen.

Armed with your new colour code you finally retrieve Sniff11 from the cupboard, hurl the f&f at the wall for Sniff12 and laugh your way out of this brilliant game only pausing to say thank you to Guntars and give him the highest rating possible.


Wonderful Walkthrough Austen! So funny!

Great game - thank you!

Well done....

Thank you very much!!!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Lauvee - go to the soccer ball behind the TV. Type on your keyboard the letter A for example - see what color the ball turns? Do that for each letter. Then the cupboard says EBAC - put in the colors you get from using your keyboard with the soccer ball.

Late, but: better late than never :-)

nice game, i love it <3

Rats. Sniffmouse won't load.

wierd acting. I had to stop the site from loading and click the games link and then the site loaded.

Fantastic, Creative, Loved it Guntars
Loved the Keyboard colours!

Гунтарс, your games are pleasant. Still to add a glamour in an interior, it will be exceptional) It not a claim, is simple a wish.

nice game thanks

Very good, thanks! The grid clue was tricky, I was completely stuck and had to look for a hint here -- and got to know that wasn't just some switch or button.

Brilliant game. Real World games remain the best.

are you supposed to take the magnifying glass cause it wont go into my inventory.

POP different magnifying glass :/

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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