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Escape From Goreme Inn Walkthrough

Escape From Goreme Inn

EightGames - Escape From Goreme Inn is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. During his Europe trip, a tourist trapped inside the Goreme Inn. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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Hi all. Let's try this one

I need a "skip" button on the spinning squares puzzle.

Warning! Nasty spinning square puzzle ahead. Red X from me.

yeah Dean, im off too, stupid puzzle...

actually is very simple when you see the walkthrough video, but if you dont know the sequence or if you dont spot it at 1st glance, one wrong move and you can be stuck in there for ages, hate them puzzles

Very ugly spinning puzzle. Hey, developers, don't you read the comments? You know very well that everybody hates this kind of "puzzles"...

Even the other puzzle (the one with green balls and arrows) is stupid, it doesn't have any sense to me... Lame game... again.

some of these puzzles are just plain TORTURE!! please provide 'skip' button OR make the puzzles at least do-able without spending a lot of time on them... for me, .... that's NOT fun! HELLO... developers, can you hear me now?? thank you for otherwise, fun games. for the most part I do enjoy them.

       Anonymous  12/23/15, 6:11 AM  

I have to agree. Was a good game until the rotating puzzle.

       Anonymous  12/23/15, 10:39 AM  

Spoiler for the hideous rotating squares, courtesy of the video walkthrough:

Only need to click 4 squares:
A1, A4, D3, D6.
Some you click more than once.

       Anonymous  12/23/15, 10:48 AM  

Again, looked at video walkthrough for last puzzle. How were we supposed to know how toline up green circles?

       Anonymous  12/23/15, 10:50 AM  

Silly game, but if you're interested, Goreme is a magical place.

Ok, so, ummm, which particular
square is A-1 and D-3?? etc.

Oh, POP!
A-1 is top-left
D-1 is bottom-left.

Thanks for the nudge Smarties.

Is there even a clue for the
red/green arrow thing?
I didn't see one.

Randomly guessing outcome = FAIL

For the red/green puzzle, move the blue balls to the red side until they change green, and move the yellow balls to the green side until they change green. There is a square in the middle outlined that they all need to be in. Puzzle gives you the exit key

Eight Games - it's not a puzzle if it's virtually impossible to solve without seeing the walkthrough! Please get a regular (non-tecchie/non-genius) person to test your games for playability before posting them for the public. They're a great concept, just need polishing. Take a bit of pride in what you do...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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