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Escape From V8 Hotel Walkthrough

Escape From V8 Hotel

EightGames - Escape From V8 Hotel is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. During his Europe trip, a tourist trapped inside the V8 Hotel. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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This has to be a rev heads dream......

Looks more like a chop shop to me....lol

I wonder what the 2 numbers could be in the first scene

number puzzle is weird, not really a puzzle ~ put the ring on it, then move it with the buttons - click on each # when the ring is on it

Hi just - I thought the same, it looked difficult, but wasn't in the end

I'm wondering what the black and white towels in the bathroom are suppose to be a clue for

Im still missing the two digit number, a W button for the number puzzle, and also dont know why we can zoom the towels.

I think I'm only missing those 2 numbers - 53 is on a few cars, but that's not working.....

Don't know, I tried painting them, then found a frame for my painting
I just realized I'm lacking 3 color discs, probably concealed about the place - nothing left in inventory but a book

hi there clio - hows Qld?

the paint brush and paint is used way over on the right - gives the word clue

ah, the red one's in the very 1st scene, in a car light

I'm missing a W button too

Hi pat, ahhh Qld...beautiful one day perfect the next. haha.

Just1, i found my last two colour discs in the three digit puzzle. (combo no. and letters from the car rego plate)

just bf'd the numbers 2 - something

Pat, i thought Herbie's number was going to open the two digit as well, but nup.

Thanks pat. It was 25.

yipee - a skip button....

found my last W button...but don't know what the puzzle is supposed to do .....

I must be missing another clue.....

That eventually gave the last W button. Turn them all so they are W's...then....no idea what to do.

thx clio! didn't see there were letters there.

getting the W all right way up is a bit hard

okay - job done...now what?

We can move the numbers around. They can move the number of spaces which is on them. I guess we have to move them all, but have tried a few times and get confused and then reset. grrr

Okay I clicked on them for a while - couldn't make any sense - then the beautiful skip button - gave me a key - and off I go into the sunset.............

hahhaa..i cant believe i didnt notice the 'skip' button. Thanks pat. Vroom vroom.

I did it! There's only one place for the 4s to go, but when you move the 1s out of the way, move them both diagonally. Do the same w/ the 1s on the other side and move the 3s in there. Can't remember all the rest but it kinda fell into place after that.

thx for saving me, clio - I almost gave up on this one

...you're a brainiac, just1. Congrats on being able to do it.

Some puzzles lame....some simple with no explanation....some seemingly impossible. All around poor effort.

The last puzzle was lame. We are already used to this. Eight, you suck more and more.

Staring at the towels and realized there are two black stripes on top, five on the bottom towels = 25.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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