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Jolly Boy Tiki Escape Walkthrough

Jolly Boy Tiki Escape

Games2Jolly - Jolly Boy Tiki Escape is another point and click room escape game created by Games 2 Jolly. JollyBoy is in big trouble aborigine captured them. They are about to cook him alive. Find a way to stop them before something goes bad. Use the object around you and manipulate them mutually in order to solve the puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:41 AM  

Hi folks:)

Flowers for color code first scene, count the leaves

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:42 AM  

Knives beside elephant for arrows

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:42 AM  

Use shovel on spot third scene behind tiki

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:43 AM  

Use brush and lens on dirty spot last scene

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:44 AM  

Use stick on blue statue

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:46 AM  

I think there's a bug, should place four balls in third scene but it just opened and still got them

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:48 AM  

Wood piece and hammer go on barrel, might be a mistake, says circle but it was an octagon

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:48 AM  

Use stone on puddle

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:50 AM  

Lever and black ball on part third scene far

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:52 AM  

Combine compass with letters on chimney for word code

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:54 AM  

Use white ball on totem

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 10:58 AM  

Paper clue from monkey for buttons on tree

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 11:00 AM  

Place the symbols on spot beside the elephant

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 11:03 AM  

Use horn on water first scene, use potions on the tiki men

Another JB ... and I have no time right now. :(

Glitch in that the place where you put the balls to get the hammer opened for me with just 2 balls. I still had 2 left over when I escaped.

Good game :)

Where's the compass? I have a horn in my inventory and don't have any idea where to use it. I still need the word clue, a key for that ball, and the clue for the statue.

Never mind, I found the key and could move on from there.

Dazz Ley: I think I know why people are complaining about your hints. Ive tried to follow you at times and it's more of a play by play of what you found. Maybe if you added how you got it or solved the puzzle that would help. You seem to fly through these escapes with ease and I would love to be able to use your talents to get through them as well. xoxox :)

       Anonymous  12/1/15, 8:58 PM  

Dianne, thank you, I will next time:) you are brilliant, you don't need anyone

The paper clue in itself is not used on the shapes on the tree. Or .. it's a bug.
I filled the horn with water, but don't know where to use it.

Going to the vid WT. Let's see.

Aaahhh, the clue has nothing to do with shapes, but it's the order of clicking the shape-buttons.

Chapter 29
The continuing saga of Jolly Boy and his two friends James and Janice.

Title : The Jollywood-script.

The story starts with a cat and mouse.
They were playing when something terrible happened, and now they’re hidden somewhere ..

James and Janice want to find the cat and mouse.
“Janice, look, those coloured flowers and look, a different amount of leaves per flower!”
“Yes James, I found the place for this clue, the left house!”
Janice takes the wood piece. “What’s that for?” James frowns his forehead.
“James, four sharp knives at the wall of the house. The knives show 4 arrows!” Clever Janice finds another clue.
They run through some scenes to find Jolly in the Dutch oven!
This script is turning badly. What is reality, and what is fiction?
“It’s a bit hot in here…” Jolly is not too happy, it seems.
Janice runs to the house in the distance and finds a brush.
“Wait”, James walks back one scene and finds a magnifier in the leaves.
While he’s there he takes the shovel as well.

Janice picks up the stick and tries to make contact with the two small dancers, but they seem to ignore her. Strange …. it looks as if their masks are stuck ….
“I’ll start digging here, Janice.” James puts the shovel in the ground.
“An acorn. That’s for that squirrel in the first scene.”
James finds a nice ball. He also takes the stick out of the inventory and puts it in the statue.
A second ball! Now we’re getting somewhere!

“Jolly, where’s Janice?”
“She moved on one scene” Jolly is puffing, it’s really hot in there.
“I found a green shape and a ball, James. And you have to help me carrying this huge ball to the inventory!” Janice found it behind the square on the right. “Oh, and there’s a spot on the jar.”
James takes the brush and the magnifier and look, a number.
They run back one scene and find a fourth ball, using the number on the wall of the house.
Together they carry the huge ball to the wheel in the distance.
“We need something more here, Janice. Let’s find the place for the four balls first.”
“On the wall of the house, James!”
Drops of sweat run from Jolly’s forehead, but he helps his friend to the next step.
“Thanks, Jolly!” They know where to put the wood, on the barrel.
James takes the hammer and knocks the wood into the barrel.
Ahaaa, another clue!

Janice turns to the rock on the right and clicks the squares in this shapes-order.
“A handle, James! For the huge ball!”
And she is right. The ball shows a keyhole.
“A keyhole??” That’s a disappointment.
“What did we miss, Janice?” James looks puzzled.
“Ooohh, I know …” Janice feels bad, “I forgot some things, James.
There is more to find around the jar.”
Together they search for a stone and a white ball.
James throws the ball on the head in the sand and finds a green shape.

Janice runs to the first scene and throws the stone in the small pool of water.
“The key!” When she turns around she finds a third green shape at the feet of the elephant.
Then they use the key and study the compass they find.
“Okay, four directions, where to use them?”

Jolly knows, “on ..puff puff .. Atlas of puff .. course ….”
But no, that doesn’t work.
“Let’s place the three green shapes first, on the house in the first scene”.
They walk back and find a horn.
“We need the binoculars from chapter 28 James. Do you still have it?”
Janice looks up to the chimney of the house.
Clicking the letters she realizes the compass is used here!
“Write down the letters James, please? A .. D .. T .. P.”
James puts the letters in the boat and takes the saw.

Then things develop fast.
They free the monkey and get a folded paper. The order, C-A-D-B, or 3-1-4-2 is used on the tree in the first scene, on the right.
Janice dips the horn in the river and fills it with water.
James puts the axle in the wheel of the car and takes the coloured paper.
“That’s for Atlas!”
And he is right.
They set the arrows on the correct colours and find two bottles with a solution.

“Perhaps it helps to take off the masks”, Janice suggests.
And look what happens next ….. There are the cat and mouse! Oh, they are so happy those masks are gone, now they can play again.
The horn is emptied on the fire and Jolly …. my my, he is thirsty!!

Now, this is a nice Jollywood-script, but, was it reality or was it fiction?
Who can tell ……

Fun with Games2Jolly and arrie NL. 4 stars

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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