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Where is 2016? Walkthrough

Where is 2016?

Where is 2016? is another addicting and challenging point and click adventure game developed by Mateusz Skutnik. In this game, you have to use your point and click puzzle solving skills to complete the game. Good luck and have fun!

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This should be good!!

In tree scene I can't back out?

Tree scene I've turned 2 of 3 red dots green on the seat...missing third

I can only find one?

Ok 2 Now. ( Just above bottom one )

Hi everyone.. Lets try this one.

I'll go in. Let's see how long shockwave will NOT crash. Loading slowly!

3 now just to the right if chair.

Now back in the start scene!

I'm out of that scene....carefully watch for the pointer to change.....thinking one zoom in around the tractor or whtever it is...then to the seat and spin the center knob...back to town...hit the dial and off to the next scene for the same thing.

4 so far in new scene.

Second scene have turned 5 so far......

I loved this game. It's very tricky finding all the green buttons in each scene and there is more in each one. click the clock like hand to start. find all the buttons in each scene and the spot that shows how many. when all are found click the middle to go back to main scene and start the next scene. Happy hunting!

Got the first two scenes now.

in second scene, my last 2 red dots were in key hole and door hinge

I have 7 in the second scene (i think) and now stuck

and pop back to start scene

In water pump scene no door hinge or key hole?

I have 6 of 7 in 3rd scene. Still searching...

believe I'll pass to much like hidden objects....

I found only 5 (and the spinny thing) in the second scene and that was enough to get back.

back in start scene after 3rd scene andstuck?

I can,t get past scene 2 LOL

Weere is spinning thing in 2nd scene?

is it the third scene with a electricity cottage? in this scene were my last 2...

Found last one, started on 4th scene. 8 out of 9 so far.

POP Back side of pump.

Got all seven switches in the third scene at last - and this time I've written down where I found them in case you need help. ;-)

bandy, should I write where to find them?

Sorry, bandy, I meant Byassen, didn't notice things in the second scene.

Where is the spinny thing to get back from the third scene to the street?

5 buttons in the 2 scene ....but now i am stuck in the 3rd one :D

yes meritneith,plz help us !!!

I found 2016... out.

LOL No prob meritneith

ah figured it out. first time i somehow skipped the 2nd scene and went straight to the 3rd one, restarted and did it correctly and out!

6 buttons so far in the 3rd scene

ah figured it out. first time i somehow skipped the 2nd scene and went straight to the 3rd one, restarted and did it correctly and out!

Nvm. found the spinny thing in scene 3.
Bottom left plant (a button there) and in that same scene above a brick.
You need 7 buttons in the thrid scene.

my last red dot in scene (with a cross on the left and plow on the right) was: click 3 or 4 times on the wheel until you can see a black hook in the top right corner, click on this hook...

oh, I skipped second scene too, so restart...

Shockwave... won't start over now, will go over to Mirchi.

Man there is a whole bunch in this last scene!

thank you small-tool

9 buttons needed in the 4th scene.
The spinny thing is click right, right and then the spring.

UUGG Can,t find last 2 !

Got it and out good game.

well,i am out,the 4th scene was easier for me then the 3rd one,thx everybody for help,thx Mateutz Skutnik for the game,wish you all Happy New Year !

Still need switches 2, 3, and 5 for 3rd scene. Some are very well hidden!

Ok, 3 was up on the left eave of the power closet. 2 more...

Thank you everyone for your help. I found 2016 too. wheeee. Let the partying begin!!

And I did get the sneaky one in the vent.

And the berries.

LurkerSmurf, i would love to help, but quite frankly i just went slowly around and clicked when my mouse turned into a 'clickable thingy'. Some scenes were double clicky zooms. (Hope that makes sense). Good luck and best wishes for a wonderful 2016.

Aha, I forgot Hotz's "2nd scene" was actually the third. Keyhole and hinge! Next...

The last lever in the final scene was the sneakiest of all.

Wow, the last scene was pretty easy after that. Just zoom on everything that moves. That is one ugly new year's baby.

Small-Tool @ 5:46 a little misleading. Spinner was by a rock.
I'm with Jenny this was a fun one. Different and interesting. Thank you Mateusz!

In scene 2 you can get a close up view of the signs on the right door, but can't find anything there

need the last green button on the left side in scene 2 to move on, any help?

found my last one in the berries, up left

Does anyone remember where the 7th button in 3rd scene is?

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7th switch in berries - far left of screen about halfway up

that was quick and easy)

I so hated that buzzing sound on lvl 3. Like they were in my hair and all over. Sent shivers down my spine and made me itch..
Nice game though.. :)

       Anonymous  12/30/15, 1:10 PM  

Slight bug: I accidentally double-clicked the clock face (thinking it was a puzzle, so I was going to quickly see how many positions it had), and it advanced past one scene. When I completed the others, the clock wouldn't turn again and let me get to the scene I'd skipped.

Hee hee, love these games! Found 2016 - I hope it really is like that!

Excellent game except for the ability to "skip" an area. I too skipped by the 2nd area, so I'll consider myself out.
It's not like Mateusz Skutnik to have such an unrecoverable bad glitch in a game. Probably a brain fart after finishing the Submachine 10 game. :/

I absolutely LOVE these games by this maker. I love the fact that this wasn't timed and I could relax and just let my brain wander. Thank you Mateusz Skutnik!

Great game. Loved it. Happy New Year everyone.

That was great!

Perplexingly great game!

Loved this game as it was different

Loved this. It was a nice change.

       Anonymous  1/2/16, 3:03 AM  

Great game!!
Thanks Skutnik!!

Fantastic. Firt time i got through with out using the hints. STILL sad to see Submachine go, but all good things must come to an end. Bless you Mateusz for ALL you have done to entertain people around the world youwill never meet. You are truly one of the greats and I hope that Anita Sarkeesian never tries to drag you down with her anti gamer bull. She has done enough harm to gthe world complaining about games she doesnt play nor like. In fact she hates games yet found a way to make (steal) money from morons worldwide by claiming Gaming was anti feminist. KEEP UP WHAT YOU DO.

this was tough but fun!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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