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Yal Tree House Escape Walkthrough

Yal Tree House Escape

YalGames - Yal Tree House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Yal Games. This place is a garden. You are trapped alone inside a garden. Find the hidden clues and items by collecting coins, wooden pieces and also collect few other essential items to escape from the tree house in the garden. Good luck and have fun!

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going in

I don't find anything but a heart?

use 4 number hint in order of height

After lots of combinations I find that the numbers on the house ARE for the door code after all. Start with the physically highest one...

Good find. I would never thought that.

2 letter word hint on roof

3 letter i mean

We've been in this awful budgie cage before!

You can change the colors on star after useing the NEW clue, but don't know were hint is?

Yep Bandy. Going nowhere fast, but at least I've silenced the budgies. I'm not a twitter fan.

Tab works, but it's not showing me anything new.

New sneaky out I will be back.


Going back in, hopefully get somewhere this time

I came back and nothing yet for me?

Can't find anything else to do here - no clues for the two number codes, no clue for the colour sliders. Hmmm.

Just wondering if maybe the word Forest has something to do with the colors for the barrel. The letter E is raised, which leaves only 5 letters which is enough for the colors. But cant figure it out. Im not very good at the harder games. Please dont laugh. Just a thought.

I had the same thought Serenna - not laughing!

What colours could those letters stand for? I came up with Ferret, Orange, Rainbow, Stains and Technology. Any advances?

i tried all green thinking forest.. green. nope

found a video walkthrough.. SPOILER

not sure why but the left dooe ( round numbers) is 2112.....

       Anonymous  12/22/15, 11:49 PM  

Bad clues, bad game, bad votes!!

I think the 2112 for the round numbers must come from the fangs on the creature on the barrel in the first scene. That and the first number puzzle don't bode well for the rest of the game...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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