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Abandoned Workshop Escape Walkthrough

Abandoned Workshop Escape

FirstEscapeGames - Abandoned Workshop Escape is another point and click escape game developed by First Escape Games. Assume that you got into this abandoned work shop to collect some scrap materials and unfortunately you got locked inside. Hence, you must try to escape from the workshop by using your puzzle solving skills or else you will be stuck inside until you get help from outside. Get out of the abandoned workshop using clues and objects. Good luck and have fun!

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Collecting lots of stuff. We're going to need some tools.

Magnet to get hook out of pipe, goes on metal rod. Darn, all those wrenches are for a safe, not to open stuff.

Use ladder 3rd scene from start, up against blue structure

Hook is used twice: once in the room where you find it, and in the first scene.

Stuck with the filter, 2 sheets of metal or paper, oil can, and wheels.

Lighter is used on the red graffiti machine

Roll filter over one of the sheets for clue.

Use the staple gun on the other grey sheet

anyone used the ladder yet?
also, I can't find place to use the hook. not in 1st scene or where I found it...?

Casual did you see my comment?

oopa, thanks @yvonne!

Use hook on red barrel 1st scene

cant find the lighter

You need to put the hook on the metal bar first.

I think the lighter was from using the pick on something, or a wheel in a hole.

You get a wheel from one of the pipes, use that in 2nd scene in one of the holes for lighter

Use hook by big wheel, 1st scene

The puzzle in the far right scene. Make a matching path of symbols from the outside to the inside.

I don't think hook is right for all the above I think some are hammer it's hard to tell the difference

How do you get the numbers from the yellow, blue, red puzzle please?

Count how many squares have yellow on them, and red, and blue. Some are counted twice.

Melody54 thank you :)

You're welcome. I spent ages squinting and trying to read numbers hahaaa

I was trying to make out numbers from pattern lol

Did it all by myself :) Good days work :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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