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Also Solved Tommy Mystery Escape Walkthrough

Also Solved Tommy Mystery Escape

Ancho - Hakonami: Also Solved Tommy Mystery Escape is another Japanese point and click type escape the room game developed by Ancho. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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stuck at the 2 buttons that when pressed show different symbols. It looks like the equation above it means Melody - Google

Had to brute force the buttons

Beat it once but I think there is another ending.

Also bruteforced the two buttons, they spell "TV".

Also bruteforced the two buttons, they spell "TV".

I am not sure, but I think for the last thing that first and last "mirrors" were on left

for button code... take "tommy my loved" and remove "melody"

anyone found 2nd end?

OK, would anyone be kindly explain to me what to do with the three red japanese symbols on strings? I can see the hint on the tv screen on the right side, but if I adjust the symbols accordingly, nothing seems to happen... even when I do it in the order the screen hint suggests.

(adjusting the characters accordingly means I set them in the required height position (the first and second symbols in the bottom position, the third one in the top position)

Ahh, OK, POP... the symbols should assume these positions at the other end...

Found an (?) end.

What makes you guys think there's another ending? Does some of the Japanese stuff indicate so?

it's written under the game, I paste this to google translator

Got out but no idea which ending

I usually love Ancho's games but this wasn't a great one..
After turning the O to reveal button code = careful to note yellow first as code is flipped vs the actual buttons
Buttons on left side = make "TV"
Right side = pull all the symbols down all the way to get a clue for the left side
When it changes to Japanese somewhere in the upper middle compartment = slide glass panels to make "tomi" in japanese (see black text at bottom when you click the kanji and it'll show you what it should look like) spoiler:

all to the left
all but last to the right
first one to the left
(from memory but pretty sure that was it)

YEAH, that was it, thanks fddbd2.

Look at the huge kanji "monument". You can change the uppermost radical (in Japan, radicals are only letters, nothing political as abroad (well, in general)).
"Monument" will then shake and you will apparently have the true (?) ending.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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