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Colorful Forest Escape Walkthrough

Colorful Forest Escape

Games4King - G4K Colourful Forest Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Its all about forest from where you should think of escape. There are objects and hints to find and puzzles to solve. Take up the challenge and escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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once you find the paper clue for initial screen, pay attention to the "circles" only and where they are...just click those spaces.

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Can't find the L/R hint for the daisies.

Missing 1 more purple ring too.

sneaky straw in plant on right on road.

i'm right where you are jenny...muddling through with other things for now.

Put straw in glass and give it to the owl for a key.

Purple rings go on fence posts and pumpkins go on slots to make slider puzzle.
Missing one pumpkin.

jenny, did you find all of the blue rings?...i'm missing one.

How many should we have?

I have 9 purple rings.
3 papers in inventory, one with flowers (doesn't work for colours) 1 with 4#'s and 1 with#'s (sliders I am guessing)

I also cut tennis ball in half for another 4# hint and still have a hammer.

cate, i can't find the straw

well, i'm thinking we need enough for the 3421 code, but i also have a code for 5321 and a drawing of 4 flowers that i haven't used, so mother knows.

napali66, there is a flowerless stalky plant on the right where the road is with the awning...it is a tiny pixel, but it's there.

thank you cate! got it

jenny, i'm right where you are, but i'm thinking we need 10 rings?...and, i'm stumped with the left right.

straw is in scene with card suits on tree. other side hiding in the grass at bottom of tree. also purple ring in there I think.

We also need one more pumpkin for the sliders.

you're welcome napali...now help us figure out something to move ahead...we're stuck.

Were you able to do anything with the grey plate with 3 slots on other side of road where we used key?

sure could use dazz ley or small-tool right about now.

did you put the button in the circle on the tree? and I don't know what to do with gray plate

gives a 5# code. im thinking for pumpkins

jenny, nope...thought it might be for the l/r flowers, but no.

stuck with you guys same spot

LOL cate, I was just thinking that too or Hotzenplotz.

yes, napali, but i'm missing a pumpkin.


hammer, pumpkin, and rings...and STUCK!

I thing I will leave this for a bit. Can't find a walkthrough or any help anywhere else.
Check back later.

yes, i'm hearing a sad little echo of the empty room.

my pumpkins slide even without one, hmmm maybe we only need 4??

I tried that too LOL. Still no progress eh?

i feel like i hammered everything!

Me too. there is a small square on the tree left behind the daisies. Can't do anything there either.

jenny, do you have 2 4# codes, a 5# code, and a flower code?

trying flowers combined with numbers?

i don't know dawn...i tried both 4 number codes, but i didn't have any luck.

jenny, i think the square was the clue for the big board in the beginning.

I even tried adding the 2 4 digit #'s together for the flowers.

any idea what to do with tree on far left with square on it?

i bet that square opens when we figure out the l-r clue

resorted to shaking the flowers like crazy

this is awful...i even tried picking out the l's and r's in the flowers names...nada.

I'm out (with an X). This is ridiculous.

tried restarting and still stuck

seems like we need the color clue but either is messed up for we aren't reading the flowers right, but makes no sense to me either

lrll i did the flowers and a pumpkin dropped from the sky!!

and also my flower hint disappeared...

or it might have been lrrl

tried llrl nothing?

explain please napali66

neither works for me

i dno't know. try and take a look at the flower hint. mine dissappeared. can you make out l-r from them?

and now can use hammer...

could it be some combination of flower names and left/right? If that is a rose it = four letters like left, lily would = four letters, daisy= 6 letters like right. but have no idea of the name for the blue flower. haven't worked out anything with good results yet.

L/R spoiler:

sunfLoweR Lotus Rose LiLy

napa are you sure on the amount of clicks (4) total?

Clue from the tennis ball is for pipes in scene beyond pumpkins.

omg. i restarted to get the flower clue back and now the darn flowers do not work...and the flower clue is not helpful at all...

smokehalo, you have saved the day...thought i was an idiot for trying flowers...was using daisy.

Thanks smokehalo! that worked

And out. Easy peasy after the flowers.

cool! thanks smokehalo, I knew it had to be from the names, just not sure of the first two. that is a LOUSY clue

A little guesswork on my part, that first flower looks nothing like what I know of as a sunflower.

agreed, too bad it spoiled what would have otherwise been an okay game. I see now that is a lotus, but that is NOT a sunflower!

soled it, the black square on far left does nothing

oh thank goodness smoke halo! thank you!


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Smokehalo- you are brilliant! TY

That was tricky. Thanks for leaving clues everyone. Thanks G4K, nice game.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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