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Ancient City Escape Walkthrough

Ancient City Escape

CoolGames8 - Ancient City Escape is another point and click room game developed by Cool Games 8. Ancient City kept a mystery of space and time, where there is a miracle that connects the past, present and future. As a scientist you are challenged to solve that mystery, find the answer in the Ancient City. Good luck and have fun!

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cant even get to the game for overlay ads

I changed the time on the clock and was transported to a modern city.
I forgot what setting it was and now I can't make it happen again. :-(

There seems to be no logic to these games.
It's just seems random, without strategy

Change the clock to 11:35 to find the items.

how did you find that Peggy?

(1st #)x(3rd #) / (1st #)+(2nd #) /........./ (2nd #) ?

Huh Powee?

jack, I stumbled on the clock the first time.
Then I methodically went through the times to find the same setting.

Ok, castle in the first screen

So guess work no logic? That's commitment Peggy. I got to 7:10 and gave up

ruins in second scene 2
Pillar in scene with clock
Gravestones in scene 4.

Opens slots btu i'm stuck with what goes in scene 5 and the maths equasions

I give up. This game is just random luck and go place things that make no sense. I'm out.

3215(?)127 !

how to solve the number puzzle
A+B+C= A*C A+B 2 A+C B

and then basically I'm stuck. I dont even know what to do in this game anymore. I have so many things in my inventory but no where to use them.

powee, I see your logic.


#1 x #3 (4x2=8)
#1 + #2 (4+5=9)
#1 + #3 (4+2=6)
#2 (5)

It's that middle step I'm missing.
The only thought I could come up with was whether #1 was odd or even.

The last two steps work on the first 4 examples, but not the last.

ugh. changing the clock time to 9:35 takes you to the modern city and nothing new. there is nothing in else here.

nothing else*

Once you've places items, use other items on them.
Use the scissors on the long-stem plants, use the hammer on the stones, use the water glass on the jugs, use the face frame on the stone faces.

I have no idea why...

And use the knife on the apples.

i was able to place a pillar in the scene where the puzzle is

where do you even place these things? its becoming annoying now :/

This game is a kind of mathmathics..... headache! but interesting.

last scean - horn
before last - necklace

In the 1st scene, far left, place stone towers.
Next scene, place the ruins.
Next scene, place gold pillars.
Next scene, place tombstones.
Next scene, (haven't found it yet)
Last scene, place tusks.

Also, use the globe on the statuettes.

32 15 2 12 7 works in ancient city but no in modern city
what's wrong please ?

no found where items go

thanks Peggy, put 2 gold pillars in view clock

And use the cherry on the leaves.

in right scene (ancient city) put up 2 gate ivory

I have items with no place to put them.
I haven't found anything to place in the 5th scene.
I haven't found a use for, what looks like, a feather pen & inkwell.
I have empty slots, but can't find any more items.

I'm gonna have to call it quits tonight.
Thanks for the help.

how to use cherry on the leaves? I've been clicking so much xD

thank you, Peggy

oh! if you change the time to 9:35 more things appear like the leaves and jug etc

the necklace kind of thing goes to the fifth scene. for the entry way.

the ink is for the scrolls in scene 5

and i'm out.
SO basically you put everything in their place and use the other inventory items on them. Once you've done it all keep going right and you'll be out.
I did not see any point in this game.

the the time is 11:35* :P

The worlds change only at 11:35? I solved everything, applied subjects, put in all scenes. In the right scene I put only one horn. There are in some scenes of 1 jug, no two leaves, 2 nuts, 1 bush, 1 mask, 1 apple. What did I miss?Пробовала 9:35,7:10 ,другое время и ничего больше не нашла.

I returned to game, I found the second horn on hours and safely I passed)

Also - the water pour into jars and picture of a man put on a mask in the first scene. Bushes of lavender shear scissors. Nuts hammer to break. Poles in the first stage is not left, and right.2 horns in the last scene high in the center. Necklace in the fifth stage in the left and central arches. Look like that's it.

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