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Botoriumu Escape Walkthrough

Botoriumu Escape

Sarameya - Botoriumu Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Sarameya. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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This looks chalenging...
Shook paintings (for what????)

Opened 3x3 grid

4 vases, check colors...
(forget number of leafs, height of liquid)

RGYB vase for slider position

color vases (leafs) also open 4-number puzzle

1-9 puzzle might have something to do with the four black blobs, lots of random clicking at the moment though - have 8 lit blue squares...

Have a key wich opens nothing(?)
All puzzles inactive
Can shake paintings, upper vases, and brown painting (move chair)

3 hanging vases (top left) for left hand cupboard door

Sliders are open with height of liquid or height of black blobs??

i have two key holes, but no key!
key holes are in top drawer and left hand cupboard
where did you get the key?

liquid for slider

stems of 5 vases show roman numerals

follow hands direction of black blobs to click on corner pic above door (paper hint for switches)

I opened

color box

It was in one of those

(I tried to replay game, but can't activate any puzzle... weird game)

pressing the blue button gets you access to the bottom drawer

I opened the right 3x3 grid, the third drawer and have the key.
The only active thing is the red book where I tried the blobs heights. Nothing. How do you use is RGYB?

Oops. Use the height of the liquids.

okay, opened far right safe, and used key in top drawer. more puzzles to do....

duty calls...
Guess I need to try to finish later.
Good luck all!!

word clue anyone?

green and red key open locks on far left cupboard

count leaves in vase (1 blue leaf ==> 1st letter B...

Depending on the button you click (B-R-Y) the different puzzles are activated.

@Magda read my com 2.15 (hint for switches)

Word clue: focus on colour and number of leaves on the plant... ie BLUE and two leaves = L...

I have entered the 9 digit code for the door, but there is an other number to find... Argh!

tried that web, but no go at the moment (fancy sharing a spoiler!)

ah thanks CerKill!!

same explanation no ??

suppose it is seb - thanks!

any luck on final number?

For the final number count bottles according to shapes on note

Very interesting.

How to reset the numbers on pad?

I input a wrong number on pad and now cannot change it.

Thanks, Magda, for the final code... I got it but too soon... there was another hidden bottle ^^

Complete the 4# and it will give you error and you will be able to enter other numbers

No help?!

cannot reset it. I have input 6443 and cannot change it anymore.

|Did you opened the "picture" over door, Cerkill? Is there more than 1 end?

There's a bug in this game. If you input 64?? or 65??
you get stuck. The panel wont reset.

@Magda, I do not see what you mind... This picture was only for the colour code paper, no?

Same bug here Roberto :-(

Bugs must be fixed....final four digit would reset if incorrect. Really well done game....took a little bit too realize the color buttons release different puzzles.

nothing works?

hmm, all i can click on it the door 3x3 and the cupboard 3x3..... how did you get the slider to move? is there a bug in the game?

restarted now i can move the chair.... going in!

oh well, got the notes but still can't get anything to work..... very frustrating.....

okay now went and watched video of this game and that made no sense to me.....how did they figure out the on the 3x3 grid on the cupboard was
i looked at all the clues and i can't figure it out..... if someone could explain that to me maybe i can understand the rest of the clues.... thanks!

okay i see now that it was looking at the other cupboard so opened that cabinet but can't do anything with what is inside..... so went around the room again and discovered that now i can move the sliders..... kind of irritating how things work at odd times.....

okay so the buttons make things workable..... don't have time to keep going will come back later.....

It's a shame that the final bug mentioned by Roberto. Otherwise nice game.

Take a look at comment by seb 2/4/16, 2:15 AM

I could not reset my numbers. I entered 6412, and than nothing happened. I meant for the second digit to be 4, but it would not reset after I put in 6412...oh well, At least I got that far...

I got stuck after clicking the numbers by the door, too. My random number was 5593.

Why was the note about clicking the colored buttons to activate puzzles so late in the game? Really like the roots.

Excellent game!!
Like the good ol' ones. Bianco-Bianco comin' out of his den again, new one from Sarameya...
Love it!

I know I sound like a braggar but I wouldn't have needed the "switch" paper. Once I realized that the bottle-symbol-puzzle (TL, center, BR) was inactive whilst it was definitely activated before, I figured it must have to have a relation with the switches.

"it must have to have" uh oh...mercy

Tiquer: a few puzzles don't have to be activated by buttons. The shaky frame puzzle over the door is one, so you could end up with the switch paper quite early in the game.

Hmmm... couldn't do one single thing in 20 minutes... I could replicate the room to the tiniest detail I've been looking at it so long, clicked on just about every pixel, still nothing...

no respons in game

to begin, open right cb grid 3X3 hint is doors left cb

click on blue button inside and now you can enter code on 2 box on shelf

when you'll find red button, click on it to activate another box or drawer

(yellow and green buttons soon)


Finally managed to send the bug report to Sarameya. It's a bit tricky: on the author's FC2 blog, you aren't allowed to write in 100% English. I played a trick on it by simply smashing a Konnichi-wa at the first sentence, and then continue in English. Voila.
Haha, scripts are always so dumb. :-P

fantastic- I seriously enjoyed that. Beautifully constructed and so much fun

Such an awesome game, I loved playing it!

thoroughly dug this game...so much so that i went back to some of their older games and found that they were just as much fun!

Last one: 6542. Mine locked up if I put in 6543, so do not hit the bottom right button!

I posted on the wrong game before. Maybe someone has already put the code in...

Last one will vary every time.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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