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Shagmaelf Colorful Escape Walkthrough

Shagmaelf Colorful Escape

Shagmaelf - Colourful Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape games developed by Shagmaelf. When you noticed, was in a colorful room. Escape from the colorful room by solving several gimmicks. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


accidentally opened panel to the left of clock (9h)

for shapes (red edges): note the picture to the right (orange edges)

duh, an explanation for clock: on which colors are the hands?

any idea for switches? help please

Sorry...still trying to figure them out

And POP. Look at DIVERSE. Look at the colours. Pick out some colours you've seen...

Yee Haw solved the red edge gimmick with the orange edge clue.....

Anita, I tried that, but no success...

Three letters spell out one colour. Only one switch needs to be turned on.

got it, thank you Anita!!
but, how did you find that??

Also, the panels you get when you solve a puzzle. Click on one, then on the ? to change its orientation.

@A...nice catch...

Hotzenplotz: just tried too many other things first, then recognized the relationship I needed to work on was not between the switches and the three colours.

Got out. (I am terrible at those cube maps)

orientation should be seen as, the blocks are a dice and the colours orientation, are from the walls and floor/ceiling colours

The entire room appears to be the color box....feel like I have the tiles placed correctly..is the panel below the clock puzzle supposed to open?

There's a 2nd end. You can take the tiles back and use them below the color clock.

mystery door opened and panel below clock puzzle still closed...but out..

here is a pic of the block puzzle for you if you need it...

Second end....with four tiles....

In fact, this is a much better game than it first may seem. Logical nd requires thinking - but not too abstract.

here's the order for second ending to open second door https://personal.filesanywhere.com/FS/M.aspx?v=8a6b648858a5b2b16ba9

Nice. I'm colorblind so normally avoid games where the creator hasn't bothered to label the colors, but this one was doable since the colors weren't long sequences.

The addition of the color palette was useful -- hate having to duckduckgo that image every time I need it for a puzzle.

My suggestions for others -- begin with the clock-like puzzle (where are the hands pointing?) and then go to the 'addition' puzzle. Realizing that the ceiling and floor have colors is important.

My kudos to the designer.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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