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Escape From Maison Heinen Walkthrough

Escape From Maison Heinen

EightGames - Escape From Maison Heinen is another point and click escape game developed by Eight Games. During his US trip, a tourist trapped inside Maison Heinen. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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A few spots weren't that obvious. On the wall by the candle and in one of the bedrooms.

lollipops for babies

cubes for dresser in bedroom with letters on the wall

crosses go in bedroom with 4#code, to the right of window

Where to use the hacksaw?

saw is used on barrels

Is anyone having items disappear? I've lost my crosses and silver boxes

have a key that goes nowhere so far...

of course. Forgot about them. Thanks Hotz

jack, I have no problems, maybe scroll your inventory..

clue from candle is used in scene with third clock clue.

Silver cubes are used in the mirror for 4 digit clue

finally I have found the spot to use grey square (brush): in scene with candle

wandering aimlessly looking for that keyhole ...

Anyone know what the deal is with the three coloured puzzle with the red flashing light is for? I can't figure it out

Also the cluster of dots downstairs. Haven't used them yet either.

Keyhole is left right from the first scene

flask is for candle

thanks jack, finally got moving

and out

and out, thanks for all your help

This was my first ever live game. I live in a very different time zone and I never get to do a live game. So stoked to have been a part of one.
Thanks Hotz for your help, and no worries beeve716

I can't find where to use my exit key.

I assume that this is the last key to escape the game because I have done all of the puzzles. I just can't find a door to use it on.

Never mind. I found it. Since there was no hot-spot near the door in that long hallway, I completely forgot about it.

Great game.

For the exit door - first go left from the start scene then left again, than in the bedroom where you placed the crosses press the down arrow and you are in a hallway with brown and yellow wall tiles - just use the key on the door there and you're out.

cant seem to find my 4th white box for 4digit clue to get out :/

pop in plain sight infront of the exit door

hello I'm just going in late as usual

lit the candle nothing happened as yet

I don't get that color puzzle with balls? Is there anything else to put in this game, or are 3 balls enough and I don't know how to play?

And of course, where to use hint from candle?

I miss the green grid and N to letter puzzle

Finally found a place for dots: near the hint for 3rd clock

Loved the game. I just wish the game developers would stop with the really bad overused music. I like the sound effects but constantly have to turn off the sound.

I'm doing great so far but it seems I can't find where to put the brown shapes

pop got it in the M of course for last lollypop

No one ever said. How does the puzzle with the three coloured dots work?? Nothing moves on mine.

@jenny: you have to find up button, I think it is where you put yelloew dots

I missed the whole room where the exit is for awhile. After that it went smoother!

Loved this one!

The 4 stars are entitled.

The keyhole is not 'left right from the first scene', but in the first room to the right heading from the opening scene.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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