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Herculaneum Escape Walkthrough

Herculaneum Escape

GamesBold - Herculaneum Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. Herculaneum was an ancient Roman town destroyed by volcanic pyroclastic flows in 79 AD. Its ruins are located in the commune of Ercolano, Campania, Italy. Someone wanted to go there to seek to know the history of how big the effects caused by the volcanic event. Good luck and have fun!

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No... just no...

OMG, one of those, again.

second scene has unpickable item due to popup...great reason not to bother going any further

second scene has unpickable item due to popup...great reason not to bother going any further

done the math and figured out the sequence…can't find where it goes yet

God, it is absolutely awefull!!

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alinpc, can you share the sequence, please? Thank you

sure Smashing...
It's first number cubed, second number cubed, third number cubed, sum of numbers
did you find where to put the code?

Thank you! Great job! No, i'm still searching.

There are some hotspots where we can click, but nothing happens

Smashing…it is usually in the first scene and there seems to be hotspot but can't make it work

Ok, so, in some of those hotspots, we can place objects. For example on scene 3, we can put the bones and the skuls... i'm going to try to place other objects on other scenes, and maybe that will make available the place to put the naumbers...

Yes…and in scene 4 the rest of the skulls go down front and in five a mask in the alcove on the left. That is all I have. everything else placed. Missing two vases and one gold mask which can see under clue in scene 2 but can't get it.

i'm exactly in the same point as yout. and there are some hotspots still to fill... for example in last scene above right golden mask

Agreed and counter says 42/45 placed. I like these games but they are often buggy and never fixed. This might be as far as we can go.

That's it. Yes, i think you're right: that golden mask under number sequence on scene 2 seems to be a bug, so i think we won't go any further... i think i'll give up, and try the new cool games 8

me too. it's too bad really

Nothing more to do:
The game says: 42/45
1 misses mask that I can’t pick up from scene 2
2 missed vases (I can’t find them)
4 popup codes and no place to put them in
Some useless hotspots…

Cris that's the point where all of us seem to be.. it's really bad, as alinpc said..

It's nice they go to the
task of making these games
for us, but disappointing
that they are unfinishable.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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