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Escape Game 11 Walkthrough

Escape Game 11

No1Game Escape Game 11 is another Japanese point and click type escape the room game from No1 Game. This time, you are locked in the room and you need to make something to escape from there. Good luck and have fun!

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The top left of the door folds and comes off. And then what??

well, you can flip it and there are some designs, but not sure what to do with them.

Cate how to get off mine just folds?

hey you rodeo clown you...click on the foldy part, hold it, and drag it down to the other corner.

the designs appear to be direction, lower right, up and around and down, but for what, i don't know.

LOL Thanks!!!

you're welcome, for what good it does. i'm stumped.

Maybe a clue for clicking on a square?

i tried clicking as such on all of the squares, but i didn't have any luck, and, i didn't hear any noises.

Same here ??????

yeah, i've clicked everywhere, but i'm just not getting it...but, there has to be a way, so, let's gird our loins and keep pressing ahead.

LOL I went to their page and tryed blog and nothing?

we need a smarty pants to join the party. laurie, where did you go?

Ok if it helps this a click and drag game. So maybe That helps?

mother knows...i'll start clicking and dragging.

I may have to give as it is 1am here in Texas LOL

i'm right there with you...in new orleans, same time.

but you know, as soon as we bail, some clever soul is going to come along.

If I could find their blog I might get a hint but?

LOL So true!

will catch you on the flip side, bandy...maybe we'll wake up to a happy conclusion.

their blog is no1game.net

Same here Cate Have a good night!

bandy, got it...go to the site and people are leaving info.

so enter one digit, any digit, and 503 comes up...plug that in and you get "panda error"...does this mean anything to you?

press 1--- ⇒ P503
press 12-- ⇒ A604
press 123- ⇒ PANDA?

P(and)A = 503 + 604 = 1107

I can't get blog to translate?

Hummm? 1107 gives me used #? And thanks Yuki Yuki

Cate I don't get a 503 code to come up with any thing?

cleeever...just noticed 2 digit entry, but never thought of "p" and "a".

thank you yuki yuki!

so bandy, if you enter a single digit, you get "p"503. if you enter 2 digits, you get "a"604.

p AND a error, panda error...so, you add 503 AND 604, hence 1107.

I will try a restart see if that helps?

Ok thats what I needed!!

I'm working on CX20.
I thought about roman numerals, but no result.

OHH Now getting some were!

what does CX20 mean?

Stuck with CX20 also?

yes, bandy, until we aren't...i think everyone is stuck on cx20 now. nomelted, that was a good call. tried to translate the letters to phone pad numbers, but that didn't work.

CX Is 110 but??

CX20 = CLICK 20times

I have an idea, that CX20 as symbols refer to the drawer with green dots. Amount of dots which make up every symbol maybe is an answer.

nomelted, that beats me trying to click each button on that grid to make the letters, like i just tried.

Yuki Yuki, thanks for your help!

man, that was a bit dodgy...thank you yuki...you click the "clear" button 20 times.

Click “CLEAR” 20 times

Hi Meggi you gave us a tough one tonight!!

Yuki Yuki, thanks!

now i can't figure out the yellow paper.

You can turn the yellow paper but the numbers I got don"t work, tried backward but same. I got 4269

I only get half the clue and still have 6098 paper?

yuki yuki, you are the one who has saved the day, can you give us one more nudge on the yellow paper? tried it forwards and backwards, nada.

bandy, click on the blue paper and it twists...read the number upside down and plug them in for the other have of the numbers.

i'm an idiot, the other HALF of the numbers.

type 6098 look at top parts of number on wall panel then type 8609 and look bottom part

OHH Thanks Cate!!

and thanks a lot Yuki Yuki

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Turn the yellow paper.

四 = 4
二 = 2
六 = 6
九 = 9

But 二 is reversed letter.
So, 2 ⇒ 5

yuki yuki, where did you go? we're flailing about here.

thank you Yuki Yuki.

Can someone spoil half #'s from blue paper. All I get is ?398

thank you so much, yuki yuki!

bandy, the first number is 2.

bandy, it's spoiler2378spoiler.

Thank you!!

Hi Clio!!!!

stuck with letters code, try clicking on drawers according shape letters

Shading on arrow and letters gives click order.

Now im struggling with the NZCT. Have pressed the buttons like the letters, and also like the nuts holding the letters but nothing so far.

Clio go from light to dark.

what an absolutely great game! so clever. and thank you yuki yuki for all of your help, particularly the cx20. i'd have been here all night.

thanks Zirc !

Well 2am and over my head on this one! Thanks Cate for Sticking with me LOL

my pleasure, bandy, but don't go just yet! you're almost there.

Thanks Zirc, yuki yuki, cate and co. I would still have been trying to peel the door without all of your help. (still trying to work out the buttons, though..lol)

bandy, look at zirc's hint...the directional arrow fades from light to dark. this gives you the place to start for each letter, and then you're out!

LOL I am going to crash!!

Don't feel badly bandy, its 5pm here, so i have no excuse. lol

again, really enjoyed this and thanks for all of the help...bandy and i were at a bit of an impasse.

LOL Clio 5 o'clock some were ;)

Cate, so do i only use the light bit on the letter N?

yeah, bandy...it's way past our time to snooze and drool. good night!

Clio type only letter Z correctly, others no

clio, you spell, or rather, click, the entire letter, but you start at the point where it is the lightest. make sure you pay attention to the letter "t", as it is right to left.

Thanks seb. Much appreciated.

Thank you cate.

you're welcome, clio...now i'm really out of here. goodnight all.

Night cate. Sleep well.

Thank you everyone for the clues. Could not have done it otherwise!!! ♥♥♥ Thanks No1Games. Fantastic as per usual.

Excellent Game!!! Thank you NO 1! ThxACxo

Hi at all. Whrere is the note cx20? i can not find. Help me please :)

Wonderful game! I would NEVER have been able to get out without all your brilliant hints laurie, cate, bandy, Yuki Yuki and Zirc!

the cx20 clue appears on the wall when you use the yellow paper clue on the 9 green button board.

Found the secret exit... read the clue above the door as you leave.

well done, unknown.

What does that EASTER EGG mean??

here's another solution
After ending 1 (out of the door)
You will see that an arrow from right to left
<-- s"E" L"A" L"E" s"A" m"E" <--
Replay you will find that the red letters can be dragged
That will come to the picture above

From the picture
neglect the A
You will see "3" "3" 11 X "3" --> 3311 x 3 = 9933
Replay --> enter 9933
Another easter egg ending

the c in nzct is 7 clicks

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