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Experiment Room Escape Walkthrough

Experiment Room Escape

GamesBold - Experiment Room Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. You are a criminal, this is already the fifth times you went to prison in the past three years, fed up with the behavior of you, a cop cooperate with a scientist to make you an experiment object, you will be given a biological serum, obviously you rebelled, but when they want to start of experiment, everyone come out of the experiment room, and you're all alone in there, it's time to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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Add black test tube to white chemical to make grey chemical

Jars disappear into center of room 2 where the clear bottle is. Not sure if it is a glitch or on purpose.

Cups disappear in various spots in room 3

Doors in room 2 have different colors if you click below the handles.

SD and flashlight room 3 above fire close to inventory

coins go scene one on glass pane right side

use shovel on dirt pile near left arrow room 3

Do you two get that stupid adobe flash player settings pop up on every room?

Use sd on computer mother boards (if that's what they are) get I think a bottle of water but my inventory is full so I can't pick anything up yet

lamps to room 1

No ads for me

Wrench room 1 close to right arrow

bucket on fire

Frame's room 5 on the windows to the machine

water bottle on fire too

and sand pile on fire

Fishing pole on bomb thing room 6

Bowl goes on white wall room 6 above the oxygen tank

gem into bomb thing

Gem's on table at end of bomb thing room 6

and table left of bomb thing same room another gem

rock breaker in room 7

Green and blue liquid on brown jar in room 4 but didn't remove from inventory

Well I'm moving on to a different game. Randomly trying to find spots for everything is a waste of time. Just as much as clicking deny on that stupid message every time I go to a new room

same here. I wish you could collect everything at least

Does anyone know why I can't play half the games on here. One site said I should use a browser that supports WebGL and to use Firefox, but I am using the most up to date version of FF. I tried it on Chrome also. Is it because of where I am located?

where is white chemical?

PS No ad block on Chrome, but I do have it on FF.

what room for white chemical

I found the white chemical
in Room 3 using the flashlight down right

thank you

sisli have you got 6 colours of the chemicals you then put them in the brown pot in the order that's on the doors in room 2

it's easier then it shows you where to put all the items

I need the purple

I found, in room 5 in a window

I do not remember using batteries
but finishing a game of this developer is a success

how do you open the wooden box on the floor

axe in room 5, up

Hi, How can I pick up the yellow chemical in room 2?

@aridza use the fishing rod

what room is red chemical?

Red X'd it as soon as I realised it's one of those games which covers clickable items with the inventory panels. Why would they do that????!!!

When you mix all chemicals in brown pot, black spots for putting items open. but I can't find place for 2 lamps

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The idea of constantly clicking on items and pixel hunting with them is not a fun game. Awful design and they have gotten worse with each release.

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inge have you put 2 lamps in scene 1 under the counter left side?

tx sisli got it

Greed level too high!
Game quality too low!

Can't play with AdBlock
on, disable it and you're
bombarded with ads and pop-ups!

This maker is permanently
on my NO-GO list!

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