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Medieval Ancient Castle Escape Walkthrough

Medieval Ancient Castle Escape

GamesBold - Medieval Ancient Castle Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. You have a trip to an medieval ancient castle, it'is a large and beautiful castle, full of heritage values, but the has a defense against the enemies of his era, namely those who enter into it he will be locked inside and there will be a puzzle which should be solved by an intruder in order to get out alive, this time to seek to know how to get out of the castle. Good luck and have fun!

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Have hammer, laser machine, liquefier, sands, super glue and cube key. Stuck in room 2, need key. Any hints? Thanks!

well that's a good start can't find the first key :(

The 1st key is hidden in the altar, need to use laser machine after hitting rock with hammer.

Found key to enter room 3. Sadly I don't know where as I was randomly using laser machine and it just appeared in inventory.

Used matches (!) to remove key in room 3.

where is the laser machine can't see anything like that in room one

canderella, did you remove the rock yet? I thought the laser was under the rock, but might have been concealed somewhere else.

rock doesn't move in fact nothing moves

did you smack the rock with the hammer?

well the key has now shown up in my invent

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i havn't got the hammer just done a lot of clicking along the walls and it showed up

Hammer is hidden partially by inventory bar, blended in with the arches

Scene 2 key just above red thing by the door and below the black circle. It blended very well with the brick. I had to zoom in 250%

JenJen, I'm stuck in room 4, any hints? There is a tricky keyhole that I have tried all of my inventory items on to no avail. thanks!

Maximom not there yet. Still can't get the key off the painting in room 3

I have to find the matches still. There is a skull key under where the clocks go in room 3 maybe that's what you need. you can barely see the corner of a gold thing and that's the key

thanks JenJen....the skull key opens the keyhole that then gives you the key for the next room. Did you find the screwdriver yet in room 3? I believe that once you use it on the shield in room 1, you will have the matches (I think)

Skull key gives room key in 4

Yeah I'm on my way to room 5 just placing items.

Room 5 key on chair below triangle to the right of the ovals you place.

Made it to final room, placed all objects. Will stick around if anyone needs hints.

I guess we need a knife to get the key in room 5? If so I can't find it.

I finally got that pesky X key. I only clicked it 40 times. haha

Key in 5 - use your existing inventory items - I think the liquefier was used

thanks for hamer hint never would have noticed that

Hmmm I have super glue no liquifier

Ummm that was really odd. I used the cube key on it (again) and that did the trick I could pick it up. This game is odd and annoying! I'm really sick of the allow gamesbold to store information on your computer. Again that will never happen.

There were items hidden on top of the shields in room 2...I know the liquefier was on one sheild. Did you look under the shield in room 1 with the s/d?

Yup I sure did. Thank you btw for the help

You know I clicked on that darn shield a ton earlier when I was stuck in that room. Never got that liquefier. I'm really over it with this game. It seems like I have to keep going back and forth and clicking the same thing that I know I should be able to pick up numerous times before I can actually pick it up.

great game that hammer will haunt me for a while:)

Happy to help! These games are very quirky and can be frustrating. I like to catch them live so I can ask for help. There are never video w/t so you have to rely on the hints.

How many rooms are there? I used the liquefier on that box in the window and the box disappeared.

JenJen, if gamesbold would cool it with all the ads and trying to run another game at the same time below this one, I think the game would be more responsive and we wouldn't have to click so much.

JenJen, there are 7 rooms. That box was there for no good reason other than to perplex.

Well I'm stuck in 6 with X key sand glue matches S/D gun and cube

I believe the key you need was in the window alcove in the middle without the visible window.

In sight or do I need a tool? I was just zoomed in 500% before seeing your comment and didn't see it anywhere

Hmmm...I may have to replay, my memory is a little hazy. Give me a few minutes.....

Don't replay I've had enough of this goose chase I'm moving on to a different game

Gave it one more chance. Used sand on torch and there was the key

I got out Thank you again!

OK, here we go Use the sand from room 2 on the partially concealed torch, you get a broken key. And the box we removed concealed a pot.

Well, actually replaying only took about 2 minutes because I knew where everything was! See you next time!

I am stuck in room 1. there is no hammer anywhere I can find. Could someone be more specific as to where it is? Left, right? middle?

"Maximom 5/13/16, 7:17
Hammer is hidden partially by inventory bar, blended in with the arches"

1 room: find a hammer, smash stone and apply laser on the altar.
2 room: take a keychain from white shield, split a bottle, take key (on the wall next to the red button - 1 inch to the right), glue, take the «liquifier" from red shield with white x
3 room: take sd (apply on the shield in 1 room), take key from painting (apply matches). Take key-skull from table, under sandclock.
Room 5: apply keychain for key on the Chair, take the x-key.
Room 6: apply sand on the torch, glue for key, dissolve box on the window (liquifier)
7 room: sd for the shield

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I understand needing ads but they shouldn't be covering the play area. I have an ad covering the bottom portion of the play area. sucks

I have the skull key, still stuck in room 3. Can't get key to get out of room 3

between ads covering the game play and the teeny pixel hunt, I give up

onward to better games

missing only 1 umbrella. Searched everything but can't find it. I am afraid it is hidden under the invetory space....

there is a sneaky umbrella just under invent bar on the wood of the four poster bed.

3 room: take sd (apply on the shield in 1 room), take key from painting (apply matches).

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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