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Abandoned New Year Party Escape Walkthrough

Abandoned New Year Party Escape

GamesBold - Abandoned New Year Party Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. New Year's party was about to be held, a group of adventurers want to hold it in an abandoned old building, apparently they wanted to find a different atmosphere at this newyear party. Unfortunately they were even caught in it and could not get out unless solve the mystery of the old building. Good luck and have fun!

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Wow... no keys and the objetc's positions marked already? They have really softened up with the Christmas Spirit or something! LOL

Yes, must be a present for the seasons... Out without problems, only a couple sneaky items, but everything in plain sight, or almost. Thank you GB!

I've placed all the items.... how do you get out?

i guess I'm missing one flying sauser...

i guess I'm missing one flying sauser...

I've placed all the items.... how do you get out?

there are two flying saucers that go in the room with the crosses. There is one sneaky flying saucer in the really messy room between the bed and the dresser a bit to the right of the opened drawer on the floor. it's really small.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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