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Escape Game: Medieval Palace Escape Walkthrough

Escape Game: Medieval Palace Escape

FirstEscapeGames - FEG Escape Game: Medieval Palace Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by First Escape Games. Assume that you were visiting a palace that was built in the medieval period. While you were inside the palace, you found that you are trapped inside it as the door is closed. Now, you need to find a way to open the door in order to escape from the palace. Relate objects cleverly and solve puzzles to escape from the medieval palace. Good luck and have fun!

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Going in!

I think there's a bug in the puzzle in the window. He tried to mount the shield, but could not move the 2 top parts. Now I can no longer zoom into it.

I mean right side of window, not on window.

Goldoins go into the bucket in your inventory (once you get it) and having a hard time with the sword on right lower wall that has something to do with 12 am 9pm 6am 3 pm clue in book

The clock times are for the green buttons on the chest in scene 1.

yeah- 6 gold coins go in bucket. Bucket hands on chain over fire. Ladle the gold out into the key mould. Sword to release it- open the chest

slider puzzle is incredibly fiddly

I guess I found a place to input 4 numbers in 1st scene but cannot find it again!

Roberto- crate above the chest you use th egold key on

but my number doesn't work there!

ah- I see what I've done wrong but can't find one of the numbers again

Now got the two pieces which go in the final eagle but can't find how to unite them

ah- the glue

OK- now out- thgat was muich harder and way way better than I ever expected

Thanks enzed!

4 number in last scene are used in S2 = coin
Place gold coins on bucket to melt and make a key

Hi Gika! Where are you from?

Found a lot of numbers. None works in 1st scene. Added all them up, but still nada!

Can't take bucket after placing it above fire.

Hi Roberto! I am from Brazil but I live in California

Clownspike- you don't need to remove the bucket afterwards- use the ladle

Oh! Nice! I´m brazilian too!

Roberto- you need to place the 4 shapes to make the numbers work, but ironically they don't where you think they should (or where I told you, but I did answer your question correctly!!!!)

I have 4 items in inventory but don´t know where to use them.

let me know if you need me to add more detail

I have a pentagon with a sun, a shape identical those from levers, a trident and a Z.

Right hand side of scene 3, near the candles and shield if they are the right objects

Roberto que legal :)

There is a hot spot by right navigation arrow in scene where you place bucket, I've place some items there

numbers have the same shapes pf my items.

You mean the clogs thing?

Clowspike The ladle that Enzed mentioned is in scene 2 low left

no- above there. some + signs

are you out Gika?

wow! So hidden! Thanks.

I´m out Thanks for the help!

Enzed I think I am almost out haha

The numbers you get from shapes is not for crate but for levers instead.

cool Roberto

and I am out too. Thanks for the hints :)

fantastic Gika- speak to you next time

I need Glue..

ok, glue is with 2947

I found the slider puzzle very fiddly, but otherwise it was a good game!
Look carefully - some of the items/hotspots are well hidden!

Really clever game even if the slider was fiddly and annoying. Loved the puzzles in this one. Thanks FEG!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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