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Hooda Escape: Trump Tower Walkthrough

Hooda Escape: Trump Tower

HoodaMath - Hooda Escape: Trump Tower is another point and click type room escape game created by Selfdefiant for Hooda Math. You live on the 43rd floor at Trump Tower. You thought today was your day off but it turns out it's not! Security has been tight since Trump won the election. Now you must figure out how to escape Trump Tower so you can get to work. Good luck and have fun!

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alrighty then!

       Anonymous  12/7/16, 4:58 AM  

Hang on, you work on the 43rd floor, but you have to escape the tower to get to work?

Well, I am getting no where. Don't understand any of the clue and can't find any items.

First Trump game ! He eats cats ?

You can also go up in the elevator.

found a bobby pin for the door but have no idea how to open it.

should have said have no idea how the puzzle works.

Three more test bricks to finish the test wall.....I like your sense of humor SD.

Up in the elevator and down twice then take the stairs for more levels.

finally got that door open. I need a screwdriver for the first scene and for the roof vent. Did you find one?

LOL this game is ridiculous. SD is in the box in the cat lady's condo. hint is under the flower pot outside her door

Combine the clue at the shop with the bench, then use it on briefcase next to bench.

I don't understand how the red/black grid works with the cat ladies room???Can you spoil it please?

Find Trump Fashions on 27 - the flamingos give the hint for the arrows on the purse on the bench outside the shop. That was the first thing I could do...leads to more.

Did the flamingos. I really need that screwdriver, but can't relate the grid to the box.
Can anyone help me understand this?

I am stuck with glue and a pastry.

Same here Jenny. Don't get the red/black grid. Will try to shove the pastry under D-man's door.

The glue seems to be oil - used it on the drawer in the start scene.
Don't understand the red/black hint

Oil goes on drawer in your room. Gets you colour code.

I gave the pastry to the man on the roof and he moved so I can get to the helicopter.

I need money for the shop, money for a coffee, screwdriver and hint for grid in start scene. etc.

LOL, thanks for the OIL.

I liked this game. Thank you SD

Any help on word?

POTUS anagram?

I just put in POTUS and box opened.

Did anyone figure out the 5#'s for the cat ladies room yet?

I think this is supposed to be inescapable and illogical...just like Trump being elected.

POP got it.

I did everything, opened everything but where is the key to the helicopter??

POP again, I forgot about the kitty. behind the chair where trump is.
Leaving now.

I just stole Trumps helicopter.

for red and black paper clue. Start at the bottom left and count how many red squares until you hit a black square. Then continue. How many more red squares until you hit the next black square. Keep going until you have a five digit number.

Red & Black Grid;

Follow arrow upwards R,L,R etc.
Count reds between blacks.

       Anonymous  12/7/16, 6:07 AM  

trash! obscure clues and frustrating

Can't find the last gold brick. Nothing left in inventory. Any clues ?

for red and black paper clue. Start at the bottom left and count how many red squares until you hit a black square. Then continue. How many more red squares until you hit the next black square. Keep going until you have a five digit number.

"Potus" did it in the fashion shop, missed a spot.

This game was meant to be more difficult. :) Thanks everyone!!!

Thank you for the good game SD ! I really enjoyed it. The red/black grid was tricky, thx for all the clues.

For anyone who didn't know, POTUS stands for President of the United States. See, this site is educational. ;)

Can't get the three-digit-clue. Thought it would be the "LIE" in the "BELIEVE"-poster in pr-room, but neither 317 nor 713 will do. The box just tells me, that I'm still clueless ;)

where is the hint for door to roof and a hint for 3 numbers box (I thought the word lie on one of the posters is hint for that)?

Use binoculars.

POP, now I used quarter on binoculars in room with wiss universe, and there was 3 numbers clue

Oh, and I can't find the quarter too...

Can't figure out the code in black key room or how to open the door to the roof...

POP... got the quarter

POP for door for roof: click until you see a part of "switch" in the yellow/black sections

12522013 isn't working...

mel: "13" at the end is not correct.

I thought this was great - funny and hard! Thanks SD.

Also thanks Urban for the door roof :-)

Thanks Janet, people wanted a bigger more difficult game and I always try to deliver. If most players knew the time I take to make games it would blow their mindz. :)

@ps238principal, it says you "live" on the 43rd floor. You don't work for Trump, you work down on Wall Street. :)

I was somewhat disappointed when the cat wasn't sitting on Trump's head acting as a toupee.

This one was great.
Lost my time searching for anagrams...

Cannot believe that you have elevated Trump to star on your website ..VERY Disappointed with your choice ..aghast with his policies and prejudices.. Lyndy N.IRELAND

Great game - and very funny. Haven't chuckled so much at a game in ages. Thanks.

I loved this game! I asked for more of a challenge and you sure did deliver! Thanks SD!

If I don't play this game will that count as protesting against Trump? Ahh I'll play anyway. Murica!

Walkthrough anyone? I prefer a w/t rather than trying to comb through the comments, as I usually see something I wasn't even contemplating yet.

Who would want to escape Trump Tower?

That was a really good game that had some pretty funny tongue-in-cheek humor. I liked that the puzzles were a little more difficult and that there was a LOT more to do in this one than in more recent SD Hooda games. Good Job SD!!!

@Cyndee: Here's an abbreviated walkthrough. It's hard to do a real walkthrough without room numbers, so I'll just give you the floor to go to.

43: Talk to man holding newspaper - get color/number clue
43: Look under purple potted plant - get red/black square clue - count red squares starting from the bottom right - You get 24357.
43: In neighbor's apartment - there is a blue box under the table - use 24357 code - get screwdriver.
27: Far right room, click on lock to guitar case - use color/number code from man with newspaper (4638) - get guitar.
27: In 'Trump Fashions' look at Flamingo pictures and notice direction eyes are facing - Go to blue purse on bench outside store and press R D L U D R D L - get hairpin.
27: Note sign on wall - Red White Blue Green
58: Give Guitar to Cowboy - Get Hunting Bow
58: On wall outside Trump's Office, zoom in on picture - note red letters 'POTUS'
58: Exit door next to coffee machine, use hairpin to pick lock and go to the roof. To do this, you must maneuver each tumbler so that it just fills the empty slot. Click the bottom row, left to right, 1 3 3 and 2 times, and the top row 2 3 2 and 1 times.
Roof: Use screwdriver on vent - get a gold bar
31: At Dry Cleaning, give bow to attendant - get Gold Key
31: At bench to the left of the Dry Cleaning, note colors on bench. Click on briefcase under bench - combine sign clue from store with color clue on bench - U R D L - Get a quarter.
31: Use Gold Key to get into 'Trump R&D' - man needs 3 gold bars - click on box and get bottle of oil
27: Go back to 'Trump Fashions', on the shelf behind the attendant there is a brown box - input 'POTUS' - Get another Gold Bar
43: Go back to start room and use oil on the stuck drawer - click on the hat a couple times to see color clue - use that color clue to open the pink box with the 4x4 color grid puzzle in the same room - Get $20
58: Put $20 into coffee machine - get coffee
31: Go to 'Trump PR' - give coffee to woman - get Rose
58: Go to far left room - give Rose to Miss Universe - Get Black Key - Use Quarter on binoculars - get 3# clue (count number of points on stars ) - 583
43: Go to locked door near 'Trump-Pence' posters - use black key - Click on wall picture and note 'TRUMP" and "T=1" clues - input code from clues - 1 25 2 20 23 - get last gold bar
31: Go back to 'Trump R&D' - give man 3 gold bricks - get legal contract.
27: Go to kitchen at far left - click on red box - input code from binoculars - 583 - get pastry
58: Go to Trump's office - give him contract - get fired... - click on chair on left - get neighbor's cat
43: Give cat to neighbor - get helicopter key
Roof: Give pastry to guard - guard will let you pass - use keys on helicopter - win

Good game. Would have given it 5 stars, but I thought the red/black squares clue was too vague; still cannot see how you were supposed to figure out that you were meant to work your way up weaving from L to R.

Like it! Truth & News. We certainly don't get the truth from reading/watching the news!

Late at all, but even if there had been the worst puzzles ever I'd given the game five stars just for the black humour. Six if there had been Peke's suggestion with the cat whig.

Liked it though that the puzzles were harder this time. Great, great game, thanks, and keep on smiling for the next four years!

Great game SD. You're not fired! lol

       Anonymous  12/8/16, 5:23 AM  

I'm playing late - a SD/HM with 66 comments - that will be interesting, esp. the topic ;-Þ - let's see...

thx for this game, SD/HM ☺

       Anonymous  12/8/16, 5:56 AM  

LOL great game, harder than usual, but that's good

thx F1 for the usefull WT ☺

I wouldn't have worked out the puzzle with the red and black squares without help! Otherwise I enjoyed having a longer game, and that it was a little more challenging than the last Hooda games. Thanks a lot SD :-)

Great game, SD, and very funny! Thanks!

I liked the longer game with a bit more difficult puzzles, too. Thanks for the work you do, SD.

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out with a little help from the wt

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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