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Mountain House Escape 4 Walkthrough

Mountain House Escape 4

Games4King - G4K Mountain House Escape 4 is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Assume that you are trapped inside a lonely house in a mountain. As it is the only house in the mountain, you can’t seek for any help from others. You have to escape yourself from the mountain house. So use your puzzle solving skills to collect the necessary items to escape from the mountain house. Good luck and have fun!

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A live one.

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for the 4343 puzzle. the #s under it are:



Well stuck with 4 orange buttons and 2 color puzzle pieces?

The bees go on the tree above the frogs.

bandy, buttons go to screen give no's for slider

I have 4 puzzle pieces but no place to put them.

I haven't seen a clue for the pink buttons/circular puzzle.

Good game) Logical)

Yvonne screen ?

One of the buttons is clickable, Bandy. Then you place 4 buttons in the black screen that appears.

4 puzzle going into a scene with another color puzzle (crystals to go) to the left, dark place.

Puzzle pieces go on the left side of what looks like a slider type puzzle.

I haven't seen a clue for the fish either.

OHHH Thanks Bear now I see!

Thank you, Nafanja and Sunshine.

puzzle pieces go in the room at back of slider room

Colors for buttons to push in color (many colors) puzzle. Then will be the color for the buttons.

All congratulations on the occasion!) Sorry, you have to leave.

Thanks, yvonne. That outline was very hard for me to see.

bandy :)

Thank you Yvonne I had a duh moment LOL

sneaky colour code it seems LOL

If you have trouble with the color grid. In each column from left to right, counting from the top down, click buttons 32154.

The squares/buttons*.

That was a fun game Thanks for the help and Thanks G4K

cant do colour code?
tried top down and horizontal positions?
having a duh moment it seems LOL

Drop do you mean the large color grid?

NVM did sliders and solved..

All good Mr Clown LOL

Cool I knew you could do it!! LOL :P

Annoying! Been loading for over 5 min.

It just won't load, tried 4 times now.

think it the damn ads..
some just dont work correctly

Thanks for the number hint at 10.37 - it works, but I have no idea why. Anyone know?

I don't understand the logic (?) of this game at all. Gobbledygook to me.

OK,so looked at walkthrough to try to see why those numbers work - it still doesn't make any sense.

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I hate mouse-thief ads

Clodagh ,must be folded in two rows 10-37.4- comments on this rasklydyvaetsya more and have menshe.To-3 + 1 = 4, 3 in a higher or lower number can be expanded by only 2 + 1 = 3 and t. d.

Nice game, thank you Games4King!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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