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New Year 2017 Escape Walkthrough

New Year 2017 Escape

GamesBold - New Year 2017 Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. Happy new year 2017, everyone enjoyed the atmosphere of the new year, hopefully in 2017 will be better for us all. Good luck and have fun!

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Stoopid. Don't waste your time.

Absolutely the WORST game ever made.

one frame and one cocktail in room one
two napkins and a frame in room two
four pillows and three frames in room three
four pillows room four
five wines glasses and two cocktails in room five
five masks in room six
three tea cups in room seven
so far........

I could place the pillows, but don't know where anything else goes and my inventory is full!

I was able to place masks on white table at each place

giving up--this isn't fun.

have two cocktails left over and one wine glass but missing one object

one frame and one cocktail room one
four napkins and one frame room two
three frames four pillows room three
four pillows two cocktails room four
five wine glasses two cocktails room five
six masks room six
four teacups and four ceramics room seven
and stuck

room 1: 1 cocktail, 1 picture frame

room 2: 4 napkins, 1 cocktail, 1 picture frame

room 3: 4 sofa pillows, 3 picture frame, 1 cocktail (On the other corner of the center sofa)

room 4: 4 sofa pillows, 2 cocktails

room 5: 5 wine glasses, 2 cocktails

room 6: 6 masks

room 7: 5 teacups, 4 ceramics (on the stool)

I need to put a glass of wine, and I have lost some object, I only have 44

What is missing is a teacup, because you can put one more in room 7

do you remember if there were any sneaky tea cups lying around?

@Amy: There were a few really small teacups on the table in room 6. There was one particularly small one that I had to click several times before it went into my inventory.

I'm also at 44/45 with a Wine Glass left to place.

Thank you Forgotten One - I had one small teacup hiding under a mask I placed earlier - found it because your clue had me searching that table!

Found the last wine glass location.

It's in the same scene with the other glasses. Place it at the very bottom of the scene, roughly centered between the two drawers.

Thank you, the last tea cup and the place for the last wine glass were the clues I needed.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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