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Abandoned Dark House Escape Walkthrough

Abandoned Dark House Escape

GamesBold - Abandoned Dark House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. A tourist want to visit a mysterious house that has been abandoned for years and reportedly inhabited by invisible creatures. When he came, he found something very quiet, like he was in a different place, and when he realize, he had to find a way out of the house. Good luck and have fun!

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Hmmmmm have collected stuff and cant find anywhere to put them now.Stuck

reaper, there's a puzzle in the last scene. You also have to find the hint in each scene. Also, there is a password for the computer hidden in several scenes. Once you have done the puzzle the outlines for the objects should appear. There is a video w/t if you get stuck.

Ok got it. have to solve numbers first.

Another finishable game. You need to find the clue hotspot in each room that will give you hints to the final puzzle (use the tab key). Once you click on the hotspot in each scene, another hotspot will appear in scene 7 (you need to leave scene 7, then come back) where you can solve the puzzle and the open slots for the various items will appear.

This game also has another interesting puzzle; a computer in scene 4 that when you plug in the code from the various letters/numbers that appear in the scenes, it gives you the formula for the final code.

Gamesbold running 2017 count - 5 for 9 - 56% and climbing.

This one wasn't bad. Able to finish on my own. Puzzle was solvable and no weirdly hidden objects. Hopefully they will continue to improve.

@forgotten one, I am replaying abandoned spooky house escape to see if I can find all the pieces again and bring the playable games count up by one.

@forgotten one, played spooky house twice more and failed to find a final statue. However I did find a blue flask which liquified the box in room 6 (but had nothing behind it)

@Anita: Thanks for going back and checking. I want to give GB the benefit of the doubt that they are trying to improve and that game seemed like it was so close to being finishable.

apart from the number puzzle, the rest was rather boring

One round gold disc/bowl was missing. Replaying so that I can finish....

Ah, I size the window to block out flashing ads, and I think I'd cut the bottom part from view. All pieces accounted for!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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