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Real World Escape 189 - Energy Walkthrough

Real World Escape 189 - Energy

SniffMouse - Real World Escape 189: Energy is another point and click room escape game developed by Sniff Mouse. There is a man trapped in the room with you who is out of energy. Try to cheer him up and he will help you to get 12 sniffmouse icons that will help you to unlock the exit and escape from the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Yay!!! Thank you Guntars!!

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That mirror clue is driving me crazy... Tried a lot of combinations but none was right

First is left, don't know others

Urban me too cannot work out clue either

the clue is for the upper box ... then think about the mirror effect

Sorry, Sniffmouse, I even watched your walkthrough and did it exactly the same and I still don't get it.

ohh maybe you are thinking about the lipstick mirror clue...
You get the numbers, then go to the clue that is behind the painting and see the order of combination

Maggie which puzzle you were unable to solve?

yay, a live one! Thank you guntars!

It finally worked. You have to click one side twice. from white to blue to white again. Why that is the combo I don't know. Doesn't make sense to me.

The lipstick on the mirror shows how to use the clue you unlocked with the black key.

@sniff: I had to check the walktrough and red/white box doesn't work for me. i'll restart

Maggie there is white and a very pale yellow.
Two different colours.
Yellow is the one after black.

Urban, do you mean the green dials?

Austen64, it looks white on my computer. lol

Ah, I'm replaying as well to take another look at red/white boxes. Didn't work for me either.

Hmm did you notice that the second color is not white? It is a bit yellow

Sniffmouse, it was the cube. Austen64 pointed out there was a pale yellow color, except it looked white on my computer. The color variation is so slight, it makes it difficult to differentiate it from the white. I even restarted to check it and still, with the yellow and white, side by side, it is not easy, for me, to distinguish the two colors.

Refreshing for a third try.

Sorry for that, reuploaded the game. Now the second color is really yellow

That was hard with cube but enjoyed game thanks Guntars !!

@sniffmouse: I see white, it doesn't look like a shade of yellow. But now that you told us that actually is a different color I solved that box

And more colours appeared. Thank you Sniff for changing the settings.

On my computer, the yellow and white look so similar as to be pretty much the same. The only way I was able to identify them was "the white that comes after black" and "the white that comes after blue".

what to do with the colored paper?

Forgotten One sorry to you as well, fixed that already... so the other players will get a new colors with clearly difference, or if you will refresh the game, then you will get a new version as well

napali66, some worms eat everything .... don't they? try that.

Thank you, Sniffmouse, for making the change. I appreciate you listening to our concerns. A+

The new version of the colors looks much better. Thanks for being really proactive with fixing game issues Sniffmouse.

forgot about the worm!!! thank you arrieNL

sorry i am stuck on the fishing giraffes. need help. saw clue on the couch, but no idea

I am doing that all the time :) at least I am trying to make games for you, not for myself

Napali66 you need to see both halves of the giraffe clue.
The second half comes from the colour cubes.

the colour cubes are left of the tv.

so i fed the worm and i have one cube? where do i get another one

pop. got it

pop. got it

A bit tougher than normal, I like it! And no pixel hunt! Thank you Sniffmouse.


After grabbing Sniff1 from his regulation spot by the door your mousehunt starts in earnest.
Lots of things to play with but none of them do anything, not a Sniff in sight and the guy is too tired to help so you settle down to watch TV.
Even that won’t work so you search the room again until you find the remote in the window.
Which Eejit put it there?
The news seems to have been mixed up with an educational show but after a bit of head scratching you figure out the system and open the panel by the door.
With Sniff2 in the bag you grab the black key and head for the padlock by the window.
A nice bunch of goodies await you behind that panel: Sniff3, the hint for the four green dials and the best sound effect in escape games.
After a fruitless twiddle with the dials you do what you should have done five minutes ago and lippy the mirror.
Sniff4 joins his pals and you set off to find something to cut with your shiny new scissors.
That grass by the window looks a little high and a trim reveals Sniff5 and a bottle.
You can’t find anywhere to fill the bottle so you set it down on the holder under the TV.
Oh look! There’s Sniff6 and a marker pen.
A bit of graffiti on the painting rewards you with Sniff7 and a drink can.
Maybe some Sniff Energy will put some fuel in Dozy’s tank.
It sure does and now that he is wired he rewards you with Sniff8 and.... a wire!
Quite why you decide to shove the wire into the electrical socket after several warnings will forever remain a mystery but at least you now have Sniff9 (and burned fingers!).
Now that you have blown all the fuses you can see that the lamp by the couch holds a piece of paper.
The paper doesn’t seem much use until you remember that in your original sweep of the room you came across a worm who said he would eat anything (sounds more like a Labrador to me!).
Sure enough he chomps most of the colours off the paper leaving you with the clue to the colour cubes by the TV.
Now you have Sniff10, the ff and one half of a clue.
Combining that clue with the other half from the side of the sofa you fiddle about with the fishing giraffes until you force them to cough up Sniff11.
A quick ffing of the wall snaffles you your final Sniff and you gleefully head out of the door, say thank you to Guntars for another excellent game and rate him 5 out of 5.

Still not getting the lipstick mirror clue:

Looking in the mirror: 1 is at the bottom, closest to the window.
2 is diagonal up (close to painting), 3 is acros the top, and 4 is what's left. Going to the painting/window I get DRUL. The correct answer is LURD. The corners are mirrored, but the dial positions should be as you view them without the mirror.

Oooh, loved this one. Thanks Guntars!

       Anonymous  1/25/17, 4:53 AM  

giraffe puzzle
(saw them already in an older Sniffmouse game...)


3=the tallest


Yeah, I noticed the same thing as Anita. So I decided that this time the mirror didn't show the actual mirrored positions, but just the lipstick drawing which you can take with you like a paper to the opposite wall -- and it was just a coincidence that it was drawn over the object in the mirror. That's kind of logical as well, isn't it?

       Anonymous  1/25/17, 4:56 AM  

thx Guntars for yet another great game ☺
very enjoyable!

Might be the best game this week.

       Anonymous  1/25/17, 10:19 AM  

TV code: multiply, then add, then subtract: 2091

worst ever

That was a bit of a toughie, thanks Guntars!

Guntars that was way too hard for me but thanks to Austen I finished the game Thank you Austin xx Great Walkthrough Thanks Guntars for the very hard Game lol

Cube and giraffe clues were strange.

The hardest one for me was the giraffe clue, needed you tube walkthrough to get it right.
If you only need that piece here's a clicking order SPOILER


Great game - thanks. Did anyone else wish they could have plugged the guy into the electrical socket instead? That would have given him some energy

I like. :-)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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