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Abandoned Zetland Hospital Escape Walkthrough

Abandoned Zetland Hospital Escape

GamesBold - Abandoned Zetland Hospital Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Bold. A relative of a patient got lost in a hospital, and left objects to be solved so he could return home. Good luck and have fun!

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Unable to place largest crystal in room 3. Please leave a hint if you figure out how to place it.

I have the same issue. Also missing one last statue for last scene.

jkeerie, there was a sneaky statue in room 3, possibly hiding behind one of the crystal outlines, at least that is how I remember it.

Game is bugged. The 4th Crystal in Room 3 cannot be placed, so game in unfinishable.

@jkeerie: The last Statue you are looking for is probably the one that is mostly obscured by the slot for the Crystal that cannot be placed in Room 3.

Maximom and Forgotten One...thank you for the last statue pointer. Unfortunately, as both of you I cannot place the final crystal. Once again Gamesbold has reverted to its lesser nature and disappointed with a frustrating, unfinishable game. Oh, well....

Where is the key for room 4 please

For room 6 sorry

       Anonymous  6/14/17, 11:31 PM  

thx for the warning - won't play then

Cant find key to move on from room 3

1 star

anyone still here? stuck in room 5 :(

I'll just sit here and twiddle my thumbs till help arrives ....

Why do they do it?

Clownspike- because too many gullible fools play their pathetic attempts at games. I'm more interested in how they convince enough people to give them more than one star. At the end of the day the best of their output is repetitive drivel, the rest is unfinishable.

Room 5 requires the key you found with the flashlight in a previous room.

Bob, I couldn't find that one either, but go back to room 2 and look a little closer at the beds.

where is key for room 3. unable to locate it

where is key for room 3. unable to locate it

@ Unknown 6/15/17, 5:24 AM, I just reloaded the game and a key appeared where there was no key before... buggy game, no idea where to use hammer or flashlight, not seeing anything to change my mind about 1 starrng this game.

       Anonymous  6/15/17, 9:38 AM  

Largest crystal is still buggy and there is another bug. I can get an arca on top of door in the same room.

For once, I have something to add - living in North America, I seldom if ever have the opportunity to play games live, which I don't mind, but which makes me more discreet than I would otherwise be, on this site where I've been playing for something like a decade now.

GamesBold: I've been playing your games with pleasure for several months, not that I find them particularly challenging, but because I find them relaxing as compared to other mind-twisters (sometimes even so far-fetched in their enigmas that nobody in their own right minds could pretend having succeeded in deciphering their intent, but that's not my point here), and I've grown accustomed to playing your games and looking for a little help from my friends on this site when I was stuck, which was frequent... but in the last ten days or so, (as you can see I'm more accommodating than enzed, even though I quite understand his drift) all I've seen from you developers is trash, as if you had decided that quality had no importance in maintaining the support you get from your regular players. Today I tried for the third time to play this game and to go further than room 3. Never been able to locate that wretched key!!! The second time, I thought my problem might be linked to adblock, so I turned it off - nothing doing. The third time, I thought that the problem came from Flash not being updated, so when Flash sent me an upgrade, I tried once again, to no avail! Had I been the only one to have such a problem with your game, I probably would have said that my pc was responsible, but since everybody on eg24 had exactly the same problem, and since the problem was never fixed after having been pointed out very blatantly, and by a score of players, some 72 to 84 hours after your posting the game, I can only deplore what I see as being negligence, I'm sorry to say.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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