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Escape Challenge 55: Room with Strawberry Cake Walkthrough

Escape Challenge 55: Room with Strawberry Cake

TomoLaSiDo - Escape Challenge 55: Room with Strawberry Cake Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by TomoLaSiDo. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by AlphaOmega ΑΩ]

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Get 15 cake for perfect end

Looks like a language barrier- there isn't!

I do like these!

I was stuck on one thing until I used a video walkthrough:

Hfr gur pybpx naq gur pnyraqne gbtrgure.

       Anonymous  4/14/18, 10:10 PM  

thx for posting, Escapist

when I played the first time, I somehow managed to get number hint from machine by clicking a lot on the start button

but in the replay (for making a list of all cakes), I couldn't reproduce my actions, as I couldn't figure out, what exactly triggers the appearance of the number...

anyway, thx for creating this game, Tomo ☺

Anyone got a hint for clicking the four squares?

Dean, the numbers on the TV is hint for 4-squares.

Thanks Lisa. I was too busy watching the pretty pictures to even notice the numbers :)

Do you get a dessert from the big red box? If so, how?I've got the ball, but I've only got 14/15 desserts, so I'm guessing there's one in there.

       Anonymous  4/15/18, 1:57 AM  

replayed a 3rd time & now I got the number from the machine that you put at right side, too

I think, with the start button, I moved the dot to the ball pic, but not sure at all if it's the trigger...
(mayhaps the revealed Japan. hint is more important than you think)

       Anonymous  4/15/18, 2:01 AM  

exploring more (i.e. replayed 1 more time) & this time I clicked start button, when dot was on ball & on cake pic - got the number, too

btw, you can bf the puzzles (hence quick replays ☻)

SPOILER 2nd number


       Anonymous  4/15/18, 2:03 AM  

mayhaps I need to hit 3x the ball pic...?
(on the note you can see a 3 - still don't speak Japanes ☻)

       Anonymous  4/15/18, 2:04 AM  

& it seems English neither ;-Þ

That was excellent, thanks!

What was the meaning of
on the calendar big square?

And what we did erase on the table? I managed out without those two hints.

       Anonymous  4/15/18, 3:22 AM  

as it's a calendar, it's the 15th & 22th day (means nothing else)

& still dunno what Japan. note means...

       Anonymous  4/15/18, 4:35 AM  

15 cakes

- table
- 5 from left glass CB
- right drawer
- 2x2 button CB door (hint on TV)
- 5 from right glass CB (hint on assembled clock, missing buttons from calendar)
- machine (right side to turn it on, hint on paper on table, then play again - unfortunately never found out how exactly - for 2nd number to put in)
- calendar

After you win the key by spinning the wheel, keep playing and eventually a 4-digit code will appear next to the dispenser. Enter this code to the right like you did with the first code and spin again.

Where's the hint for the bottom left cupboard, 3 vertical colors?

The stripes on the walls, except the bottom one isn't brown?

PIXEL HUNT: Right side of zoomed red box machine

I'm missing a 15th cake, where is it?

So, I tried clicking start a few times and their seens to be a pattern....still dont know what.

Well, in the walkthrough video the person clicks start many times until a number appears but it doensnt work for me.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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