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Aboriginal Old Man Rescue Walkthrough

Aboriginal Old Man Rescue

Games2Jolly - G2J Aboriginal Old Man Rescue Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly. In the middle of a dense forest, there live the native people of that country (present majority population of that country are modern immigrants from surrounding developing countries), who still follow an ancient lifestyle. A group of those immigrant guys teamed up to eliminate those aboriginal people. Therefore they kidnapped their leader and locked him up in a cave. Help him to get back to his tribe, or else the evil group will take over their land. Good luck and have fun!

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Going great then switch won't go in (it does in W/T)

for me the switch went in but then the colors would not work...so there is no way to continue

The red switch doesn't work for me either, no matter where I drag it on the outlet.

The puzzle's not for the color sliders - check around for something else that changes color.

had to drop my switch in lower left of outlet screen for it work (zoomed in view). dropping anywhere else on outlet or top left didn't work for me.

hammer needs to be just on switch for me as well. Not above or to the side

and out... good except for the drag and drop locations. Thanks!

The "music" is horrible!!!!!

I dragged my switch in the lower right of the outlet screen and it worked for me.

color code doesn't work and that dubstep is awful

What was up with this music? Was it supposed to be like this? I thought that my speakers or sound card have died. Unbearable noise. And it's not that I love panflutes and christmas songs, I have done very noisy music myself.

stones left of door in cage change colours

at the place where you think you need a screwdriver the torch is useful

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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